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Welcome to Year 2 2024/25 !
This week we will look at the important parts that make up diary writing- including the date, introducing the setting, writing about events, thinking about hopes and final thoughts. We will be writing the diary of a rat during the Great Fire of London. We will guide the children through generating interesting and precise vocabulary and providing sentence structures.
We will be learning to join 'wa, wo '
Joins so far: ch, ai, wh, ow, th, ay, ir, er,ou, ow,oe, ee, le, e, igh, dg, ng, oo and oa
We continue to look at division. On Monday we will be learning to skip count to find the total number of groups- 20 divided into groups of 5 = 4 groups. We then move on to thinking about division as sharing.
In history we think about the consequences of the, 'The Great Fire of London' and then go on to thinking about how historians find out about the event.
In science we will explore the life cycle of a chicken.
This is , 'Mental Health' week . We will spend time using the theme, 'Know yourself, Grow yourself' to help us prepeare for life's up and downs.
We start the week finishing off our independent writing and then move on to learning how to edit it. We will look for punctuation and spelling errors and then learn how to revise parts of our work and make additions to it.
We then move onto our new book and genre. We will be looking at writing a diary entry. We will base our work around the book, ' The Great Fire of London' by E Adams and J Lewis.
We will be learning to join 'oo and oa '
Joins so far: ch, ai, wh, ow, th, ay, ir, er,ou, ow,oe, ee, le, e, igh, dg, ng
We are starting a new topic in maths- division. We will look at making equal and unequal groups and look at the relationship between multiplication and division.
In geography we will look at using compass points on a map to follow and write directions.
In history we will be looking at, 'The Great Fire of London'. Wewill examine the causes of the great fire and then thin carefully about the important characters and events in the fire.
In music we will be learning to sing songs about, 'The Great Fire of London'
This week we will finish our guided story of 'The Crow's Tale' We will use some drama to explore how characters feel when others say unkind words and then put this into sentences. We will then start thinking about extending the story to write a piece of writing independently. As a class we will think of the plot points and come up with the success criteria. We will then spend focussed time writing independently.
We will be learning to join 'dg ng'
Joins so far: ch, ai, wh, ow, th, ay, ir, er,ou, ow,oe, ee, le, e, igh
We will learn to halve even 2-digit numbers from 12 to 28 and unitise and apply known facts to halve even multiples of 10, identify missing factors when one of the factors is 2 and use knowledge of doubling, halving and the 2 times table to solve problems.
In geography this week we will learn about London. We will learn how to describe some basic geographical features of our capital city and compare it to where we live. We will use our knowledge of compass points to give directions using a simple map of London.
In R.E we will understand how Sikhs celebrate New Year and in P.E we will continue to learn to perform strong and stable gymnastic shapes and balances.
We will continue to use the book, 'The Crow's Tale' as inspiration. We will look at plot points 4- 7 and include an experience day- where we will explore how animals are affected by different types of weather.
We will be learning to join 'igh'
Joins so far: ch, ai, wh, ow, th, ay, ir, er,ou, ow,oe, ee, le, ea
We are looking at using our knowledge of the 2, 5 and 10 times table to solve problems. At the end of the week we will look at how multiplication equations with 2 as a factor are related to doubling.
In art we will be looking at how adding white or black to a colour changes the tone of colours.
In computers we will begin to look at simple spreadsheets and understand what rows, coloumn and cells are.
In science we are starting the topic of, ' Life cycles' We start this off by learning the order of the stages of the human life cycle- baby, child, teenager, adult, old age
Happy New Year!
We are starting a new story called, 'The Crow's Tale' by Naomi Howarth. We will use the story to write carefully crafted sentences, building vocabulary and our knowledge of grammar and punctuation.
We will be learning to join 'ea'
Joins so far: ch, ai, wh, ow, th, ay, ir, er,ou, ow,oe, ee, le
We start the week explaining the relationship between multiples of 5 and 10, then use this to solve problems. Later on, we will explain how a factor of 0 or 1 affect the product. At the end of the week we represent multiplication equations in different ways.
We start our new topic, 'Bright lights Big City', with a series of design and technology lesson. We will look at wheeled toys and learn about how axles help to make a vehicle to move. We then desgin our own moving toy car and make it!
In P.E we start a series of lessons on gymnastics.
In English we will be learning what a kenning poem is and then we will write our own. Later on in the week we will learn what a homophone is (same sounding word, different spelling and different meaning eg pair and pear) We will learn to read common homophones and understand the different definitions. We will then choose some homophones and put them into a sentence.
We will be learning to join 'le'
Joins so far: ch, ai, wh, ow, th, ay, ir, er,ou, ow,oe, ee
This week we start off by representing counting in tens as the ten times table and then move on to representing the ten times table in different ways.
By the end of the week we will be moving on to the 5 times table.
Within this topic the children will refer to factors and the product in a multiplication equation. For example in the equation 3 x 4 = 12, the 3 and the 4 are factors and 12 is the product.
This week in computing we will learn how to write a simple code to move objects and create different attributes for them.
In art we will be learning to tear different types of paper into shapes to create pictures.
In science we will be investigating the impact of exercise on our bodies.
This week we will start the week 'boxing up' our new story. We then will spend the following lessons independently writing it. On the last day we will learn how to edit out work. We will initially focus on looking for incorrect spellings and finding missing punctuation.
We will be learning to join 'ee'
Joins so far: ch, ai, wh, ow, th, ay, ir, er,ou, ow,oe
We continue to learn about multiplication. We start the week off by using multiplication to solve length problems. We then use the 2 times table to solve problems. At the end of the week we will explore the commutitive nature of multiplication- factors can be in any order and the product will be the same- 2 x 3= 6 and 3x2=6
In history we will compare the adventures of Dame Ellen MacArthur to Captain James Cook. We will look at similarities and differences between the 2 periods of time.
In science we will be learning how to describe a healthy balanced diet.
On Friday we very much look forward to welcoming you to our open afternoon.
This week we will use the story, The Eagle who thought he was a Chicken', as a base to create our own story. We will create a story map and then we will practise speaking through the events.
We will also use the story to learn about and use irregular past tense verbs.
We will be learning to join 'oe'
Joins so far: ch, ai, wh, ow, th, ay, ir, er,ou, ow
We continue to learn about multiplication this wek. Starting off with explaining and representing multiplication when a group contains 0. We then move on to identifying and explaining each part of a multiplication equation. We finish the week off by looking at using knowledge of multiplication to solve problems.
In science we begin to look at the importance of eating the right foods. In computing we learn how to add a timer to a set of instructions. In history we look at why Captain James Cook is an historically significant figure.
We continue to practise our songs, speaking our lines and performing the dances of the Christmas production.
In English this week we will be focusing on the problem in our story, 'The Eagle who thought he was a Chicken.' We will learn and write rhetorical questions and then write a problem. At the end of the week we will be learning about using apostrophes in contractions- I am - I'm
We start a new topic in maths- Multiplication. We begin by grouping objects in different ways and describing them using the stem sentence- There is 1 group of 5 or There are 2 groups of 4. Then we move on to representing equal groups as repeated addition. By the end of the group we will be representing groups as multiplication.
This week in history we will learn about Captain James Cook and think about why he is seen as an important historical figure.
In science we will be exploring how to make a floating boat out of plasticine!
This week we start to learn an American traditional tale called, 'The Eagle who thought he was a Chicken' We will answer questions on what happened in the story and create a story map to help us remmber the story off by heart. We will then use the story to learn how to write sentences in the past progressive tense.
We will be learning to join 'ou'
Joins so far: ch, ai, wh, ow, th, ay, ir, er
This week we start off by learning how to subtract multiples of ten from a 2 digit number. Then we move on to partioning 2 digit numbers in a number of ways. We also learn how to solve mathematical problems efficiently. At the end of the week we will have a small assessment of addition and subtraction.
We will be learning what a compass is and learn how to use one in geography. In design and technology we will learn about levers. We will use our new knowledge and skills to create a moving picture! In science we learn about the basic needs for humans and think about the difference between needs and wants.
This week will be learning how to write a recount. We will think of three events from our half term holiday and then using time connectives write interesting recounts. We will use the past tense, extended noun phrases and write in the first person. On Friday we will begin to learn about what a possessive apostraphe is and how to use one in a simple phrase- mum's shoes, dad's clean shirt etc
We will be learning to join 'er'
Joins so far: ch, ai, wh, ow, th, ay,ir
We will be learning how to bridge 10 to solve addition and subtraction problems, then adding and subtracting 10 to a 2 digit number. On Friday we move on to adding multiples of 10 to a 2 digit number.
In science we will learn about the basic needs of animals including humans- clean air, nutritious food, shelter and clean water.
In geography we will indentify the South Pole, North Pole, equator and the 2 hemispheres on a globe and simple world map.
We will start to learn the songs for our Christmas production.
Letters for Parent/Teacher evening will be going out this week.
This week we are continuing studying the text 'The Tunnel' by Anthony Browne. We will use the text as a stimulus to write our own story. The children will make their own story map and then spend time planning then writing their own story. They will be encouraged to use all the impactful verbs, interesting adjectives and powerful adverbs they have been practising in grammar lessons.
We will be learning to join 'ir'
Joins so far: ch, ai, wh, ow, th, ay
We will continue learning about using number facts to solve addition and subtraction equations.
For example, the children know that 3 + 4 = 7 because it is a near double. They can use this knowledge to calculate 13 + 4, 23 + 4, 33 + 4 and so on.
They can also use the same knowledge to say 7 - 4 = 3, 17 - 4 = 13 etc.
The children have been using the bar model to represent parts and wholes in equations.
We will be focusing on geography next week. The children will locate and name the 4 nations of the United Kingdom and name the seas surrounding it, name and locate the 7 continents and name the 5 oceans. In science we will be finding out about how and why tarmac works in our last lesson about everyday materials. In music we are learning about pitch next week and learning to sing in response to the teacher. In P.E we will be continuing our new topic learning basic invasion skills.
This week we are reading, 'The Tunnel' by Anthony Browne. We start off by learning how to predict what might happen next in a story; using what we know so far about the characters and other stories by the same author. We then go on to learn what a verb is and then an adverb. We will widen our vocabulary by writing sentences using powerful verbs and adverbs.
We will be learning to join ay
Joins so far: ch, ai, wh, ow, th
We will start a new topic looking at solving calculations within 20. On Monday work we work on representing adding and subtracting one and end the week using number facts to solve problems in measure and data contexts.
We will be learning how to draw a person standing in correct proportions. In science we will be conducting an experiment to find materials that are waterproof. In P.E we will be starting a new topic learning basic invasion skills.
This week we will be reading story books with dragons! We start off by learning how to write an expaned noun phrase to make our writing more interesting eg a dark, damp castle or the rusty wooden drawbridge. We then look at how to use commas in lists. We compare the book, 'George and the Dragon' and 'The Paper Bag Princess' identifying similarities and differences. We end the week looking at similes- eg The angry dragon's tail was as long as a twisting river.
We will be learning to join th
Joins so far: ch, ai, wh, ow
This week we secure fluency in addition and subraction within 10. Try practising on the free app, 'Whiterose 1 minute maths'
We start the week planning and then creating castles out of recylcled materials. In science we will be exploring how materials can change their shape by twisting, squashing,bending and stretching.
This week we will be looking at traditional tales. We will look at the repeated language we find in them and compare different versions of the same story. We will also look at using 'and' 'but' and 'or' to combine 2 sentences. At the end of the week we will be learning about common and proper nouns.
We will be learning to join ow
Joins so far: ch, ai, wh
In maths we will start by comparing 2 digit numbers and then move on to partioning 2 digit numbers into tens and ones. By the end of the week we will represent addition and subtraction of tens and ones.
In history we will be imagining we are living in a medieval castle and take on a job as either a cook or a knight. We will be using all our historical knowledge about casltes to write a diary entry.
We then start our design and technology series of lessons which will end in us making a castle out of recycled materials . Thank you everyone who has brought in boxes and tubes. We still need some more!
Our first lesson will focus on building up skills in creating different shapes and knowing how to make a drawbridge mechanism!
This week we will be writing the start of our new story based based on Baba Yaga!
After out trip, to Warwick Castle, we will be writing a recount of the day. We will use a variety of time connectives, write in the past tense and add description to interest the reader!
This week we will be counting and representing numbers up to 100. We will learn the value of each digit and represent it with dienes and pictures.
We will be learning to join wh and oh
Joins so far: ai, ch
The highlight this week is the trip to Warwick Castle. This will enable us to experience a real castle and reinforce what we have learnt in the classroom. We will also experience the importance of birds of prey in the life of a castle and see a bowman show off his skill.
In science we will be exploring and testing the stetchiness of materials.
In computing we continued to learn about internet safety and look at digital footprints.
This week we will use the story of Baba Yaga to learn about and use prepositional phrases. We will learn about how writers create interesting starters to hook readers in! By the end of the week we will be gathering ideas to create our own story based on Baba Yaga!
We will be learning our second join 'ai'
Joins so far: ch
In maths we will be adding and subtracting multiples of 10 and we will explore the counting sequence for counting to 100 and beyond!
This week we will be learning about why castles were built and identify and name some of their key features. We will also be finding out about what life was like in a medieval castle.
In science we will be learning how to select the right materials to build a bridge.
We start the week off by reinforcing how we present our work neatly in Year Two. We practise forming and sizing letters correctly. We then move on to learning about the traditional tale of, 'Baba Yaga' We identify the characters, setting, plot and learning we can take from the story.
We will be learning to join ch in handwriting.
In maths we will be learning about the multiples of 10. We will use them in simple calculations eg 10+10 = _ or 10 + _ =60. We will solve real life problems using multiples of 10 eg How many children are needed to show 60 children?
In computing we will be focused on the unit of online safety. The children will start their learning by discussing how sometimes searching for information on the internet might not be safe and what they can do if they find something that upsets them. We then use the safe site, PurpleMash, to search for information and filter results.
In science we will be starting off the topic of materials by thinking about what a material is and know some properties of everyday materials.
In music we will learn and take part in new singing games!
Most of our English activities this week will be based around the childrens' introduction to Year 2 and their new class. Our lessons will begin with children considering what is the same and what is different about the rules and routines of Year Two. The children will also write sentences about their summer holidays and what they would like to achieve in Year Two, ensuring they include capital letters and full stops.
In maths this week, we will begin our learning on the topic of place value. The children will be developing their understanding of 1 ten is equivalent to 10 ones.
Our first two topic lessons this week will be PSHE based. We will begin the week reading the story 'The Colour Monster' and discussing the different feelings that we may have at different times and who we can talk to about any difficult feelings that we might encounter. We will also discuss the importance of having class rules that we all adhere to and we will work together to create rules to enable us to stay safe and learn effectively. Our last topic lesson of the week will be art based and the children will spend time designing their frame for their 'Get Caught Reading' picture to be displayed in the classroom. This will be linked to the first homework that will be sent out.
This week we will be providing the children with mathematical puzzles and challenges which encourage them to use and apply the mathematical skills and knowledge that they have gained throughout the year. This includes their knowledge of adding and substracting, as well as number placement on a 100 square.
This week we will be reading the story 'Dear Teacher' and the children will use and apply their knowledge of letter writing skills to write a letter to their new teacher for September. The letter will begin by talking all about the child, and will then move on to discussing what they are most looking forward to for their new school and what they will be doing over the summer to prepare themselves.
Our topic learning this week will be history based. We will learn about the history of the famous composer Samuel Coleridge-Taylor and the children will be taught about the struggles that he faced and the influence that he had upon music for many different people.
This week we will be consolidating the children's understanding of multiplication and division. We will revisit effective methods to solve calculations and how to solve 2 part word problems that involve these calculations.
This week the children will be completing some writing pieces based on their time at Howe Park School. The children will consider what their favourite memories are, who they would like to say thank you to during their time at Howe Park School and will reflect on the friendships that they have made.
This week we will be consolidating the children's understanding of addition and subtraction, we will revisit adding and subtracting a 1 digit number from a 2 digit number, adding a 2 digit number to a 2 digit number and subtracting a 2 digit number from a 2 digit number. At the end of the week we will support the children to solve two part problems that involve addition and subtraction, as well as multiplication and division.
We will spend the week continuing with our own versions of our 'The Magic Box' poems. The children will continue constructing their own version of the original poems using their own ideas and will then write the poems up neatly and decorating their borders with illustrations inspired from their poems.
Our topic learning this week will be geography based where we will look at the features of a rainforest and how it differs geographically from Milton Keynes. We will look at things such as the difference between the diversity and types of plants, the diversity and types of animals, the location of both places and how the climate differs.
This week we will be recapping on and practising our arithmetic including all four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division), where children will be expected to solve calculations using the various methods that we have taught them. The children will also be practising their problem solving and reasoning, where they will be applying the mathematical knowledge and understanding that they have gained throughout the year and applying it to solving various problems (including two step problems).
This week the children will be working on their reading fluency. The children will be provided with texts to read and will answer various questions about the texts including multiple choice questions, one word answer questions and activities where they are required to sequence the information that they have been given.
This week it is art week. The children will be looking at the work of the famous artist Edouard Martinet who creates sculptures of minibeasts using old discarded materials that he finds at flea markets and from rubbish. The children will be given the opportunity to design and make their own minibeast sculptures using Modroc and will be able to decorate their designs using acrylic paint.
This week we will be continuing with our learning on position and direction. We will start the week by using our learning on describing movement and describing turns to describe movement and turns together. We will then move on to looking at repeating shape patterns with turns and teaching the children how to identify which shape will come next.
In English this week, we will be looking at the poem 'The Magic Box' written by Kit Wright. We will spend some time reading and sharing our opinions about the text before thinking about items or things that are precious to us that we would keep in a magic box if possible. As the week progresses the children will change their ideas into expanded noun phrases and expand on these to add into their own poem based on the structure of 'The Magic Box'.
Our topic learning this week will be computing based. We will be using the Purple Mash programme 2sequence to explore how we can compose different pieces of music using the sounds of different instruments and sound effects. The children will also be altering their music by changing the volume, tempo and number of beats within the piece. Finally the children will be given the opportunity to compose their own piece of music based on their current feeling or mood.
This week will be a shorter week due to our INSET day on Monday 3rd June.
This week in maths we will be starting our learning on 'position and direction'. We will start the week by learning about and using the language of position (left, right, above, below, between) to describe where objects are in relation to something else. We will then move on to describing movement, where the children will look at images of objects on a grid and will describe the direction of movement and the number of squares the object has moved. Finally we will move on to teaching the children how to describe turns using the vocabulary 'full turn', 'half turn', 'quarter turn' and 'three quarter turn' and to talk about the direction of the turn as either 'clockwise' or 'anti clockwise'.
In English we will be thinking forwards to our visit to Emerson Valley School at the end of the week. The children will think about what information about themselves they might discuss with new friends that they meet and will present this as a fact file within our lessons. We will spend time revisiting fact files at the beginning of the week, looking at what they are used for and their different features. The children will then apply the different features to their own fact files all about themselves.
Our topic learning this week will be music based where we will begin to teach the children the songs that they will be performing for their leavers assembly.
This week we will be starting our unit of learning on statistics. On Monday we will start learning about recording data using tally charts, where the children will learn about the significance of each mark and how to create a tally chart. As the week progresses, we will move on to recording data using tables and block diagrams. As the week comes to an end, the children will learn about how to draw and interpret pictograms.
The children will be continuing with their work based on the story they have read. This week the children will start to create longer pieces of writing based on their own recycled ideas of the story.
Our topic learning this week will be art based. We will be learning about the famous pop artist Andy Warhol and looking at pieces of work that he created using the technique 'screen printing'. The children will have the opportunity to design and make their own mini beast themed polystyrene tile which they will use to print to create a Warhol inspired piece of artwork.
This week will be a shorter week due to the bank holiday.
This week we will be continuing our work on time. We will be starting the week by learning to tell the time to 5 minutes and we will then move on to learning about the minutes in an hour and the hours in a day. The children will learn that there are 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in an hour and 60 seconds in a minute.
The children will be continuing with their work based on the story they have read. The children will start to recycle the original story using their own ideas to adapt it.
The topic learning this week will be geography based. We will revise the four different countries in the United Kingdom and the children will learn different geographical facts about each country, including key landmarks, coastal features and the significance of the flags.
This week we will be starting our new topic on time. We will start by talking about how clocks are laid out and what each hand on a clock represents. The children will first learn how to tell o'clock and half past times and will then move on to telling quarter past and quarter to times. As the week progresses, the children will learn how to tell other times both past and to the hour. We will reinforce to children that if a time is 'past' the hour, we will be looking at the number that the hour hand has just passed and if a time is 'to' the hour, we will be looking at the number that the hour hand is working towards.
This week in English the children will be read a story. The children will then complete a series of writing activities based upon the story, including: Mapping out the story, exploring the characters' thoughts and feelings, and exploring a problem within the story.
Our topic learning this week will be computing based. This term we are starting our new unit on 'Presenting ideas'. The first computing lesson will consist of exploring different ways that stories are represented, including through ebooks, quizzes and concept maps and then looking closely at different ways that information is represented through quizzes. The children will explore different types of quiz questions including: multiple choice questions, sequencing questions and sorting questions. They will then be given the opportunity to create their own quizzes (using the Purple Mash programme 2quiz) based upon our most recent topic looking at plants.
The second lesson will look more in depth at concept maps and how they present information. We will look at an example of a concept map of the UK using the Purple Mash programme 2connect and the children will have the opportunity to create a concept map on a chosen subject.
This week we will finish our topic on fractions by counting in fractions up to a whole, where the children will represent different parts of a whole of both shape and number. As the week progresses, we will recap different methods of solving two digit by two digit addition and subtraction calculations and the children will use these to answer mental arithmetic questions.
This week we will be use the class text 'The Man on the Moon' to write an explanation text about what it is like to work on the moon. The children will explore the purpose and different features of explanation texts and will use these to apply to their own writing to inform their reader of the requirements of the job.
Our topic learning this week will be D.T based, where the children will have the opportunity to design, make and taste their own smoothie. We will teach the children effective methods of cutting fruit using safe and child friendly equipment (including the claw grip and bridge method).
We will continue with our unit of learning about fractions, where the children will learn about the difference between unit and non-unit fractions and will look at representations of these as both shape and number. The children will be taught about the equivalence of 1/2 and 2/4 and will experiment with representing this. Finally the children will learn about recognising and finding 3/4 of both a shape and number.
In our English learning this week, the children will be planning and writing their own recount of their favourite day in the Easter holidays. The children will break their day into three different sections, considering the order and sequence of events and what their thoughts and feelings were throughout.
As a launch pad to our new topic 'Wriggle and Crawl', we will be starting our week with a minibeast hunt in the school grounds. We will explore the habitats and microhabitats of various insects considering how they meet the needs of each creature to survive.
This week we will be carrying on with our learning about fractions. We will start the week by look at quarters where the children will learn how to find the quarter of a number. As the week progresses, the children will learn about how to recognise a third of a shape and will be able to write 1 third as a fraction. We will then teach the children how to find the third of a number by dividing it into 3 equal groups.
This week in English we will be learning about fact files and creating our own fact files about our science topic on plants. At the beginning of the week, we will discuss what fact files are, why they are used and the different features of them. The children will decide what parts of our learning about plants they would like to include in their fact files and will draw labelled pictures with captions to represent the information. As the week progresses, the children will plan and write the information that they would like to include in their fact files, considering the use of effective subheadings.
Our topic learning this week will be computing and geography based. In computing we will continue our work on the topic of questioning, where the children will learn about databases and how they are used to search for and find information easily. In geography, we will be looking at the Amazon Rainforest and comparing part of it to Milton Keynes. We will look for differences in the types of plants and tress, types of animals and the climate.
This week we will be starting our new unit of learning about fractions. The children will start off the week by learning about what a part and a whole represents and will be able to identify equal and unequal parts. As the week progresses the children will be taught to recognise what a half is and will be able to identify half of a number, by splitting the number into 2 equal groups (diving by 2). Finally we will teach the children that a quarter is 1 of 4 equal groups.
We will be continuing our work on 'The Tin Forest'. The children will be using the features of diary writing (writing in 1st person, writing in the past tense and using detail and description) to write a diary entry from the perspective of the old man. We will think in detail about what has happened and how the old man was feeling. After two days of diary writing, the children will be considering their opinions on a text, thinking about what they particularly liked, what they didn't like and what they can link to previous books they have read.
Our topic learning this week will be computing. The children will begin by learning how questioning can provide information that helps us to group data and will be given the opportunity to think of appropriate questions to ask in a game of 'Guess Who' using avatars. We will then teach the children about binary trees and how these databases are used to ask and answer yes/ no questions in order to narrow down information into smaller groups.
This week in maths we will be learning about capacity and volume. The children will learn about what the two different terms mean and will learn about how they can measure capacity and volume in both millilitres and litres. During these lessons the children will have the opportunity to read scales that are counting in 2's, 5's and 10's and will need to identify the mid points between two numbers. At the end of the week the children will be taught about temperature and how to read a thermometer.
This week in English we will be learning about the text 'The Tin Forest'. At the start of the week we will withhold the title and the illustrations from the children. The children will hear the description that the author has used to describe the scene and will draw a picture of what they think it might look like using the language from the book. As the week progresses the children will consider the questions that they would like to ask the old man in the book and will write these using the correct punctuation. Once the children have heard the whole story and have seen all the illustrations, they will plan their own diary entry from the perspective of the old man.
This week our topic learning will be geography and computing. We will start the week by teaching the children about maps and they will examine a map of the school from a bird's eye point of view, where they will mark out key parts of the school and the different exits/ gates. The next day the children will be carrying out their own traffic survey, where they will record the different coloured cars at two different car parks around the school using tally marks to record their findings. We will discuss the children's findings and how the traffic around the school may vary at different points of the day and the impact that this might have. Finally, the children will be using the findings of their traffic survey and inputting them into a pictogram in our computing lessons. We will discuss the benefits and limitations of using pictograms and the children will be able to draw conclusions from these.
This week in Maths we will be learning about mass. The children will begin the week by looking at balance scales and how they can determine which item is lighter and which item is heavier by how objects are balanced. We will then teach the children about how the mass of some objects can be measured using grams and how heavier objects might be measured using kilograms. The children will learn how to read scales when determining the mass of an object when the scales might be counting in 1's, 2's or 10''s.
This week we will be learning about instruction writing in English. The children will learn about how and why instructions are used and all the different features that they would find in a set of instructions. They will then use this knowledge to write their own instructions for how to make a free standing frame. The children will include numbered steps, time adverbials and adverbs of manner. On World Book Day, the children will write their own recipe for their own Marvellous medicine, inspired by our class text "George's Marvellous Medicine".
