Howe Park School

01908 526294

 Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator

Mrs Alison Goodman is the SENCo at our school. She has worked at Howe Park for a good many years and has been responsible for PSHE for much of that time.

Mrs Goodman works alongside the staff to uphold our inclusive ethos and to ensure that the children achieve to the best of their ability.

If you would like to ask her any questions please contact her via the school office or school email address.


Below are a list of opportunities for parents and carers to pursue for further support with SEN.


For support and information for parents about special educational needs please go to the 'Local Offer for Milton Keynes'

Please click the link below to access the SEN report for Howe park School for 2023- 2024

SEN information report 2023

Please click the link below to access the SEN policy for Howe park School

SEN policy 2023-2024

Please access the link below for information on the support offered for parents of children with SEN from the Local Offer

Please access the link below for advice about the EHCP process from the Local Offer

Please use the link below to take you to an advice and support service for parents and carers of Children with SEN.


You can also access impartial advice and support for parents, young people and children in the Milton Keynes and the surrounding area for any SEND related issue through SENDIAS.  

You can contact the service if you:

  • have a concern about your child and are worried they may have an additional need
  • have a child with a diagnosis of a SEN, disability or medical need
  • need help at any stage of the statutory SEND process - such as SEN support, needs assessments or the EHCP process
  • need clarity about the support for your child is receiving at school
  • are considering a SEND tribunal appeal
  • are a young person aged 16-25 wanting help with SEND issues
  • want to discuss any issue about a child or young person relating to SEND

If you wish to contact someone for SEN support, please use the information below:

SEND Team contact information

Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes MK9 3EJ

SENDIAS contact information

Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes MK9 3EJ

Children with Disabilities Team contact information

Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes MK9 3EJ

There is also a facebook page for the local offer



SEND newsletter

Information on short breaks for children with an EHCP


Monthly calendar of events for children with SEND

At the bottom of the front page of the Local Offer is a calendar which shows dates and times of events planned to support families with children who have SEND. Please take a look, they include times for SEND 'Gravity ' sessions, SEND 'Top Jump' sessions, times for stories in libraries for children with SEND and also swim sessions for families of children with SEND. A great resource to look at during school holidays especially.