Howe Park School

01908 526294



In Year 1 and 2 in Howe Park School we teach the National Curriculum 2014 in a creative way. We plan a variety of exciting topics which link the different subjects together, teaching children the required skills and knowledge. Each topic starts with a WOW session, which is aimed at launching the unit and capturing the children’s imagination. To make the learning relevant, cross-curricular links are made wherever possible and children are encouraged to apply skills from all areas to complete real-life challenges and investigations. All the topics have an end product which celebrates what the children have learnt. This may involve a presentation to the class, a sharing session with families or an assembly to the school.

Alongside the topics we teach the content of the Locally Agreed Syllabus for R.E. Each child also takes part in a Personal, social, health and economic education understanding lesson each week. (SMSC) is integral to our school curriculum and ethos and is embedded through day to day classroom sessions such as discussion and circle times, though assemblies, and as part of our curriculum. We have high expectations for behaviour, which includes developing respect for each other, our beliefs and shared values. The children strive to keep the Golden Rules and we celebrate this as a school community every Friday.

The children have one discrete Computing lesson each week and all classes have access to our ICT equipment which is used to support learning in all curriculum areas, eg laptops and Ipads.

The teachers in Nursery and Foundation plan their topics using the content of The Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2014). Our offer is based around exciting topics which allow the children investigate and learn through play. Early years learning concentrates on 7 areas split between prime and specific areas of learning.

The prime areas of learning are: communication and language, physical development, personal, social and emotional development

The specific areas of learning are: literacy, mathematics, understanding the world, expressive arts and design

Please use the links below to access more information about the Curriculum and topics for each year groups.

Curriculum overview Year 1

Curriculum overview Year 2

EYFS Curriculum: