Howe Park School

01908 526294

Welcome to Foundation!


Getting to Know You

5th November 2024

This week we are…

  • Practising our counting skills and knowing when to stop
  • Read the story ‘Aliens Love Underpants’ and looking at rhyming words
  • Continuing to practise our sounds and blending in our RWI
  • Using our Fred Fingers to spell simple words
  • Having a hot chocolate and lullaby afternoon in our pyjamas
  • Exploring snow and how it melts in our science lesson
  • Working on our jumping skills in P.E.

To Do List

  1. We are busy talking about our bedtime routine. What is your bedtime routine? Can you talk about it to your adult?
  2. Practise listening for the sounds in simple CVC words, can you write down what you can hear? g. cat, dog, bed, hat, net
  3. Play a game with a dice just showing 1-5 can you instantly recognise (subitise) how many dots are on your dice?

Key Vocabulary

Routine, rhyme, night, sleep, alien, jump, snow, melt, temperature, lullaby


21st October 2024

This week we are…

  • Comparing more and fewer
  • Continuing to practise our sounds and blending in our differentiated phonics groups
  • Reading our story ‘The Little Red Hen’
  • Using our Fred Fingers to spell simple words
  • Comparing similarities and differences from when we were a bay until now.
  • Continuing to practise balancing bean bags and move in different ways.
  • Continuing our value of ‘Kindness’

To Do List

  1. We are reading the story ‘Little Red Hen’. Can you create your own farm animal picture and bring it in to show us?
  2. Practise your oral blending. Ask an adult to sound out some simple words for you; can you say the word?  For example: r – e – d is red.  Now try getting your adult to write a simple word, can you sound it out and read it?
  3. Practise counting to 20 and back down to 0.


Key Vocabulary

subitise, blending, hen, movement, kind, more, fewer, similar, different, change.

14th October 2024

This week we are…

  • Learning about the importance of self-control
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons
  • Subitising amounts to 5
  • Retelling the story ‘The Little Red Hen’
  • Beginning to use P.E. equipment by balancing a beanbag on different body parts in P.E.
  • Creating a map of the classroom and using the map to find our mascots
  • Learning about a variety of emergency services and talking about people who help us
  • Continuing to learn new songs and sing within a group


To Do List

  1. We will be thinking about bedtime after half term. Bring in or email a photo showing part of your bedtime routine e.g. brushing your teeth, having a bedtime story. Email it to and state your child’s class as the subject.  Please ensure this is in school by Wednesday 23rd October so we can put them on display.
  2. Gather a small number of objects (fewer than 5). Can you subitise (say how many there are without counting)?
  3. Practise your sounds in your green sound book and don’t forget to work on your letter formation. Count how many sounds you can recognise and form correctly!

Key Vocabulary

Wheat, mill, flour, sow (sow the seeds), kind, balance, map, beanbag, emergency, job, subitise, mascot, sing, perform, self-control


7th October 2024

This week we are learning…

  • 3 is made from 2 and 1
  • The sounds u, b, f, e, l and what the letters look like
  • About the story ‘The Rainbow Fish’
  • To hear initial sounds in words
  • To write our names with the correct letter formation
  • To move in a variety of ways in a space of our own in P.E.
  • How to look after our classroom environment
  • Learning the value of honesty
  • To decorate photo frames for our special photo

To Do List

  1. Practise recognising the sounds you have been taught. Use your green sound book. How many do you know without looking at the pictures? Can you get a special teacher stamp for completing your work?
  2. Practise listening for the first sound in a word, can you show your grown up how to use your Fred Fingers?
  3. Practise ‘Fast Fingers’. How quickly can your show 5 fingers, 4 fingers, 3 fingers, 2 fingers and 1 finger?

Key Vocabulary

Number, photo frame, honesty, resources, space, initial, environment, photo, decorate



30th September 2024

This week we are…

  • Looking at our value ‘Trust’
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and learning the sounds that the letters make p,g,o,c,k.
  • Practising our oral blending.
  • Practising blending using the sounds we know
  • Learning how to represent and describe different amounts with our fingers
  • Reading the story of ‘The Rainbow Fish’ and linking it to our values
  • Practising writing our names and forming letters correctly
  • Continuing finding a space and moving in different ways in our PE lessons
  • Exploring ways our bodies have changed from a baby to now
  • Learning about what makes a good friend

To Do List

  • Keep practising writing your name, doing this will ensure you can write it on the back of your pictures, which will help them to not get lost!
  • Practise putting a tissue to your nose and blowing your nose into the tissue (try not to rub it on your face), putting the tissue in the bin and washing your hands. Can you do it all without adult help?
  • Practise telling the story of your picture book and make sure your adult writes it in your diary so you can get a reading bug at half term.

Key Vocabulary

Changes, hair, walk, crawl, run, cry, talk, family, house, fish, octopus, sharing, friendship

23rd September 2024

This week we are…

  • Learning about our value ‘Trust’
  • Carrying on our Read Write Inc lessons and learning the sounds that the letters s, d, t, i, n.
  • Practising our oral blending
  • Practising blending using the sounds we know
  • Learning how to subitise 1-3
  • Practising writing our names and forming letters correctly
  • Having our first P.E. lesson and practising finding a space and moving in different ways
  • Learning about similarities and differences between ourselves and others
  • Learning the importance of following instructions
  • Continuing to build friendships

To Do List

  • Create a picture of your friend, bring it in to share with the class and put it on display.
  • If your teacher was a dinosaur, which one would they be and why?
  • Talk to your adult about feeling safe at school. What rules do we have?  Who makes you feel safe (Mrs Wilkie, Miss Sinton, Mrs Kassam)?

Key Vocabulary

Rainbow, fish, sharing, octopus, scale, phonics, maths, topic, subitise

16th September 2024

This week we are…

  • Continuing to learn the class rules
  •  Taking part in our phonics Read Write Inc. lessons
  • Staying at school for a full day
  •  Continuing to learn about how to make friends
  •  Learning our routine

To Do List

  • Practise writing your name, make sure you use the correct letter formation and with just a capital letter at the start.
  • Draw a picture of your favourite thing about school, can you tell an adult about it?
  • Practise taking off and putting on your jumper/cardigan. Can you make sure it is not inside out?


Phonics, Read Write Inc., partner, timetable, afternoon, sounds, routine, cloakroom, tray

9th September 2024

This week we are…

  • Learning about the class rules
  • Learning how to use the different areas in the classroom
  • Learning how to use the different areas outside
  • Thinking about how we can keep our classroom areas clean and tidy
  • Having lunches in the hall
  • Learning about the value of Friendship

To Do List

  • Make a picture of yourself at home and bring it in to show the class.  You can use sticking or painting to create your picture.
  • Tell an adult you live with about a friend you have made and what you like about them.
  • Do you remember your teachers name? Miss Sinton (Ladybirds) and Mrs Wilkie (Hedgehogs). Can you greet them using their name when you come to school?


Timetable, calendar, behaviour chart, routine, cloakroom, tray, tidy



EYFS Policy

What To Expect When...

2023 - 2024

Summer 2 - Splish, Splash

W/C 15th July 2024

This week we are…

  • Practising our instant call of number bonds
  • Practising our instant recall of doubles
  • Comparing the difference between spring and summer
  • Watching Year Two perform in their leaver’s assembly
  • Having a film afternoon and wearing non uniform for our treat for fantastic behaviour in Foundation
  • Celebrating our achievements whilst we have been in Foundation
  • Singing in our end of year assembly

To Do List

  1. Practise your handwriting and letter formation, make sure you form them all correctly (see little green book for reminders) ready for Year One
  2. Practise your instant recall of number bonds to 10 (10 is made from 6 and 4), see how quickly you can say them all, ready to impress your Year One Teacher.
  3. Have a fantastic summer holiday and make lots of memories

Key Vocabulary

Ice lolly, freeze, sing, film, leaving, assembly, achievement, number bond, award, double, season, spring, summer

We hope you all have a lovely summer holiday!


Summer 1 - Marvellous Minibeasts

W/C 20th May

This week we are …

  • Showing off our writing skills by doing an independent write about the caterpillars/butterflies
  • Listening to the story Jonah and the Whale and then talking about right from wrong in Religious Education
  • Comparing similarities and differences of minibeasts
  • Having a science day and taking part in science experiments
  • Practising patting and dribbling a ball to our partner
  • Working on our composition skills to 10

To Do List

  1. Spend some time practising forming you’re the following letters correctly: a, c, d, g, o, q. Make sure you start in the same place on each letter and move anti clockwise.
  2. Practise your double facts (for example – double 5 is 10). How high can you go?
  3. Make a 2D sea creature in preparation for our ‘Splish Splash’ topic after half term. Bring it to school so we can put it on our display!

Key Vocabulary

Science, experiment, sports, race, similarities, differences, religion, Christian, church

W/C 13th May

This week we are…

  • Continuing our composition of 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 in Maths
  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and using them to write words and sentences
  • Continuing with the story ‘Superworm’
  • We are looking at the emotion of being ‘scared’ and ‘angry’ and linking it to the red zone
  • Creating snail art by Henry Matisse
  • Practising rolling a ball to a partner and back in P.E

To Do List

  1. Can you quickly recall a number 1 more or 1 less up to 10.
  2. Enjoy the weather and go on a bug hunt. Can you write a sentence about what you see. I can see a ……
  3. Practise dribbling a large ball with control to a grown up and back.

Key Vocabulary

rolling, control, scared, angry, artist, snail, emotion, more, less


W/C 7th May

This week we are …

  • Learning about our value ‘Tolerance’
  • Taking part in the school P.E. festival
  • Working on our subitising skills with different arrangements to 10
  • Observing our chrysalides and waiting for the butterflies
  • Planting our own sunflowers and talking about the process
  • Learning about our emotion ‘sleepy’ and the ‘blue zone’

To Do List

  1. Practise your doubles, can you tell your adult double 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Write down the answer to practise your number formation.
  2. Write a sentence about something you did over the weekend. Remember capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.
  3. Practise putting your jumper the right way around, putting it on and taking it off by yourself, make sure it has your name in it!

Key Vocabulary

Sleepy, zone, plant, compost, seed, grow, subitise, chrysalides, chrysalis, tolerance


W/C 29th April

This week we are …

  • Learning our new story ‘Superworm’
  • Practising passing and rolling a ball
  • Working on teen numbers and ty numbers and ensuring we know our stopping number
  • Singing a variety of garden songs, with a focus on pitch
  • Continuing to observe our caterpillars and waiting for them to make their cocoons
  • Learning about where minibeasts live


To Do List

  1. Find objects around your house and lay them on the floor. Can you see which objects are long and short? Can you put them in order from shortest to longest or longest to shortest?
  2. Use an object you can safely throw (ball, beanbag or pair of socks) and practise throwing and catching by yourself and with another person.
  3. There are 36 key words to learn to read by sight before the end of the year, please practise the sheet you have been given (double word sheet) as this will really help their reading and writing. Please ask if you are unsure.

Key Vocabulary

Caterpillars, chrysalis, pitch, roll, worm, long, strong, habitat


W/C 22nd April

This week we are …

  • Learning about our value ‘consideration’
  • Continuing our story ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’
  • Continuing our phonics in our differentiated RWI groups
  • Practising our writing by listening carefully for the sounds, making sure we remember finger spaces and full stops
  • Continuing our doubling in maths
  • Continuing to observe our caterpillars and waiting for them to form their chrysalis
  • Learning about the emotion of happiness and linking this to being in the ‘Green Zone’
  • Creating a map of our outside area
  • Learning about a variety of minibeasts and where they live

To Do List

  1. Make your own bumblebee or flower and bring it in to share with the class.
  2. Go on a minibeast hunt, how many can you find? How many legs do they have?
  3. Write a sentence about your favourite minibeast, make sure you form your letters correctly, use finger spaces and full stops.

Key Vocabulary

Chrysalis, antennae, minibeast, insect, map, local, double, emotion

W/C 15th April

This week we are…

  • Continuing our counting skills, with particular focus on teens and ty and knowing our stopping number
  • Continuing our RWI lessons in our new differentiated groups
  • Learning our new story ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’
  • Practising our subitising skills and learning double facts in Maths
  • Learning about the importance of road safety
  • Designing our own minibeast pebble as a launch for our new topic ‘Marvellous Minibeasts’
  • Practising our throwing and catching skills
  • Welcoming caterpillars to our classroom

To Do List

  1. Practise reading and spelling your key words. Have a go at using them in a sentence.
  2. Make a minibeast to display in the classroom.
  3. Wite about your holidays. What did you like best? E.g. I went to the park.

Key Vocabulary

Minibeast, insect, cocoon, antennae, chrysalis, caterpillar, throw, catch, double, pebble

Spring 2 - Do Cows Drink Milk?

W/C 25th March 2024

This week we are…

  • Learning the Easter story and talking about who celebrates Easter
  • Carrying on our composing and decomposing work with numbers to 7 in Maths
  • Making our own fruit picture based on the work of Giuseppe Arcimboldo
  • Creating sequences in P.E.
  • Having a whole school assembly and performing ‘Dingle Dangle Scarecrow’
  • Having a treat afternoon for having a super term at school!

To Do List

  1. Make your own minibeast and bring it to school to go on our display for our next topic ‘Marvellous Minibeasts’
  2. Write a sentence about your visit to the farm. What animals did you see? Which one did you like best?
  3. Can you tell your grown up some quick ways to make 3,4, 5, 6 and 7? Don’t use your fingers, see if you can do it from memory. If your child is finding this difficult, start by saying ‘4 is made from…..’

Key Vocabulary

Easter, religion, assembly, sequence, artist, fruit


18th March 2024

This week we are…

  • Learning about the composition of numbers to 7
  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and using them to write words and sentences
  • Talking about the importance of road safety
  • Practising jumping and landing safely in P.E.
  • Making shakers and listening to the different sounds the pasta and rice make
  • Having a spring themed open afternoon
  • Going on a school trip to the farm

To Do List

  1. Discuss Maths in the environment with your child, where can you see numbers? g., In a shop, on a registration plate, on a clock. 
  2. Practise your egg and log rolls in a safe space.
  3. Pack ready for the farm, make sure you have wellies on your feet, a named water bottle in a rucksack, wearing a coat suitable for rain.

Key Vocabulary

Farm, bus, adult, partner, spring, shaker, jump, land, road safety


11th March 2024

This week we are…

  • Comparing the value of number by using the words more and less
  • Continuing to practise our sounds and blending in our differentiated RWI groups
  • Using our Fred Fingers to write simple sentences
  • Continuing our work on the story ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’
  • Continuing with gymnastics in P.E. and learning to do log rolls and egg rolls
  • Talking about why we should not have too much screen time
  • Listening to the story ‘Rosie’s Walk’ and creating our own map of the school to follow
  • Practising our cutting skills whilst making Easter cards

To Do List

  1. Practise your number formation 1-10, make sure your form the numbers the correct way.
  2. Practise throwing and catching, by yourselves and with a partner.
  3. Draw a picture of the chicks and write about them. What did they feel like?  What did thy look like.  Make sure you write in full sentences – e.g ‘The chick is soft.’

Key Vocabulary

Gymnastics, Easter, map, screen, more, less, compare, roll


4th March 2024

This week we are…

  • Practising our counting skills and learning about the pattern of number
  • Continuing our blending practise in our differentiated Read Write Inc groups
  • Use phonic knowledge to write words in ways which match their spoken sounds
  • Dressing up as our favourite book character for World Book Day
  • Learning about the importance of tooth hygiene
  • Learning about farm animals, where they live and what they need to survive
  • Balancing in gymnastics
  • Reading ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ and answering questions about the story

To Do List

  1. Create a simple map of a room in your house and hide a soft toy around the room. Can your child use the map and use positional language to give directions to find the toy?
  2. Practise putting your socks and shoes on without help, now check your shoes are on the right feet.
  3. Practise reading and writing your high frequency words, make sure you form your letters correctly using your RWI rhymes.

Key Vocabulary

World Book Day, character, farm, survive, teeth, dentist, toothbrush, mud, grass, cave, forest, snowstorm


Spring 1 - Will you read me a story?

W/C 12th February 2024

This week we are…

  • Continuing our work on composition and making numbers using ‘5 and a bit’
  • Continuing to sew and decorate our Gingerbread Man puppets
  • Reading Handa’s Surprise and comparing similarities and differences between England and Kenya
  • Learning about our value of ‘Courage’
  • Continuing our ‘Gingerbread man’ dance
  • Having a reading afternoon at school where our loved ones can come and read with us
  • Celebrating Lunar New Year by having a Chinese takeaway

To Do List

  • Sing the song 5 Little Speckled Frogs, show the actions and the numbers on your fingers. Make sure your child says what 5 is made from each time. Eg - 5 is made from 4 and 1, 5 is made from 3 and 2
  • Have a look for different materials around your house, can you use some interesting words to describe them.  g. rough, smooth, soft
  • Practise your high frequency / key words and see if you can instantly recognise what the words are.


Key Vocabulary

Courage, Lunar, Chinese, takeaway, similarities, difference, sew, decorate


W/C 5th February 2024

This week we are…

  • Working on composition to 5
  • Sewing our Gingerbread Man puppets
  • Continuing our story of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ and changing the wolf to a new character
  • Continuing our ‘Gingerbread Man’ dance
  • Learning about healthy foods and why these are important
  • Designing and making our own fairytale character masks

To Do List

  • Practise reading words with 4 sounds, e.g. crab, prop, plan. Challenge – can you read the word without sounding it out?
  • Use your fast fingers to show different ways to make 3,4,5, how fast can you show the different ways? E.g. 2 and 2, 3 and 1 for 4. Challenge – Can you work out one more than that number?
  • Create your own 2D farm animal or farmer and bring it to school for us to put on the display for our new topic ‘Do Cows Drink Milk?’. This needs to be in school by 26th February, but please feel free to bring this in before.

Key Vocabulary

needle, sewing, mask, thread, puppet, button, healthy


W/C 29th January 2024

This week we are…

  • Working on counting ordinality and cardinality to 5
  • Reading the story Little Red Riding Hood
  • Understanding the past through characters whilst reading the story ‘Peepo’
  • Investigating textures whilst making a bed fit for a princess
  • Learning about our value of co-operation
  • Learning how to move in time to music whilst creating a gingerbread man dance in P.E.

To Do List

  • Go on a shape hunt around your house, what shapes can you see? What shapes can you see within other shapes?  For example two triangles make a square.
  • Write a simple sentence about what you did at the weekend, remember to use a capital letter, finger spaces and a full stop. For example ‘I went to the shop’.
  • Keep practising your zips on your coats and taking your jumper off without help.

*Please note, keywords and high frequency words are both the same, we assess children on these every fortnight and send home new ones if your child can recognise at least 2 of their most recent set speedily – for example, set 1 – ‘the’, ‘and’, ‘I’*

Key Vocabulary

Character, history, past, fairytale, materials, texture, dance, co-operation, value



W/C 22nd January 2024

This week we are…

  • Subitising on a dice and playing dice based games
  • Continuing our story ‘The Gingerbead Man’ and changing the main character to make it our own
  • Using recycling materials to make a bridge for our mascot to balance on
  • Learning about the past through photos and how they have changed, plus asking permission to take photos of each other in black and white
  • Talking about what we are good at
  • Carrying on our value of thankfulness
  • Learning how to move in time to music whilst creating a gingerbread man dance in P.E.

To Do List

  1. Practise your high frequency words and make sure you read to an adult every day and write it in your reading diary.
  2. Show your adults your ‘fast fingers’. How many ways can you show 4 and 5?
  3. Practise zipping up your coat, can you do it without any help?

Key Vocabulary

Bridge, dice, dance, subitise, board game, character, photo, past, history


15th January 2024

This week we are…

  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and practising how to read and write independently
  • Learning about shapes and creating our own shape pictures
  • Learning about weight, length and capacity
  • Continuing the Gingerbread Man and creating a story mountain, focusing on the beginning, the middle and the end
  • Making changes to the Gingerbread Man story to make it our own
  • Practising throwing a beanbag into a target in PE
  • Looking at and talking about our special photos and creating timelines with them
  • Making fairytale masks

To Do List

  1. Ask your child if they can retell the story of ‘The Gingerbread Man’ to you. Can they remember any of the actions?
  2. Remember to keep reading and getting an adult to write in your diary, don’t forget about the reading bugs! We expect you to read at least 3 times a week at home.
  3. Make your own number cards to 10 (or 20 if you want a challenge), can you recognise all the numbers, cut them out and put them back in order?

Key Vocabulary

Special memory, timeline, photo, baby, toddler, before, heavy, light, long, short, full, empty, half full, half empty, mask, shape

8th January 2024

This week we are…

  • Working on our counting, cardinality and ordinality
  • Making gingerbread men
  • Reading our new story ‘The Gingerbread Man’
  • Reading words in our new phonics groups
  • Using our Fred Fingers to spell simple words
  • Moving in a variety of different ways in PE
  • Talking about what we did during our Christmas holidays



To Do List

  1. Write about what you have done during your holiday and bring it in to share with the class.
  2. Practise your letter formation, it is important that you form all your letters correctly.
  3. If you haven’t already, please bring in your fairytale character for the classroom display.


Christmas, holiday, story, sounds, start, middle, end, gingerbread, subitise

Autumn 2 - What happens when you go to sleep?

Christmas Holidays

To Do List

  1. Spend time with your family talking about your favourite things.
  2. Wrap up warm and go on a winter walk.
  3. Get lots of rest and have time to relax.


W/C 18th December

Week beginning 18th December 2023

This week we are…

  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and using them to write words and sentences
  • Practising our counting skills in Maths
  • Learning about the story of Christmas
  • Having a Christmas party on Wednesday at 3:10pm
  • Carol singing on Tuesday night at 6pm
  • Having our treat to celebrate an amazing first term in school
  • Watching a pantomime

To Do List

  1. Practise your key words, how many can you reocgnise? Please keep practising as there are approximately 30 words to learn by the end of Foundation!
  2. Make a 2D fairytale character and bring it to school for us to put on the display for January.
  3. It is cold outside, practise doing your coat zip up all by yourself.

*PE and Library is back on this week*


Pantomime, Christmas, cracker, treat, Nativity, subitise, carol singing


W/C 11th December

This week we are…

  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and using them to write words and sentences
  • Looking at ways of making 3, 4 and 5. g., 5 is made from 2 and 3
  • Carrying on our story ‘Whatever Next’
  • Writing our Christmas cards
  • Performing our Christmas play
  • Watching Nursery and KS1 perform their Christmas play
  • Learning new songs for the Christmas Carol concert
  • Making our Christmas gifts


To Do List

  1. Practise your blending, can you blend four sounds together to read the word? For example – hand
  2. Have numerals 1-10 and some construction blocks, pick a numeral, now build a tower using that many blocks.
  3. Keep trying with putting your coat on and doing up the zip without an adult helping you. I wonder if we can all do it by Christmas.

Key Vocabulary

Christmas, carols, performing, dress rehearsal, costume, decoration


W/C 27th November 2023

This week we are…

  • Learning about composition by using parts to make up a whole in Maths
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and practising blending to read words
  • Continuing our storytelling of ‘The Three Little Pigs’
  • Practising our Christmas play, singing the songs and learning our parts
  • Performing our own lullabies
  • Inviting parents to join us for Christmas crafts on Friday afternoon
  • Learning about the value ‘Thoughtfulness’

To Do List

  1. Practise your line for the Christmas play, see how loud you can say it!
  2. On your way to school look out for signs of winter. Draw a picture of what you find and label it.
  3. Practise your hopping, jumping, galloping and skipping skills.


Christmas, nativity, Wiseman, king, shepherd, stable, manger, part, whole, gift, winter, thoughtfulness

W/C 20th November 2023

This week we are…

  • Working on composition of 5 in Maths and understanding two parts make a whole
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and practising blending to read words in our differentiated groups
  • Retelling the story ‘The Three Little Pigs’
  • Hearing initial sounds, writing simple words and writing simple sentences about the story ‘The Three Little Pigs’
  • Practising our Christmas songs and learning our parts
  • Talking about seasons and comparing autumn and winter

To Do List

  1. We have finished learning our set one sounds now, have a look in your green sounds book and see how many you can recognise. Can you remember them all? Now check to see if you can form them all correctly.
  2. There are lots of colds and coughs at school, practise coughing into your arm and blowing your nose on a tissue. Remember to put the tissue in the bin and wash your hands with soap, this will keep everyone healthy.
  3. Practise your lines for the school play (if you have one). Can you remember the songs and sing these too? Have your brought in your outfit?

Key Vocabulary

Straw, bricks, sticks, huff and puff, blew, chimney, part, whole, autumn, winter


W/C 13th November 2023

This week we are…

  • Thinking about our value of Self Control
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons in our differentiated groups
  • Practising saying sounds out loud and putting them together to read a word
  • Comparing amounts using the words ‘more’ and ‘fewer’
  • Practising our songs for the Christmas play
  • Learning to move in different ways – galloping
  • Listening for rhyming words in Alines Love Underpants
  • Comparing materials and working out which textures make a good teddy
  • Stuffing a sock and making our own cuddle pet

To Do List

  1. Can you help write a shopping list of simple items, use your Fred fingers to sound out the words e.g. milk, eggs, buns, plums
  2. Practise recognising and ordering numerals 1-5, can you count out the correct amount of objects to match the numerals? Challenge – do this activity for 1-10
  3. Practise taking on and off jumpers and coats and doing up your zip to keep warm! Can you do it without an adult helping you?

Key Vocabulary

Christmas play, self control, nativity, more, fewer, equal, rhyming, gallop


W/C 6th November 2023

This week we are…

  • Practising our counting skills and knowing when to stop
  • Continuing to read the story ‘Aliens Love Underpants’ and looking at rhyming words
  • Continuing to practise our sounds and blending in our RWI
  • Using our Fred Fingers to spell simple words
  • Feeling and describing different textures and decided what would be best for a teddy bear
  • Finding out about people who work at night
  • Working on our hopping skills in P.E.

To Do List

  1. We are busy talking about our bedtime routine. What is your bedtime routine? Can you talk about it to your adult?
  2. Practise listening for the sounds in simple CVC words, can you write down what you can hear? g. cat, dog, bed, hat, net
  3. Play a game with a dice just showing 1-5 can you instantly recognise (subitise) how many dots are on your dice?

Key Vocabulary

Routine, rhyme, texture, material, night, sleep, alien, job, hop


Autumn 1 - Getting to Know You

W/C 16th October 2023


This week we are...

  • Learning about our value of kindness
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons in our differentiated groups
  • Subitising amounts to 5
  • Retelling the story ‘The Little Red Hen’
  • Beginning to use P.E. equipment by balancing a beanbag on different body parts in P.E.
  • Learning the story of Rama and Sita in R.E.
  • Creating a map of the classroom and using the map to find our mascots
  • Learning about a variety of emergency services and talking about people who help us

To Do List

  1. We will be thinking about bedtime after half term. Bring in or email a photo showing part of your bedtime routine e.g. brushing your teeth, having a bedtime story. Email it to and state your child’s class as the subject.  Please ensure this is in school by Friday 20th October so we can put them on display.
  2. Gather a small number of objects (fewer than 5). Can you subitise (say how many there are without counting)?
  3. Practise your sounds in your green sound book and don’t forget to work on your letter formation. Count how many sounds you can recognise!

Key Vocabulary

Half term, holiday, wheat, mill, flour, sow (sow the seeds), kind, balance, map, beanbag, emergency, job, subitise


W/C 9th October 2023

This week we are learning…

  • 3 is made from 2 and 1
  • The sounds r, j, v, y and w and what the letters look like
  • The story of The Little Red Hen
  • To hear initial sounds in words
  • To write our names with the correct letter formation
  • To move in a space of our own in P.E.
  • To move in different ways
  • How we have changed since we were a baby
  • Learning how to look after our classroom environment

To Do List

  1. Practise recognising the sounds you have been taught. Use your green sound book. How many do you know without looking at the pictures? Can you get a special teacher stamp for completing your work?
  2. Practise listening for the first sound in a word, can you show your grown up how to use your Fred Fingers?
  3. Practise ‘Fast Fingers’. How quickly can your show 5 fingers, 4 fingers, 3 fingers, 2 fingers and 1 finger?

Key Vocabulary

number, sound, change, baby, grown, resources, space, initial, environment

W/C 2nd October 2023

This week we are…

  • Looking at our value ‘Honesty’
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and learning the sounds that the letters f, e, l, h, sh make.
  • Practising our oral blending.
  • Practising blending using the sounds we know
  • Practising our subitiing skills
  • Learning how to represent and describe different amounts with our fingers
  • Continuing the story of ‘The Rainbow Fish’ and answering questions about the story
  • Practising writing our names and forming letters correctly
  • Practising finding a space and moving in different ways in our PE lessons
  • Looking at our special photo and comparing similarities and differences
  • Learning about what makes a good friend

To Do List

  • Keep practising writing your name, doing this will ensure you can write it on the back of your pictures, which will help them to not get lost!
  • Practise putting a tissue to your nose and blowing your nose into the tissue (try not to rub it on your face), putting the tissue in the bin and washing your hands. Can you do it all without adult help?
  • Practise telling the story of your picture book and make sure your adult writes it in your diary so you can get a reading bug at half term.


Key Vocabulary

subitise, phonics, compare, similar (similarities), different (differences), like, dislike, photo


W/C 25th September 2023

This week we are…

  • Learning about our value ‘Trust’
  • Carrying on our Read Write Inc lessons and learning the sounds that the letters o, c, k, u, b
  • Practising our oral blending
  • Practising blending using the sounds we know
  • Learning how to subitise 1-3
  • Reading the story of ‘The Rainbow Fish’ and linking it to our values
  • Practising writing our names and forming letters correctly
  • Having our first P.E. lesson and practising finding a space and moving in different ways
  • Learning about similarities and differences between ourselves and others
  • Learning the importance of following instructions
  • Meeting different adults who work in our school


To Do List

  • Make your own rainbow fish, bring it in to share with the class.
  • If your teacher was a dinosaur, which one would they be and why?
  • Talk to your adult about feeling safe at school. What rules do we have?  Who makes you feel safe (Mrs Wilkie, Miss Sinton, Mrs Ashok, Mrs Kassam)?

Key Vocabulary

Rainbow, fish, sharing, octopus, scale, work, staff, phonics, maths, topic, subitise

W/C 18th September 2023

This week we are…

  • Continuing to learn the class rules
  • Taking part in our phonics Read Write Inc. lessons
  • Staying at school for a full day
  • Continuing to learn about how to make friends
  • Learning our routine


Phonics, Read Write Inc., partner, timetable, afternoon, sounds, routine, cloakroom, tray

 To Do List

  • Practise writing your name, make sure you use the correct letter formation.
  • Draw a picture of your favourite thing about school, can you tell an adult about it?
  • Practise taking off and putting on your jumper/cardigan. Can you make sure it is not inside out?

W/C 11th September 2023

This week we are…

  • Learning about the class rules
  • Learning how to use the different areas in the classroom
  • Learning how to use the different areas outside
  • Thinking about how we can keep our classroom areas clean and tidy
  • Having hot lunches and packed lunches in the hall
  • This week’s value is Friendship


Timetable, calendar, behaviour chart, routine, cloakroom, tray, tidy up

To Do List

  • Make a picture of yourself at home and bring it in to show the class.  You can use sticking or painting to create your picture.
  • Tell an adult you live with about a friend you have made and what you like about them.
  • Do you remember your teachers name? Miss Sinton (Ladybirds) and Mrs Wilkie (Hedgehogs). Can you greet them using their name when you come to school?


Summer 2

W/C 17th July 2023

This week we are…

  • Practising our instant call of number bonds
  • Learning about the religious celebration ‘Eid’
  • Watching Year Two perform in their leaver’s assembly
  • Having a film and an ice pop for our treat for fantastic behaviour in Foundation
  • Celebrating our achievements whilst we have been in Foundation
  • Singing in our end of year assembly

We hope you all have a lovely summer holiday

Spring 2

W/C 27.3.23


This week we are…

  • Learning the Easter story and talking about who celebrates Easter
  • Writing about our memories of the chicks
  • Learning about how to use a non-fiction book and what the different parts are called
  • Learning about odd and even in Maths
  • Creating a map of the school, making sure we put the pictures in the correct places
  • Creating sequences using the apparatus in P.E.
  • Having a farm dress up day and a treat afternoon for having a super half term at school!

To Do List

  1. Practise using a pair of scissors correctly at home. What shapes can you cut out? Can you use them to make a picture?
  2. Practise your sentence writing, making sure you sound out the words by yourself and use finger spaces and full stops.
  3. Can you tell your grown up some quick ways to makes 3,4 and 5? Don’t use your fingers, see if you can do it from memory. If your child is finding this difficult, start by saying ‘4 is made from…..’

Key Vocabulary

Egg, chick, incubator, lifecycle, non fiction, map, apparatus, sequence, odd, even, Easter


W/C 20.3.23

This week we are…

  • Learning what double means and using mirrors to explore this
  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and using them to write words and sentences
  • Talking about the importance of road safety
  • Practising jumping and landing safely in P.E.
  • Making seed shakers and listening to the different sounds the different seeds make
  • Creating our own pictures based on the ‘Fruit Basket’ by artist Guiseppe Arcimboldo
  • Making Easter cards
  • Writing Easter cards

To Do List

  1. Discuss Maths outside the classroom with your child, where can you see numbers? g., In a shop, on a registration plate, on a clock.  Write a list of all the different places you can find numbers.
  2. Practise writing sentences about anything you like! Remember to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.
  3. Practise reading your key words, how many can you recognise now?

Key Vocabulary

Apparatus, jump, Easter, seeds, road safety, artist, double

W/C 13th March 2023

This week we are…

  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and using them to write words and sentences
  • Learning to jump and land safely in gymnastics during our P.E. lessons
  • Continuing our composition work on 6 and 7
  • Practising our cutting skills whilst making Easter cards
  • Welcoming some real eggs to our classroom and making up class rules to look after them
  • Observing our class eggs and hoping to see the chicks hatch
  • Looking at and sorting a variety of seeds

To Do List

  1. Practise writing a simple sentence (for example ‘A cat on the mat’ or ‘A pig in the mud’. Can you remember a capital letter, finger spaces and full stops. Try and do this without your adult’s help.
  2. Practise cutting out a picture using scissors. Make sure you hold the scissors correctly.
  3. Ask an adult to have 7 cubes or counters altogether and hide them behind their back, now they need to take some away. Ask them to show you the remaining objects, can you work out how many your adult has taken away?

Key Vocabulary

Easter, balance, jump, seeds, incubator, chicks, brooding box, temperature


W/C 6th March 2023

This week we are…

  • Comparing amounts using the words ‘more’ and ‘fewer’
  • Continuing to practise our sounds and blending in our differentiated RWI groups
  • Using our Fred Fingers to write simple sentences
  • Continuing with the story ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’
  • Continuing with gymnastics in P.E. and learning to do simple rolls
  • Talking about why too much screen-time is not good for us
  • Making patterns using fruit and paint
  • Making Mother’s Day Cards

To Do List

  1. Practise your number formation 1-10, make sure your form the numbers the correct way.
  2. Make a scarecrow and bring it to school to show your friends.
  3. Talk to your adult about why it is important to brush your teeth. Can you talk about a time you went to the dentist?

Key Vocabulary

Roll, pattern, screen-time, Mother’s Day


W/C 27th February 2023

This week we are…

  • Practising our counting skills and learning about the pattern of number
  • Continuing our blending practise in our new differentiated Read Write Inc groups
  • Use phonic knowledge to write words in ways which match their spoken sounds
  • Dressing up as our favourite book character for World Book Day
  • Learning about the importance of tooth hygiene
  • Singing some farm related songs
  • Making shapes with our body in gymnastics
  • Reading ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’ and answering questions about the story

To Do List

  1. Talk about or write about your favourite farm animal that came to school. Why did you like it so much? What did it look like? What did it feel like? What did you learn about this animal?
  2. Create a simple map of a room in your house and hide a soft toy around the room. Can your child use the map and give directions to find the toy?
  3. Remember to create your favourite farm animal and bring it to school so we can put it on our class display. You could draw a picture or make one out of recycling materials.

Key Vocabulary

Farm, animal, farmer, World Book Day, character, billy goat, troll, bridge, gymnastics, senses, texture, fruit, teeth, hygiene

W/C 20th February 2023

This week we are…

  • Learning about different shapes and how we can use shapes to create other shapes
  • Comparing different lengths
  • Comparing full and empty
  • Comparing heavy and light
  • Continuing our blending in our new differentiated Read Write Inc groups
  • Use phonic knowledge to write words in ways which match their spoken sounds
  • Having a visit from a farm as a launchpad for our topic ‘Do Cows Drink Milk?’
  • Finding out which baby animals match to their adult and learning all the different names
  • Making shapes with our body in gymnastics
  • Starting our new story ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’
  • Reading ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’ and answering questions about the story
  • Learning about our value ‘Quality’

To Do List

  1. Don’t forget to create your own farm animal and farmer and bring it in for our display. You could draw or paint a picture or make one out of recycling materials.
  2. Make a map of a room in your house and hide a soft toy around the room. Can your child use the map and give directions to find the toy?
  3. Practise your number bonds. 5 is made from ____ and ____, 4 is made from ___ and ___, 3 is made from ____ and ____ etc.

Key Vocabulary

Farm, animal, farmer, courage, Billy goat, troll, bridge, gymnastics, shape, triangle, square, long, short, heavy, light, full, empty


Spring 1

W/C 6th February 2023

This week we are…

  • Comparing amounts using ‘more’ and ‘fewer’
  • Continuing to sew and decorate our Gingerbread Man puppets
  • Reading Handa’s Surprise and comparing similarities and differences between England and Kenya
  • Learning about our value of ‘Courage’
  • Continuing our story of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ and changing the wolf to a new character
  • Continuing our ‘Gingerbread man’ dance
  • Having a reading afternoon at school where our loved ones can come and read with us

To Do List

  • Practise reading words with 4 sounds, e.g. crab, prop, plan
  • Use your fast fingers to show different ways to make 3,4,5, how fast can you show the different ways? E.g. 2 and 2, 3 and 1 for 4
  • Create your own farm animal or farmer and bring it to school for us to put on the display for our new topic ‘Do Cows Drink Milk?’

Key Vocabulary

courage, more, fewer, similarities, differences, England, Kenya, country, sewing

W/C 30th January 2023

This week we are…

  • Thinking about what our value of ‘Courage’ means
  • Experimenting with composition of 6 and 7
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and practising using them to read and write independently
  • Practising writing words and simple sentences in our independent time
  • Sewing a gingerbread man to make our own gingerbread man hand puppet
  • Continuing our Gingerbread Man dance in P.E.
  • Reading and learning about the Islamic story ‘The Prophet and the Ants’

To Do List

  • Practise blending words with special friends (sh, th, ng, nk, ch, qu) in them e.g. ship, fish, chip, quiz, thin, ring, sink
  • Make sure you are brushing your teeth twice a day, do you know why this is important?
  • Practise number recognition 1-10, use number cards and your fast eyes to say which numeral you can see, now show the amount on your fingers.

Key Vocabulary

Wood, woodcutter, Grandma, wolf, setting, basket, hood, cape, subitise, texture, taste, smell, quality, sew, puppet, Islamic, prophet


W/C 23rd January 2023

This week we are…

  • Exploring different ways to make 5
  • Reading the story Little Red Riding Hood
  • Understanding the past through characters
  • Investigating textures whilst making a bed fit for a princess
  • Carrying on our value of co-operation
  • Celebrating Chinese New Year by having a Chinese food tasting session
  • Learning how to move in time to music whilst creating a gingerbread man dance in P.E.


To Do List

  1. Practise your high frequency words and make sure you read to an adult every day and they write it in your reading diary.
  2. Show your adults your ‘fast fingers’. How many ways can you show 4 and 5?
  3. Practise zipping up your coat, can you do it without any help?


Key Vocabulary

character, materials, texture, dance, co-operation, past, Chinese

W/C 16th January 2023

This week we are…

  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and practising how to read and write independently
  • Focusing on ordering numerals and amounts
  • Continuing the Gingerbread Man and creating a story mountain, focusing on the beginning, the middle and the end
  • Making changes to the Gingerbread Man story to make it our own
  • Practising our patting and dribbling in P.E.
  • Looking at and talking about our special photos and creating timelines with them
  • Making bridges out of a variety of different materials
  • Talking about what we are good at

To Do List

  1. Ask your child if they can retell the story of ‘The Gingerbread Man’ to you. Can they remember any of the actions?
  2. Remember to keep reading and getting an adult to write in your diary, don’t forget about the reading bugs! We expect you to read at least 3 times a week at home.
  3. Make your own number cards to 10 (or 20 if you want a challenge), can you say the numbers, cut them out and put them back in order?

Key Vocabulary

Bridge, special memory, timeline, photo, template, numeral, tower


W/C 9th January 2023

This week we are…

  • Practising our subitising skills
  • Discussing how photos have changed over the years
  • Choosing from resources to make our own fairy tale mask
  • Carrying on our story ‘The Gingerbread Man’ and using actions to retell it
  • Using our Fred Fingers to spell simple words
  • Aiming a beanbag at a target in P.E.
  • Talking about how to be a good learner

To Do List

  1. Practise washing your hands with soap for 20 seconds, coughing into your elbow, blowing your nose and putting your tissue in the bin.
  2. Make sure you read at least 3 times per week at home and get your adult to write in your diary. Can you get a reading bug this half term?
  3. Keep practising writing your name, make sure every letter is formed correctly with a capital letter at the start.


Subitise, gingerbread, mask, photo, target, learner



W/C 4th January 2023

This week we are…

  • Practising our subitising 1-5
  • Making gingerbread men
  • Reading our new story ‘The Gingerbread Man’
  • Using our Fred Fingers to spell simple words
  • Moving in a variety of different ways in PE
  • Talking about what we did during our Christmas holidays

To Do List

  1. Write about what you have done during your holiday and bring it in to share with the class.
  2. Practise letter formation of all the sounds from your little green book.
  3. Think about your favourite story and make up a different ending.



Christmas, holiday, story, sounds, start, middle, end, gingerbread, subitise

Autumn 2

W/C 12th December

This week we are…

  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and using them to write words and sentences
  • Practising our counting skills in Maths
  • Writing about the story ‘Whatever Next’
  • Writing letters to Father Christmas
  • Making Christingles
  • Watching a pantomime
  • Having our treat to celebrate an amazing first term in school

To Do List

  1. Spend time with your family talking about your favourite things.
  2. Wrap up warm and go on a winter walk.
  3. Get lots of rest and have time to relax.

Key Vocabulary

Christingle, Christmas, pantomime


W/C 5th December 2022

This week we are…

  • Learning about the story of Christmas
  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and practising our blending
  • Using our sounds to write words and sentences
  • Performing our Christmas play
  • Writing our Christmas cards
  • Making Christmas cards
  • Investigating the composition of 3, 4 and 5

To Do List


  1. You’ve nearly finished your first term at school. Think about everything you have enjoyed learning about this term and talk about it with your grown-up.
  2. Practise putting your coat the right way in, putting it on and zipping it up. Can you do it by yourself?
  3. Complete a jigsaw at home. Can you work out which pieces connect to each other?


Key Vocabulary

Christmas, letter (postal), Nativity, rehearsal, costume, dress rehearsal, elves, elf, decoration



Key Vocabulary


Christmas, letter (postal), Nativity, composition, play, rehearsal, dress rehearsal, elf, elves

W/C 28th November 2022

This week we are…

  • Learning about composition of numbers 3, 4 and 5
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and practising blending to read words
  • Reading the story ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’
  • Practising our Christmas songs and learning our parts
  • Making a sleepy thing
  • Making Christmas cards
  • Learning about the value ‘Thoughtfulness’

To Do List

  1. Practise your line for the Christmas play, see how loud you can say it!
  2. On your way to school look out for signs of winter. Draw a picture of what you find and label it.
  3. Talk to your child about their favourite book. Can your child tell you who the author is and why do they like the story?


Christmas, wisemen, king, shepherd, stable, manger, composition, gift, winter, thoughtfulness

W/C 21st November 2022

This week we are…

  • Working on composition of 5 in Maths
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and practising blending to read words in our differentiated groups
  • Retelling the story ‘The Three Little Pigs’
  • Hearing initial sounds, writing simple words and writing simple sentences about the story ‘The Three Little Pigs’
  • Practising our Christmas songs and learning our parts
  • Talking about and exploring different materials


To Do List

  1. We have finished learning our set one sounds now, have a look in your green sounds book and see how many you can recognise. Can you remember them all? Now check to see if you can form them all correctly.
  2. There are lots of colds and coughs at school, practise coughing into your arm and blowing your nose on a tissue. Remember to put the tissue in the bin and wash your hands with soap, this will keep everyone healthy.
  3. Practise your lines for the school play. Can you remember the songs and sing these too? Have you brought in your outfit?

Key Vocabulary

Straw, bricks, sticks, huff and puff, blew, chimney, materials, texture


W/C 14th November 2022

This week we are…

  • Thinking about our value of Self Control
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons in our differentiated groups.
  • Practising saying sounds out loud and putting them together to read a word
  • Learning to count accurately
  • Talking about our Christmas play and what our part will be
  • Learning to move in different ways
  • Learning the story ‘The Three Little Pigs’
  • Understanding who works at night


To Do List


  1. Can you help write a shopping list of simple items, use your Fred fingers to sound out the words e.g. milk, ham, eggs, buns, plums
  2. Practise recognising and ordering numerals 1-5, can you count out the correct amount of objects to match the numerals? Challenge – do this activity for 1-10
  3. We have been learning about nocturnal animals, can you remember what this means and draw a picture of your favourite one?

Key Vocabulary

Straw, brick, wood, work, Christmas play, self control, more, fewer, equal


W/C 7th November 2022

This week we are…

  • Practising our counting skills and working out different ways to show 5
  • Continuing to read the story ‘Aliens Love Underpants’ and looking at rhyming words
  • Continuing to practise our sounds and blending in our RWI
  • Using our Fred Fingers to spell simple words
  • Learning about nocturnal animals
  • Finding out about people who work at night
  • Moving in a variety of different ways in PE

To Do List

  1. We are busy talking about our bedtime routine. What is your bedtime routine? Can you talk about it to your adult?
  2. Practise listening for the sounds in simple CVC words, can you write down what you can hear? g. cat, dog, bed, hat, net
  3. Play a game with a dice just showing 1-3, can you instantly recognise (subitise) how many dots are on your dice?

Key Vocabulary

Routine, rhyme, nocturnal, night, sleep, alien

W/C 1st November 2022

This week we are…

  • Comparing more and fewer
  • Continuing to practise our sounds and blending in our differentiated phonics groups
  • Reading our new story ‘Aliens Love Underpants’
  • Using our Fred Fingers to spell simple words
  • Having hot chocolate and listening to stories as a launchpad for our new topic ‘What happens when I go to sleep?’
  • Practising our jumping skills in P.E.
  • Continuing our value of ‘Kindness’

To Do List

  1. We are reading the story ‘Aliens Love Underpants’. Can you create your own alien and bring it in to show us?
  2. Practise your oral blending. Ask an adult to sound out some simple words for you; can you say the word?  For example: r – e – d is red.  Now try getting your adult to write a simple word, can you sound it out and read it?
  3. Practise counting to 20 and back down to 0.

Key Vocabulary

subitise, blending, alien, lullaby, kind, jump, sleep, more, fewer

Autumn 1

W/C 17th October 2022

This week we are…

  • Learning about our new value of kindness
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and learning the sounds that the letters h, sh, r, j and v make in our new differentiated RWI groups
  • Practising saying sounds out loud and putting them together to read a word
  • Learning about the composition of numbers up to 4
  • Practising our subitising skills to 4
  • Talking about emergency services and how they can help us
  • Making up our own story based on the story ‘The Little Red Hen’
  • Practising throwing and catching in different ways in P.E.

To Do List

  1. We will be thinking about bedtime after half term. Bring in or email a photo showing part of your bedtime routine e.g. brushing your teeth, having a bedtime story. Email it to and state your child’s class as the subject.
  2. Gather a small number of objects (fewer than 5). Can you say how many there are without counting?
  3. Practise your sounds in your green sound book and don’t forget to practise forming your letters. Count how many sounds you can recognise!

Key Vocabulary

Half term, holiday, wheat, mill, flour, sow (sow the seeds), kind, throw, catch, emergency services, subitise


W/C 10th October 2022

This week we are learning…

  • What numbers can be made from 1. g. 1 and 1 makes 2
  • The sounds u, b, f, e, l and what the letters look like
  • The story of The Little Red Hen
  • To hear initial sounds in words
  • To write our names with the correct letter formation
  • To move in a space of our own in P.E.
  • To throw and catch a beanbag
  • How to create using a range of resources to decorate our special photo
  • Learning how to look after our classroom environment

To Do List

  1. Practise recognising the sounds you have been taught. Use the Green Sound book. How many did you know without looking at the picture? Can you get a special teacher stamp for completing your work?
  2. Practise listening for the first sound in a word, can you show your grown up how to use your Fred Fingers?
  3. Practise ‘Fast Fingers’. How quickly can your show 3 fingers, how quickly can you show 1 finger, how quickly can you show 2 fingers?

Key Vocabulary

Beanbag, number, sound, photo, decorate, resources, space, initial, environment


W/C 3rd October 2022

This week we are…

  • Looking at our value ‘Honesty’
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and learning the sounds that the letters p, g, o, c, k make.
  • Practising our oral blending.
  • Practising blending using the sounds we know
  • Practising our subsisting skills
  • Learning how to represent and describe different amounts with our fingers
  • Continuing the story of ‘The Rainbow Fish’ and answering questions about the story
  • Practising writing our names and forming letters correctly
  • Practising finding a space and moving in different ways in our PE lessons
  • Looking at our special photo and comparing similarities and differences
  • Learning about what makes a good friend

To Do List

  • Keep practising writing your name, doing this will ensure you can write it on the back of your pictures, which will help them to not get lost!
  • Practise putting a tissue to your nose and blowing your nose into the tissue (try not to rub it on your face), putting the tissue in the bin and washing your hands. Can you do it all without adult help?
  • Practise telling the story of your picture book and make sure your adult writes it in your diary so you can get a reading bug at half term.

Key Vocabulary

subitise, phonics, compare, similar (similarities), different (differences), like, dislike, photo


W/C 26th September 2022

This week we are…

  • Learning about our value ‘Trust’
  • Carrying on our Read Write Inc lessons and learning the sounds that the letters s, d, t, i, n
  • Practising our oral blending
  • Practising blending using the sounds we know
  • Learning how to subitise 1-3
  • Reading the story of ‘The Rainbow Fish’ and linking it to our values
  • Practising writing our names and forming letters correctly
  • Having our first P.E. lesson and practising finding a space and moving in different ways
  • Learning about similarities and differences between ourselves and others
  • Learning the importance of following instructions
  • Meeting different adults who work in our school


To Do List

  • Make your own rainbow fish, bring it in to share with the class.
  • If your teacher was a dinosaur, which one would they be and why?
  • Talk to your adult about feeling safe at school. What rules do we have?  Who makes you feel safe (Mrs Wilkie, Miss Sinton, Mrs Ashok, Mrs Kassam)?

Key Vocabulary

Rainbow, fish, sharing, octopus, scale, work, staff, phonics, maths, topic, subitise

W/C 19th September 2022

This week we are…


  • Continuing to learn the class rules
  • Taking part in our first phonics Read Write Inc. lesson
  • Staying at school for a full day
  • Continuing to learn about how to make friends
  • Taking home our first reading book and reading diary

To Do List

  • Practise writing your name, make sure you use the correct letter formation.
  • Draw a picture of your favourite thing about school, can you tell an adult about it?
  • Practise taking off and putting on your jumper/cardigan. Can you make sure it is not inside out?

Key Vocabulary

Phonics, Read Write Inc., partner, timetable, afternoon, sounds, routine, cloakroom, tray


W/C 12th September 2022

This week we are…

  • Learning about the class rules
  • Learning how to use the different areas in the classroom
  • Learning how to use the different areas outside
  • Thinking about how we can keep our classroom areas clean and tidy
  • Having hot lunches and packed lunches in the hall
  • This week’s value is Friendship


Timetable, calendar, behaviour chart, routine, cloakroom, tray, tidy up

To Do List

  • Make a picture of yourself at home and bring it in to show the class.  You can use sticking or painting to create your picture.
  • Tell an adult you live with about a friend you have made and what you like about them.
  • Do you remember your teachers name? Miss Sinton (Ladybirds) and Mrs Wilkie (Hedgehogs). Can you greet them using their name when you come to school?

Summer 2

W/C 18th JUly 2022

This week we are…

  • Practising our songs for the ‘Big Sing’
  • Performing in the ‘Big Sing’
  • Practising our instant call of number bonds
  • Watching Year Two perform in their leaver’s assembly
  • Having a film and an ice pop for our treat for fantastic behaviour in Foundation
  • Celebrating our achievements whilst we have been in Foundation

To Do List

  1. Practise your handwriting and letter formation (see little green book for reminders) ready for Year One.
  2. Practise your instant recall of number bonds to 10 (10 is made from 6 and 4), see how quickly you can say them all, ready to impress your Year One Teacher.
  3. Fill up your holiday board ready to bring back to Year One in September.

Key Vocabulary

Ice pop, film, leaving, assembly, achievement, number bond, ‘Big Sing’

Have a fantastic summer!


W/C 11th July 2022

This week we are…

  • Learning how to use a rekenrek in Maths
  • Writing about ourselves to our new teachers
  • Practising our songs for the “Big sing”
  • Making ice lollies and talking about how they taste
  • Practising our story telling skills
  • Continuing practising our ball skills
  • Presenting our Pointillism work in our Art Gallery

To Do List

  1. Use construction toys to make your own step pattern (towers in order from 1-10), close your eyes, ask an adult to take a tower away. Open your eyes, which tower is missing?
  2. Can you find features of a non-fiction book? (contents page, glossary, index, captions, blurb, spine, title)
  3. Write a list of things you know now that you didn’t know before you started Foundation. Bring it in to show us.

Key Vocabulary

Gallery, rekenrek, ice, lolly, frozen, taste, ice lolly mould, flavour, cordial, blurb, non fiction, glossary, contents


W/C 4th July 2002

This week we are…

  • Continuing to apply our phonics skills in Read Write Inc
  • Writing to our new teachers to tell them about us
  • Practising our singing for the end of term assembly
  • Continuing our work on composition and learning about different ways to make 10
  • Continuing our work on non-fiction and playing ‘What Am I?’ games
  • Learning about pitch and sound and talking about how music makes us feel
  • Talking about holidays we have been on and identifying the countries on a map

To Do List

  1. Make up some questions to ask your new teacher. Can you write them down and bring them to school?
  2. Practise your number and letter formation, ensure you are forming them the correct way.
  3. Play a ‘What Am I?’ game, can you make up some clues and ask an adult to guess what you are describing?

Key Vocabulary

World, map, transition, pitch, non-fiction, composition, holiday, country


W/C 27th June 2022

This week we are…

  • Competing in sports day
  • Carrying on our composition work in Maths
  • Looking at nonfiction books and identifying features
  • Continuing to apply our phonics skills in Read Write Inc
  • Learning about the importance of washing our hands and how to get rid of germs
  • Learning about looking after the world around us
  • Learning about our value ‘Resilience’

To Do List

  1. Fill up a container with water, find some objects and put them in. Can you say which objects float and which objects sink?
  2. Talk to your grown up about your garden or an outside space, how can you help look after it? g., water the flowers, put rubbish in the bin, be kind to minibeasts, respect and take care of objects you might find (benches, play equipment)
  3. Draw a picture and write a simple sentence about what you have done at the weekend. g. – I went to the park

Key Vocabulary

Germs, resilience, world, environment, sports day, teams, cooperation, race, jellyfish


W/C 20th June 2022

This week we are…

  • Continuing the story ‘Sharing a Shell’, planning and writing our own version
  • Continuing our work on composition and number bonds
  • Practising for sports day
  • Practising our independent writing
  • Practising our keywords to help with our fluency
  • Celebrating the artist Georges Seurat and creating our own piece of pointillism art during ‘Art Week’

To Do List

  1. Practise reading and writing your high frequency words. Hide them around your house, how many can you find, recognise and write?
  2. Practise your number bonds, see how many ways you can instantly recall ways to make 2 ( 1 and 1, 0 and 2), 3 (2 and 1, 1 and 2, 3 and 0, 0 and 3), 4 (3 and 1, 1 and 3, 2 and 2, 4 and 0, 0 and 4) and 5 (4 and 1, 3 and 2, 5 and 0, 4 and 1, 2 and 3, 0 and 5). Now challenge yourself, can you do any to 10?
  3. Enjoy the warm weather, how many different ways can you experiment with water outside? What words can you use to describe the water?


Key Vocabulary

Pointillism, artist, germs, number bond, race, team


W/C 13th June 2022

This week we are…

  • Looking at the story ‘Sharing a Shell’
  • Practising our subitising skills in Maths
  • Practising our phonics in our differentiated Read Write Inc groups
  • Starting our new topic ‘Splish, Splash’
  • Investigating which items float and which items sink in water and then making our own boats based on our findings
  • Comparing our lives to other children’s lives around the world
  • In PE we will be practising the skills we will need for Sports day
  • Continuing our values ‘Perseverance’


To Do List

  1. If you haven’t already, make your own underwater creature to put on our ‘Splish Splash’ display.
  2. Practise your rhyming skills, ask your adult for a word. How many words can you find that rhyme? E.g. cat, mat, sat, rat, fat, hat
  3. Play a board game, roll the dice, how many can you see? Can you recognise the amount without counting the dots?