Our topic lessons this week will be art based. The children will be using their sketching skills that they developed last term to create an observational drawing of a flower. The children will then be taught how to use water colours effectively to add colour to their drawing.
This week in maths we will be starting our new topic of learning on units of measurement. At the start of the week the children will cover measuring in centimetres and metres. As the week progresses, the children will use their knowledge and understanding to compare and order lengths and heights.
Our English learning this week will be based on the story of 'Leaf' written by Sandra Dieckmann. At the start of the week, the children will be using evidence from the story to make a prediction and provide evidence to justify this. As the week progresses, the children will understand and use vocabulary from the story, looking at the effect of the words that the author has chosen on the reader. We will then move on to exploring the theme of 'belonging' which is prevalent throughout the story and the children will consider what the theme means to them.
Our topic learning this week will be D.T based. The children will spend the week by designing, making and evaluating their own free standing frames. We will discuss how we can modify materials in order to make them stronger, stiffer and more stable by creating triangular structures.
This week we will continue to revisit our learning on addition and subtraction. The children will be reminded to add/ subtract the ones digit first and then the tens and how to exchange tens and ones if necessary. The children will then build on this knowledge to compare calculations using inequality symbols. As the week progresses the children will apply their knowledge of addition and subtraction to money in order to help them to calculate change.
We will start the week by revisiting the poem 'The Owl and the Pussycat', written by poet Edward Lear and exploring the rhythm of the poem and clapping the syllables of the words. The children will be given the opportunity to re-write some of the words within the poem, whilst considering both the rhythm and syllabic structure of the poem. As the week progresses, we will explore some poems based on The Great Fire of London and will identify some of the literary features within these. The children will then create their own acrostic poems based upon this topic using the knowledge and understanding that they have gained in their history lessons.
Our topic learning this week will be computing based where the children will continue their learning about spreadsheets. This week the children will learn how to use tools to calculate totals and how to insert images into cells and attach a value to these in order calculate a total.
This week we will be revisiting our topic of learning on addition and subtraction. We will begin the week by adding 2 two digit numbers across 10. We will teach the children to add the ones value first and then the tens value. We will explain to the children that if the ones value exceeds 9, then we should swap 1 ten for 10 ones. We will then move on to subtracting 2 two digit numbers not across 10, ensuring that children subtract the ones first and then the tens. As the week progresses, we will extend the children's learning on this to subtract 2 two digit numbers where we have to exchange 1 ten for 10 ones. The children will learn that when we don't have enough ones to subtract a number from, we need to take one ten and swap it for 10 ones. We will teach the children how to do this practically using base ten and will then move on to using pictorial and then abstract representations.
At the beginning of this week, we will be using the comic strips and story mountains that the children created about their own Traction man narrative to write their own story. The children will think about how they can entertain their reader by using the different types of sentences that they have been taught (exclamation sentences, statements, questions and commands). As the week progresses, the children will be taught about poems to do with London and will practise identifying rhyming words and reciting them clearly with good intonation.
Our first two topic lessons this week will be geography based. We will be learning about the capital city of Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur) and comparing this to our knowledge of London. The children will be taught about the key landmarks and will learn about a guest speaker's experience of living in Kuala Lumpur. We will then begin our new unit of computing lessons on spreadsheets. The children will learn about what spreadsheets are used for and their different features (including columns, rows and cells). The children will be given the opportunity to enter both numerical and word based data and will use the totalling tool to total calculations.
This week we will be finishing our learning on the unit 'multiplication and division'. The children will start the week by calculating using the 5 times table and learning to divide by 5, where we will continue to support children to understand that multiplication and division are inverse operations. As the week progresses, we will teach the children about how 2 lots of 5 are equivalent to 1 lot of 10 and the children will learn how all the numbers that are in the 10 times table are also in the 5 times table, but not vice versa.
In English we will be continuing our learning about the book 'Traction Man'. The children will use their plans to create their own comic strip about their own Traction Man story that features statements, commands, questions and exclamation sentences. The children will then use a story mountain template to take the ideas from their comic strip and expand on them to plan and write their own story. The children will think carefully about how they can build excitement for their problem and create a solution.
Our topic learning this week will be history based where we will teach the children about the key historical event of The Great Fire of London. In our first lesson, the children will learn about what The Great Fire of London was and what caused it to happen and spread so quickly. The children will then extend their learning on to the key events of the fire and will be able to correctly order these. Finally the children will learn about the consequences of this disaster and how London and fire safety changed to prevent it from happening again.
The learning on our unit multiplication and division will continue this week. We will begin the week by looking at doubling and halving numbers and recognising that doubling a number is the same as multiplying it by 2 and that halving a number is the same as dividing it by 2. We will then move on to teaching the children about odd and even numbers, where the children will learn that even numbers can be shared equally between 2 groups whereas odd numbers cannot. As the week progresses, we will look at multiplying and dividing by both 10 and 5, whilst recognising that multiplication and division are inverse operations.
Our English learning this week will be based on the book 'Traction Man'. We will start the week with a discussion based lesson, where the children will be provided with images from the story (before the story has been read to them) and will use these to make predictions and answer questions such as 'what is happening?', 'who is the story about?' and 'what might the story be about?'. Once the children have listened to the story a couple of times, they will then create their own book review ,thinking about if they enjoyed the story and why, their favourite part of the story and whether they would recommend the story to a friend. As the week progresses, the children will learn about statements, exclamation sentences, questions and commands and will be given the chance to write their own based around the story. Finally, as the week comes to an end, the children will start to plan their own comic strip about one of Traction Man's adventures.
Our topic lessons this week will be geography based. We will start the week by looking at the geographic features of London, discussing what it is, where it is, what the land is like and what river runs through it. We will look at the various modes of transport and will introduce the children to some of the key landmarks. The children will compare the features of London to Milton Keynes. As the week progresses, the children will use a map and directional language to direct their partner through London, using key landmarks as points of reference. We will also recap the countries of the United Kingdom and their capital cities and will teach the children about the flags and national flowers associated with each country.
This week we will continue our work on multiplication and division. We will start the week by looking at arrays, what they represent and how they can be used to write multiplication calculations. We will then move on to teaching children how to make equal groups from a total, ensuring that there is the same amount in each group and then build upon this knowledge so that children are also able to make equal groups by sharing. As the week progresses, we will look at the two times table, ensuring that children recognise the link between multiplication and division and that they are able to count in 2's.