Key Vocabulary

Country, diversity, world, heritage, culture, similarities, differences, subitise, sea creature, octopus, shell, whale, fish, boat


W/C 8th June 2022


This week we are…

  • Practising our phonics in our new differentiated Read Write Inc groups
  • Practising different counting strategies
  • Starting our new topic ‘Splish, Splash’
  • Experimenting with water in a variety of ways
  • Making Father’s Day cards
  • In P.E. we will be practising the skills we will need for Sports day


To Do List


  1. Ask someone to tell you a number, can you work out one more and one less than that number?
  2. If you haven’t already, make your own underwater creature to put on our ‘Splish Splash’ display.
  3. Practise your rhyming skills, ask your adult for a word. How many words can you find that rhyme? E.g. cat, mat, sat, rat, fat, hat

Key Vocabulary

Father’s Day, celebration, water, splash, sports day, race, sportsmanship, team



Summer 1

W/C 23d May 2022

This week we are …


  • Hopefully observing our butterflies emerging from their cocoons
  • Exploring composition of number
  • Showing off our writing skills by doing a independent write about the caterpillars/butterflies
  • Practising our throwing and catching skills
  • Celebrating the Queen’s Jubilee
  • Finishing our minibeast pebbles

Key Vocabulary

Queen, jubilee, celebration, reign, butterfly, lifecycle, picnic, open afternoon


To Do List

  1. Write about your favourite part of the trip to Tring College Lakes.
  2. Practise comparing the quantities in two groups, regardless of their size or colour. For example, 3 big cubes is the same amount as 3 little cubes
  3. Make a 2D sea creature in preparation for our ‘Splish Splash’ topic after half term. Bring it to school so we can put it on our display!

Key Vocabulary

Queen, jubilee, celebration, reign, butterfly, lifecycle, picnic, open afternoon

W/C 16th May 2022


This week we are…

  • Going on our teddy bears picnic to Tring
  • Continuing our doubling in Maths
  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and using them to write words and sentences
  • Continuing our story of ‘Superworm’
  • Continuing to observe our cocoons
  • Comparing minibeasts and looking at similarities and differences
  • Practising our throwing and catching in P.E.
  • Drawing pictures of the Queen to begin our celebrations for the jubilee
  • Learning about our value ‘Tolerance’

To Do List

  1. Get out your fast fingers and see how quick you are at showing double 1, double 2, double 3, double 4 and double 5. Remember, to double you need to show the same on both hands.
  2. Make sure you pack your bag for Tring, have you checked the letter to make sure you have everything you need?
  3. Sit down with your adult and make up a list of rules for you to follow on the trip. g. stay with your adult.

Key Vocabulary

Trip, picnic, senses, safety, seatbelt, coach, tolerance, double, similarities, differences


W/C 3rd May 2022

This week we are …

  • Learning about our value ‘friendship’
  • Continuing our story ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’
  • Continuing to practise our ball skills
  • Continuing our work on composition in Maths
  • Continuing to observe our caterpillars and waiting for them to make their cocoons
  • Comparing the seasons winter and summer
  • Creating a minibeast café and seeing which foods the minibeasts like the best.

To Do List

  1. Make a diary of what you do on each day of the week. Draw pictures and write about it.
  2. Hide some set words around the house, can you find them and recognise them?
  3. Make your own bumblebee and bring it in to share with the class.

Key Vocabulary

Cocoon, chrysalis, antennae, minibeast, insect, season, spring, summer, autumn, winter, compare

W/C 25th April 2022

This week we are…

  • Comparing amounts and using the language more and fewer
  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and using them to write words and sentences
  • Learning our new story ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’
  • Practising our ball skills in PE
  • Going on a minibeast hunt
  • Comparing seasons summer and winter

To Do List

  1. Practise reading and spelling the key words. Have a go at using them in a sentence.
  2. Create a caterpillar or butterfly and bring it in to share with the class.
  3. Go on shape hunt, what shapes can you see around your home. Can you name them and describe them?

Key Vocabulary

Minibeast, insect, cocoon, antennae, chrysalis, fewer, more, summer, winter, season


Spring 2

W/C 4th April

This week we are…


  • Observing and writing about the chicks
  • Continuing our work on making numbers from 5 ‘and a bit’
  • Looking at non-fiction texts about chicks
  • Learning about the importance of road safety
  • Sequencing a range of movements in P.E.
  • Having our treat for showing good behaviour over the term


To Do List

  1. Make your own number cards for 1-20, write all the numbers yourself, mix them up, put them in order and say which number is one more and ones less than a given number. Make sure you say teen, when talking about teen numbers (not ty).
  2. Create your own minibeast and bring it to school to share on our ‘Marvellous Minibeasts’ topic display for after Easter.
  3. Make sure you are reading 3 times a week so you get the reading bug at half term (you will need to do a minimum of 18 reads this half term).

Key Vocabulary

Easter, hatch, incubator, brooding box, heat lamp, sequence, non-fiction, information, context page, index page, glossary


W/C 28th March

This week we are…

  • Learning the Easter story and talking about who celebrates Easter
  • Writing Easter cards
  • Practising our cutting skills by making Easter cards
  • Learning about ‘5 and a bit’ in maths
  • Welcoming eggs into our classroom and learning how to look after them
  • Creating class rules to look after the eggs
  • Continuing to think about our value of Patience
  • Creating close observational drawings of fruit


To Do List

  1. Practise using a pair of scissors at home. What shapes can you cut out? Can you use them to make a picture?
  2. Can you write your very own story about a farm animal and bring it in to share with the class?
  3. Can you tell your grown up some quick ways to makes 3,4, 5, 6 and 7? Don’t use your fingers, see if you can do it from memory. If your child is finding this difficult, start by saying ‘4 is made from…..’

Key Vocabulary

Egg, chick, rules, Easter, patience, incubator, lifecycle


W/C 21st March

This week we are…

  • Comparing amounts by saying more and fewer
  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and using them to write words and sentences
  • Practising jumping and landing safely in P.E.
  • Talking about the value of patience and how we can show it in school
  • Learning and writing about the story ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’
  • Comparing seeds and talking about similarities and differences
  • Making Easter cards

To Do List

  1. Discuss Maths outside the classroom with your child, where can you see numbers? g., In a shop, on a registration plate, on a clock.  Write a list of all the different places you can find numbers.
  2. Find out a fun fact about your favourite farm animal.
  3. Practise writing sentences about anything you like! Remember to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.

Key Vocabulary

Maths, fact, sentence, patience, jump, Easter, seeds, similarities, differences

W/C 15th March

This week we are…

  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and using them to write words and sentences
  • Learning to balance and roll in gymnastics during our P.E. lessons
  • Continuing our composition work on 6 and 7
  • Writing our cards for Mother’s Day and for Easter
  • Understand about dental hygiene and the importance of keeping our teeth clean
  • Making Mother’s Day cards
  • Experimenting with patterns and effect by painting with fruit

To Do List

  1. Practise reading your key words on sight. How many do you know now?
  2. Have a look at home, what healthy foods can you see and what unhealthy foods can you see? Do you know why these foods are healthy or not healthy?
  3. Practise counting to 20. Now, count back from 20 to 0.

Key Vocabulary

Easter, Mother’s Day, pattern, balance, roll, dentist, dental, hygiene, gums


W/C 7th March 2022

This week we are…

  • Continuing to work on composition of 6 and 7
  • Continuing to practise our sounds and blending in our differentiated RWI groups
  • Using our Fred Fingers to write simple sentences
  • Continuing with the story ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’ and changing a character to make the story our own
  • Continuing with gymnastics in P.E. and learning to make different shapes with our bodies
  • Talking about why physical exercise is good for us and how it keeps us healthy
  • Exploring fruit and vegetables using our senses and describing what we notice
  • Singing a variety of farm themed songs

To Do List

  1. Write about the visit from the farm, which animal was your favourite? Can you describe it?
  2. Practise your number formation 1-10, make sure your form the numbers the correct way.
  3. Make a scarecrow and bring it to school to show your friends.


Key Vocabulary

Gymnastics, farm, senses, vegetables, fruit, song, shape


W/C 28th February 2022

This week we are…

  • Learning about the composition of numbers 5, 6 and 7
  • Continuing our blending practise in our new differentiated Read Write Inc groups
  • Use phonic knowledge to write words in ways which match their spoken sounds
  • Having a visit from a farm as a launchpad for our topic ‘Do Cows Drink Milk?’
  • Dressing up as our favourite book character on World Book Day
  • Making shapes with our body in gymnastics
  • Reading ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’ and answering questions about the story
  • Continuing our value of ‘Courage’

To Do List

  1. Draw a picture of what job you want to do when you grow up. Now write a sentence about it and bring it to school to show your class.
  2. Make a map of a room in your house and hide a soft toy around the room. Can your child use the map and give directions to find the toy?
  3. Make your favourite farm animal and bring it to school so we can put it on our class display. You could draw a picture or make one out of recycling materials.

Key Vocabulary

Farm, animal, farmer, World Book Day, character, courage, billy goat, troll, bridge, gymnastics


Spring 1

14th February 2022

This week we are…

  • Continuing to work on number bonds to 5
  • Continuing to work on our value of ‘Quality’
  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and using them to write words and sentences
  • Enjoying listening to a story from parents via Teams
  • Writing the story ‘Little Red Riding Hood’
  • Continuing our gingerbread man dance in P.E.

Key Vocabulary

winter, card, story, character, number bond, kind, caring, half term

To Do List

  1. Create your own Numberblocks 1-5, you could draw them or make them out of different materials
  2. Make a card and write it to someone you care about. Can you write who it is to and who it is from.
  3. Can you remember what season it is? Tell an adult and explain to them how you know.  g. it is winter because it is cold


7th February 2022

This week we are…

  • Recognising and ordering numerals
  • Continuing to match numerals to the correct amount
  • Continuing to sew and decorate our Gingerbread Man puppets
  • Describing different materials and making a bed fit for a princess
  • Learning about our value of ‘Courage’
  • Continuing our story of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ and retelling it using a story map
  • Continuing our ‘Gingerbread man’ dance

To Do List


  • Practise blending words with 2 letters one sound e.g. ch, sh, th, ng, nk
  • Use your fast fingers to show different ways to make 3,4,5, how fast can you show the different ways? E.g. 2 and 2, 3 and 1 for 4
  • Make your favourite story character and use it to retell a story.


Key Vocabulary

texture, soft, hard, rough, smooth, courage, numeral, magnetic, order

31st January 2022

This week we are… 

  • Thinking about what our value of ‘Quality’ means
  • Continuing our subitising skills and looking for sub groups within larger groups
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and practising using them to read and write independently
  • Writing speech bubbles for Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf
  • Trying a variety of Chinese food to celebrate Chinese New Year
  • Sewing a gingerbread man to make our own gingerbread man hand puppet
  • Continuing our Gingerbread Man dance in P.E.