This week in English we will be looking at the story 'John Normal Patrick McHennessy, the Boy Who Was Always Late'. We will look at the different reasons for why John was late and children will think about creative reasons for why they might be late to school and will have a go at writing these using a variety of subordinating conjunctions in their sentences. We will then move on to looking at letter writing, where the children will think about the different purposes of a letter, incidences where they have come across a letter before, as well as the various different features of a letter. As the week progresses the children will plan and write a letter of complaint to John's teacher Mr Smith as John's parents, thinking about the different features they have learnt about as well as how they can use different vocabulary to express their thoughts and feelings.
Our topic learning this week will be art based. We will start the week by recapping our previous knowledge of primary and secondary colours and will then move on to teaching children how to make tints and shades of a pure colour by adding different amounts of white and black. The children will have the opportunity to experiment with making their own tints and shades and will then apply this skill to creating a piece of art work inspired by the work of artist Piet Mondrian.
This week we will be starting our new unit of learning on multiplication and division. We will start the week by recognising when groups are equal and gaining an understanding that equal means the same amount. We will then move on to making and adding equal groups together to find a total. As the week progresses, we will introduce children to the multiplication sign and what it means. The children will then use their knowledge of equal groups and multiplication to write their own multiplication sentences.
Our First week back will be spent planning and writing recounts about what we have done over the Christmas holidays. We will begin the week by recapping what a recount is and what they have been up to over the 2 week break. The children will draw pictures and annotate them to recall what they have been up to and will use arrows to sequence their thoughts and ideas. We will revisit the use of time adverbials to help the children to structure their writing and will talk through the importance of re-reading our writing to check it makes sense and making simple adaptations to improve it.
Our topic learning this week will be design and technology based. As part of our new topic, Bright Lights and Big City, the children will start the week by designing and making their own cardboard London taxis. We will learn about how wheels and axels enable vehicles to move and the children will apply this mechanism to their own moving models.
This week we will continue our work on addition and subtraction. We will begin the week by adding 2 two digit numbers that don't cross 10, where we will show the children how to add the ones and tens values separately. We will then move on to adding 2 numbers that cross 10 and showing the children how a certain number of ones (above ten) can be swapped for a ten and the remaining ones.
This week in English we will be looking at homophones, contractions and possessive apostrophes. The children will be learning about their grammatical function within a sentence and will have a go at applying them to their own sentences.
Our topic learning this week will be about the artist Henri Matisse. The children will learn about the significance of his work looking at colour and shape and will spend time looking at some of his famous art pieces. We will then create our own Christmas cards in the style of Matisse.
This week we will continue working on 'The eagle who thought he was a chicken'. This week we will focus on writing our own recycled version of the text. The children will start the week by planning their story, thinking about their own setting, characters, problem, solution and ending that follows a similar structure to the original story. The children will then represent their new story using a story map and will spend time recounting and performing their story using this. We will also teach the children how they can use the 'show not tell' method to make inferences about how a character might be feeling within their writing without explicitly stating it.
This week we will continue our work looking at money. We will be revisiting previous concepts to allow for consolidation (including counting in pence, counting in pounds and pence and showing an equal amount of money). Towards the end of the week, we will extend the children's learning to comparing different amounts of money and using their knowledge of different values to calculate money.
Our topic learning this week will be computing based where we will continue our learning about coding, where the children will extend upon last week's learning of using algorithms. This week the children will be using the collision detection event, where they will use code blocks to programme the detection of a collision between two objects and will be able to choose what event they would like to happen after the collision. The children will also use the timer function, where they will use the code blocks to run a timed sequence of events.
This week we will continue our work on the story 'The eagle who thought he was a chicken'. We will begin the week by looking at the problem in the story and breaking it down into 4 smaller parts (the difficulty, consequences, thoughts and feelings and the world learning). The children will then apply this learning to writing their own version of the problem with a solution, using the 4 different parts as a checklist. Finally, at the end of the week the children will learn about what an apostrophe is and how and why it is used as a contraction.
This week we will be starting our new topic on money. We will start the week by showing the children the values of different coins in pence and the children will be using this knowledge to find a total. We will then move on to pounds and identifying different values in coins and notes. The children will then use their knowledge to add both pounds and pence together in order to find a total. We will show the children different ways that they can make the same amount and children will be encouraged to choose between notes and coins to make a total.
Our topic learning this week will begin with geography where the children will learn about compasses, what they are used for and what the different points represent. The children will also have a computing lesson where they will recap their work in year 1 on coding and use this to help them to extend their knowledge and understanding of using algorithms to instruct a computer programme. Finally, we will have a history based lesson where the children will learn about the significance of James Cook's life and how he improved sea travel and the life of sailors.
This week we will be looking at the tale of 'The Eagle Who Thought He Was a Chicken'. We will begin the week by creating a story matrix and breaking the story down into its settings, characters, problem, solution, ending ad learning points. The children will then be retelling the story by creating their own story map and using this to speak through the story. As the week progresses, the children will explore the problem in the story through different characters' perspectives and will make predictions based on the characters' thoughts and feelings.
This is our last week on our learning about shape. We will start the week by continuing our learning about 3D shapes, particularly identifying and counting the number of vertices. As the week progresses, the children will be identifying the properties of 3D shapes, looking for any similarities and differences and using these to sort the shapes into different groups. Finally, the children will be identifying and continuing repeating patterns using both 2D and 3D shapes.
Our first two topic of the lessons will be design and technology based. We will teach the children about various mechanisms that move using a lever and the children will be given the opportunity to identify some key points on the lever including the pivot and fulcrum. The children will then be given an opportunity to make their own cardboard boat move using split pins and pieces of card. We will then move on to geography learning where the children will be developing their understanding of maps (what they are and why they are used) and will be designing and drawing their own symbols to create a key for a map of our school.
This week we will be looking at Kenning poems in English. We will begin the week by revisiting nouns and ensuring that children understand what nouns are and are able to write correctly punctuated sentences that include a range of nouns. We will then have an autumn walk around the school grounds where the children will collect their own autumn themed nouns inspired by the autumn treasure that they have collected. The children will then think of verbs that can be associated with their autumn themed nouns and will use these to create their own Kenning poems at the end of the week.
This week we will be continuing our learning on shape. We will begin the week by teaching the children how to identify and draw vertical lines of symmetry on shapes, where children will be able to recognise that a symmetrical shape must be equal on both sides. The children will then use lines of symmetry to complete shapes. We will then use the knowledge that we have gained about the properties of 2D shapes from the week before to sort them into different groups, identifying both similarities and differences. As the week progresses, the children will start to learn about the properties of 3D shapes, including identifying and counting both the faces and edges.
Our topic learning this week will be geography based. We will recap on the children's knowledge of the 7 continents in the world and will extend on this by teaching the children about the 5 oceans. We will then teach the children about how the world is divided into the Southern and Northern hemispheres by the equator and the children will be able to identify and label the North and South pole on a map of the world.
We will begin our English lessons by learning about possessive apostrophes (why they are used and how to use them) and the children will be given the opportunity to write their own sentences that include possessive apostrophes. We will then move on to learning about recounts and the children will be given the opportunity to plan and write their own recount recalling the events of their October half term. The children will be encouraged to write in the past tense and to make their recount as exciting and detailed for the reader as possible, using the literary and grammatical devices that they have learnt so far (conjunctions, adverbs, adjectives and commas in a list).
This week we will be starting our new geometry unit of work on shape. We will begin the week by recapping what is meant by 2D and 3D shapes and looking at recognising and identifying some particular shapes. The children will then move on to looking at the number of sides and vertices of 2D shapes and will learn that the number of sides and vertices is the same for all polygons. Finally, towards the end of the week, the children will have a go at drawing their own 2D shapes, keeping in mind that all polygons needs to be 2D shapes with straight and closed sides.
Due to our week starting on a Tuesday, our topic learning will be slightly reduced this week. This week we will be recapping on our learning about the United Kingdom and the four countries within it. We will extend upon this by introducing the children to its surrounding seas and the children will be adding these to their map that they created before half term.
This week we will be continuing our work with the text 'The Tunnel'. The children will spend the week planning and rewriting the story. The children will be changing the setting and the ending of the story and will need to be creative and think of their own ideas that will excite and grip the reader. The children will use the format and structure of stories that we have been looking at and will be expected to include the literary devices that we have taught so far, including subordinating and coordinating conjunctions, expanded noun phrases and similes. At the end of the week the children will be given the opportunity to re-read and improve their writing by identifying any mistakes and adding extra detail.
We will be continuing and extending our learning on addition and subtraction. We will begin the week by teaching the children how to use their knowledge of number bonds to ten to help them to add across a ten number. The children will then build on this to subtract across ten and from a ten number, ensuring that they are identifying the previous ten number. Towards the end of the week, the children will learn how to subtract a one digit number from a two digit number, whilst identifying the equivalence between 1 ten and 10 ones.
Our topic learning this week will be art and geography based. Within our lessons the children will be learning the four different countries that make up the United Kingdom and what the capital cities are within those countries. We will also be teaching the children about the 7 different continents, the north and the south pole, where the children will be able to identify these, as well as the equator, on a map.
As part of our art lessons, the children will be learning how to draw a person, showing awareness of proportions. We will applying this to our topic 'Tunnels, towers and turrets', where the children will be given the opportunity to draw knights and princesses.
This week we will be looking at the text 'The Tunnel' written by our year 2 author Anthony Browne. We will begin the week by reading the book and sequencing it in the correct order to familiarise ourselves with the story. We will then explore the word type 'verbs', what they are used for and how they are used. The children will be given a picture from one part of the story and will write sentences about what is happening using powerful and exciting verbs. This will be extended on the following day, where the children will add detail to their sentences by experimenting with adverbs to add detail to their sentences about how an action is being carried out. As the week progresses, the children will be introduced to the subordinating conjunctions 'because', 'when', 'if' and 'that' which are used to add additional information to the main clause of a sentence. The children will be using these conjunctions to write sentences that link different parts of the story together.
We will be continuing our learning on our unit of work 'addition' and 'subtraction'. We will begin the week by adding and subtracting ones from a number, ensuring that children have a strong knowledge of place value and are able to count forwards and backwards. As the week progresses, we will be using the children's knowledge of number bonds to 10 in order to add to the nearest ten when adding 2 numbers together that will exceed 10 (e.g. When working out 5 + 6, 5 + 5 = 10, so 10 + 1 more = 11). The children will also be taught an effective way to add 3 one digit numbers, by looking for a number bond to 10. Finally, the children will be shown how they can extend on their number bonds to 10 in order to add to the next ten number(E.g. 6 + 4 = 10, so 26 + 4 = 30).
Our topic learning this week will be DT (design and technology based). The children begin the week by creating a design for their castle that they will be making out of recycled materials. During the planning process, the children will consider which materials they think will be appropriate to build the different parts of their castle and how they can effectively manipulate them. Later on in the week, the children will be using the recycled materials that they have been collecting to create their castle and adding the various features of a castle (battlements, drawbridge, arrow slits and portcullis) that we have been learning about.
This week we will be looking at castles and dragons within our English learning. We will begin the week by considering the different stories that we have read with castles in and look at images of castles. The children will take inspiration of these to imagine their own castles and will be taught to write expanding noun phrases to describe their castle. We will then read the story 'George and the Dragon' and will look at the last page where food is listed using the word 'and'. The children will be taught the effectiveness of using commas instead and will have a go at writing a list of their favourite things using commas. As the week progresses, we will move on to reading another text 'The Paperbag Princess' and the children will make comparisons between this and 'George and the Dragon', considering how the dragon and princess are represented in both. Finally, we will read our last text 'Tell me a dragon' and we will look at the similes used to describe the dragons. The children will learn the key words used when writing similes ('like' and 'as ____ as a _____') to compare two things and will have a go at writing them independently.
This week we will begin our new unit of work on adding and subtracting. We will begin the week by identifying number bonds to 10 (two numbers that can be added together to make 10) and then looking at fact families (calculations that include the same three numbers). The children will lean how when writing an addition sentence that it doesn't matter the order that each part is written. However, when writing a subtraction sentence the total is always the number being subtracted from. As the week progresses, the children will move on to learning about related facts (knowing that if 3 + 2 = 5, then 30 + 20 = 50). Finally, the children will use their knowledge of number bonds to 10, to help them to identify number bonds to 100).
This week we have a very exciting visit from the 'History off the page' company who will be showing us what life was like in a castle. The children will be getting into the spirit of the medieval period by taking part in various medieval activities and learning about the challenges and experiences of different the different roles within the castle. We will then use what we have learnt in our history lessons to develop and expand on our knowledge of life inside a castle.
In English, we will start our topic on traditional tales. We will begin by looking at some of the traditional stories told over the years and identifying their characters, setting and some repeated refrains that are key to the story. We will then introduce the children to the story of Rapunzel and teach the children how to use time adverbials to sequence it. The children will also listen to a more contemporary version of the story and will consider how this reflects the changes to society today. We will then spend time comparing the two versions, looking for both similarities and differences.
We will begin our week by using our learning about comparing objects and numbers to order 2 digit numbers using the inequality symbols that the children have been taught. The children will continue to look at the value of the tens number before the ones number when doing this. We will then move on to counting in 2's, 5's, 3's and 10's, particularly looking at identifying any patterns in the numbers and completing missing numbers from a number track or number line.
Our topic lessons will mainly be history based this week. The children will learn about the history of castles and the different types of castles that have previously existed. We will discuss the reasons behind the designs of castles and how the different parts of a castle are intended to keep the people inside safe from enemies. The children will also learn about what life was like inside a castle, looking at the specific jobs that people had and why these were important.
In English, we will continue looking at the story 'Baba Yaga' and developing our opening scene to hook our reader and draw them in. We will think carefully about how we can describe things using interesting adjectives to paint a detailed picture in our reader's mind. We will also continue to encourage the children to use full stops and capital letters correctly in their independent writing.
This week we will continue with using number lines, where children will be counting in tens and ones to work out missing numbers, whilst considering the starting and end points of the number line. The children will then be using their knowledge of number lines to estimate numbers, recognising that 5 is a midpoint. As the week progresses, we will move on to comparing the quantity of objects using the inequality symbols and then comparing numbers using the key terms 'greater', 'fewer', 'more' and 'less'.
Some of our topic lessons this week will be continuing our learning in computing, where the children will learn about how to search for information on the internet using search engines and will use this knowledge to answer questions about dinosaur facts. The children will then create a leaflet to share the information that they have learnt about the internet and searching for information.
In English we will be learning a new story called 'Baba Yaga'. Over the course of the week, the children will be completing a series of written, drawing, active and discussion based tasks. These are aimed at supporting them to develop their understanding of the story, to be able to retell the story, to be able to develop detail about the characters' feelings in the opening scene and to use prepositional phrases of place to describe a setting.
This week we will continue our learning on place value. We will begin the week by looking at partitioning numbers to 100, where children will break numbers down into tens and ones and develop their understanding that the tens value added to the ones value creates the total number. We will then build on this to flexibly partition numbers to 100, considering different ways that a number can be made. As the week progresses, the children will learn to write numbers to 100, thinking about how the tens and ones value of a number often makes up the number name. At the end of the week, the children will start to look at number lines and will use their knowledge of counting in tens to work out missing intervals counting both forwards and backwards.
Our topic learning this week will be computing based and focused on the unit of online safety. The children will start their learning by discussing how sometimes searching for information on the internet might not be safe and what they can do if they find something that upsets them. The children will learn about the purpose of emails and the different tools that they can use when sending emails. Finally, the children will be taught about the concept of their 'digital footprint' and how they can keep their personal information secure online.
Most of our English activities this week will be based around the childrens' introduction to year 2 and their new class. Our lessons will begin with children considering what is the same and what is different about the rules and routines of year two and recording this in their books. The children will also write sentences about their summer holidays and what they would like to achieve in year two, thinking about ensuring they include capital letters and full stops.
In maths this week, we will begin our learning on the topic of place value. The children will begin the week by developing their understanding of numbers to 20 and recording numbers as both numerals and number words. We will then move on to counting objects to 100 by making ten where we will find a total by counting in tens. As the week progresses, the children will use practical resources to work out the tens and ones value of a number and will begin to represent numbers using a place value chart.
Our first two topic lessons this week will be PSHE based. We will begin the week reading the story 'the colour monster' and discussing the different feelings that we may have at different times and who we can talk to about any difficult feelings that we might encounter. We will also discuss the importance of having class rules that we all adhere to and we will work together to create rules to enable us to stay safe and learn effectively. Our last topic lesson of the week will be art based and the children will spend time designing their frame for their 'get caught reading' picture to be displayed in the classroom.
Autumn 1 2023
As part of our last week of the school year, the children will be reflecting on their time spent at Howe Park School. The children will consider the influence of all teaching staff on their learning journey and how they have supported and inspired their learning. We will spend time planning and writing a thank you card in our English lessons where the children will think carefully about the structure, features and content that they would like to include.
This week we will continue to build on and extend the children's already growing mathematical knowledge through the use of maths games which will develop the children's mental arithmetic. We will also continue to revisit our topic on time.
This week our topic lessons will be spent rehearsing for the children's leavers assembly.
This week we will be reading the book 'Dear Teacher' written by Amy Husband, a fiction text written about a child writing letters to his new teacher. The children will spent the week drafting and planning their own letter that they would like to write to their new teacher at their new school. The children will think about what information they could write about themselves, what they are looking forward to at their new school and finally what they can do over the summer to prepare for year 3.
This week we will continue to build on and extend the children's already growing mathematical knowledge through the use of maths games which will develop the children's mental arithmetic. We will also continue to revisit our topic on time.
This week our topic lessons will be spent rehearsing for the children's leavers assembly.
This week in English we will be preparing pieces of writing that the children will perform for their leavers assembly. The children will be applying all of their literary knowledge and skills that they have gained throughout the year to make their pieces of writing exciting and interesting for their audience.
This week we will continue to build on and extend the children's already growing mathematical knowledge through the use of maths games which will develop the children's mental arithmetic. We will also continue to revisit our topic on time.
This week we will be learning about the famous composer Samuel Coleridge-Taylor. The children will be taught about Samuel's childhood and background and how he unfortunately endured adversity, but became a successful composer. The children will be given the opportunity to listen to Samuel's famous piece of music 'Hiawatha' and to recognise the significance of this piece.
This week we will be learning about the poem 'The Sound Collector', written by Roger McGough. The children will work towards rewriting their own poem thinking about the sounds that remind them of Howe Park School. They will spend time collecting their own sounds, using adverbs and adjectives to make their ideas interesting and then writing the poem according to the structure of the original poem.
This week we will continue to build on and extend the children's already growing mathematical knowledge. We will revisit our topic on time where the children will practise reading times to the nearest 15 minutes and to the nearest 5 minutes and will have a go at drawing hands on a clock to represent a specific time. The children will be given the opportunity to play time games to consolidate their knowledge.
Our topic learning this week will be computing based. As part of our unit of work 'beat, band and boogie', the children will be introduced to new music based vocabulary (e.g. tune, compose, beat, bars) and will be using the programme 2sequence on Purple Mash. This programme will provide the children with the opportunity to create their own tune using a variety of instruments and experimenting with the tempo and volume. The children will also be able to add sound effects to a pre-made tune of 'twinkle twinkle little star' and will experiment with how this changes the effect of the music.
In English this week we will be writing recounts of our trip to visit Emerson Valley school the previous week. The children will think about the activities that they did and how they can order them correctly, so that their writing is coherent for their reader. The children will write about their trip using ambitious vocabulary, adjectives, adverbs and various coordinating and subordinating conjunctions to excited and interest their reader.
This week we will continue to build on and extend the children's already growing mathematical knowledge. We will be visiting our number bonds and how we can use them to identify other relationships with number. The children will also recap scales and how we can use our knowledge of number relationships to identify points on a scale that are not clearly marked. The children will also be using their mathematical skills and knowledge to solve mathematical problems and to demonstrate reasoning.
This week is art week. We will be making our own sculptures of minibeasts inspired by the work of artist Edouard Martinet. The children will begin the week by learning about the artist and assessing some of his famous artwork. They will then plan what their minibeast will look like, considering it's shape, colours and design. Next they will create their sculpture using newspaper, masking tape and Modroc. Finally they will be given the opportunity to paint their models.