To Do List

  • Practise forming all your curly caterpillar letters correctly e.g. c, o, a, d, g (start with a ‘c’ and complete the letters)
  • Make sure you are brushing your teeth twice a day, do you know why this is important?
  • Practise number recognition 1-10, use number cards and your fast eyes to say which numeral you can see, who can say the number first?


Key Vocabulary

Wood, woodcutter, Grandma, wolf, setting, basket, hood, cape, subitise, texture, taste, smell, quality, sew, puppet

24th January 2022

This week we are…

  • Continuing our value of ‘co-operation’
  • Matching numerals 1-5 to corresponding amounts
  • Exploring different ways to make 4 and 5
  • Practising our subitising skills
  • Exploring pictures of Kings and Queens and making ourselves into a King or Queen
  • Experimenting with materials and joining to make a strong bridge and see if toys can walk across it
  • Writing our own version of ‘The Gingerbread Man’
  • Learning how to move in time to music whilst creating a gingerbread man dance in P.E.

To Do List

  1. Practise your high frequency words and make sure you read to an adult every day and they write it in your reading diary.
  2. Have a look at photos of your parents when they were your age, what similarities and differences can you see?
  3. Show your parents your ‘fast fingers’. How many ways can you show 4 and 5?

Key Vocabulary

King, Queen, bridge, subitise, numeral, materials, joining, dribbling, co-operation

17th January 2022

This week we are…

  • Thinking about our value of co-operation
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and practising using them to read and write independently
  • Focusing on picking a number and ding that many actions – e.g 5 claps
  • Continuing the Gingerbread Man and creating a story mountain, focusing on the beginning, the middle and the end
  • Making changes to the Gingerbread Man story to make it our own
  • Practising our throwing and catching in P.E.
  • Carefully selecting materials and making fairy tale masks
  • Looking at fairy tales and comparing buildings between the past and present

To Do List

  1. Ask your child if they can retell the story of ‘The Gingerbread Man’ to you. Can they remember any of the actions?
  2. Remember to keep reading and getting an adult to write in your diary, don’t forget about the reading bugs!
  3. Make your own number cards to 10 (or 20 if you want a challenge), can you say the numbers, cut them out and put them back in order?

Key Vocabulary

mask, characters, building, past, present, thatched


10th January 2022

 This week we are…

  • Thinking about our new value of gratitude
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and practising to read and write independently
  • Learning the composition of 3, 4, and 5
  • Re-telling and reading parts of ‘The Gingerbread Man’ and then altering the story to write our own version.
  • Practising our singing and learning about ‘pitch’
  • Telling the story of ‘The Gingerbread man’ through movement to music
  • Looking at fairy tales over the years and how clothes have changed

To Do List


  1. Read some fairy tale stories, which is your favourite and why?
  2. Create a potato or cork print picture, how many ways can you print 4 dots? Challenge – How many ways can you make 4 using 2 different colours?
  3. Draw a picture of the gingerbread man that you made. Now write a sentence or two about how it tasted and looked.

Key Vocabulary

Fairy tale, author, Julia Donaldson, pitch, song, past, present, old, new


Topic Newsletter Spring 1 2022

Autumn 2

13th December 2021

This week we are…

  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and using them to write words and sentences
  • Writing about the story ‘Whatever Next’
  • Writing letters to Father Christmas
  • Making Christingles
  • Watching an online pantomime
  • Having our treat to celebrate an amazing first term in school

To Do List

  1. Practise your blending, can you blend four sounds together to read the word? For example – hand
  2. Have numerals 1-10 and some construction blocks, pick a numeral, now build a tower using that many blocks.
  3. Have an amazing Christmas break!

Key Vocabulary

Christingle, Christmas, pantomime

6th December 2021

This week we are…

  • Continuing to learn about the story of Christmas
  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and using them to write words and sentences
  • Performing our Christmas play
  • Writing our Christmas cards
  • Creating a Christmas decoration
  • Using the language ‘more than’ and ‘fewer than’

Key Vocabulary

Shape, square, triangle, circle, rectangle, Christmas, letter (postal), Nativity, fewer, more

To Do List

  1. You’ve nearly finished your first term at school. Think about everything you have enjoyed learning about this term and talk about it with your grownup.
  2. Practise putting your coat the right way in, putting it on and zipping it up. Can you do it by yourself?
  3. Have a look around your house and go on a 2d shape hunt, what shapes can you see? E.G. circle, triangle, square, rectangle

29th November 2021

This week we are…

  • Comparing amounts and using the language more and fewer
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and practising blending to read words
  • Reading the ‘Christmas Story’
  • Practising our Christmas songs and learning our parts
  • Thinking of our value of Honesty and how we can show this value in school
  • Making Christmas cards
  • Writing Christmas cards


Christmas, Wiseman, king, shepherd, stable, manger, fewer, gift, winter


To Do List

  1. Have a look at what numerals you can see in the environment around you, can you write them down correctly?
  2. On your way to school look out for signs of winter. Draw a picture of what you find and label it.
  3. Talk to your child about their favourite book. Can your child tell you who the author is and why do they like the story?


22nd November 2021

This week we are…

  • Practising comparing different amounts in Maths
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and practising blending to read words in our differentiated groups
  • Reading the story ‘The Three Little Pigs’
  • Writing simple sentences about the story ‘The Three Little Pigs’
  • Practising our Christmas songs and learning our parts
  • Talking about and exploring different materials and making our cuddle pet
  • Travelling in different ways in P.E.

To Do List

  1. We have finished learning our set one sounds now, have a look in your green sounds book and see how many you can recognise. Can you remember them all?
  2. Practise recognising and ordering numerals 1-10, when you can do this, can you do this to 20?
  3. Practise your lines for the school play. Can you sing the songs too?


Key Vocabulary

Straw, bricks, sticks, huff and puff, blew, chimney, materials, textures, wadding


15th November 2021

This week we are…

  • Thinking about our value of Self Control
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons in our differentiated groups. We will be practising saying the sounds out loud and putting them together to read a word
  • Learning to count accurately
  • Talking about our Christmas play and what our part will be
  • Learning to move in different ways
  • Learning the story ‘The Three Little Pigs’
  • Understanding who works at night

Key Vocabulary

Straw, brick, wood, die (dice), work, Christmas play, self control

To Do List

  1. Can you help write a shopping list of simple items, use your Fred fingers to sound out the words e.g. milk, ham, eggs, buns, plums
  2. Practise recognising and ordering numerals 1-5, can you count out the correct amount of objects to match the numerals?
  3. We have been learning about nocturnal animals, can you remember what this means and draw a picture of your favourite one?

8th November 2021

This week we are…

  • Comparing 2 groups of objects, saying which group has more and which group has fewer
  • Continuing to read the story ‘Aliens Love Underpants’ and looking at rhyming words
  • Continuing to practise our sounds and blending in our RWI
  • Using our Fred Fingers to spell simple words
  • Learning about nocturnal animals
  • Finding out about people who work at night
  • Moving in a variety of different ways in PE


To Do List

  1. We are talking about our bedtime routine. What is your bedtime routine? Can you talk about it to your grownup?
  2. Practise listening for the sounds in simple CVC words, can you write down what you can hear? E.g. cat, dog, bed, hat, net
  3. Play a game with a dice just showing 1-3, can you instantly recognise (subitise) how many dots are on your dice?


Key Vocabulary

More than, fewer than, routine, rhyme, nocturnal

Autumn 1

18th October 2021

This week we are…

  • Learning about our new value of kindness
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and learning the sounds that the letters j, v, y and w We will be practising saying the sounds out loud and putting them together to read a word
  • Learning about the composition of numbers up to 4
  • Making up our own story based on the story ‘The Little Red Hen’
  • Moving in different ways in P.E.
  • Practising our breathing and calm down techniques

To Do List

  1. Practise your counting, how high can you count? Challenge: Pick a number, can you say one more that number?
  2. We will be thinking about bedtime after half term. Bring in or email a photo showing part of your bedtime routine e.g. brushing your teeth, having a bedtime story.
  3. Practise your sounds in your green sound book and don’t forget to practise forming your letters. Count how many sounds you can recognise!


Key Vocabulary

Half term, holiday, wheat, mill, flour, sow (sow the seeds), kind, throw, catch


11th October 2021

This week we are learning…

  • What numbers can be made from 1. G. 1 and 1 makes 2
  • The sounds e, l, h, sh, r
  • The story of The Little Red Hen
  • To hear initial sounds in words
  • To write our names with the correct letter formation
  • To move in a space of our own in P.E.
  • To throw and catch a beanbag

To Do List


  1. Practise recognising the sounds you have been taught. Use the Green Sound book. How many did you know without looking at the picture?
  2. Practise listening for the first sound in a word, can you show your grown up how to use your Fred Fingers?
  3. Practise ‘Fast Fingers’. How quickly can your show 3 fingers, how quickly can you show 1 finger, how quickly can you show 2 fingers?


4th October 2021

This week we are…

  • Looking at our value ‘Resilience’
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and learning the sounds that the letters c, k, u, b, f make.
  • Practising our oral blending.
  • Practising blending using the sounds we know
  • Practising our subsisting skills
  • Learning how to represent and describe different amounts with our fingers
  • Continuing the story of ‘The Rainbow Fish’ and answering questions about the story
  • Practising writing our names and forming letters correctly
  • Practising finding a space and moving in different ways in our PE lessons
  • Talking about how we have changed
  • Learning about what makes a good friend
  • Learning the importance of following instructions
  • Looking at our ‘Marvellous Me’ boards and finding out similarities and difference between each other


To Do List

  • Practise recognising numbers around you- go on a number hunt, what numbers can you see?
  • Practise putting a tissue to your nose and blowing your nose into the tissue, putting the tissue in the bin and washing your hands. Can you do it all without adult help?
  • Practise telling the story of your picture book and make sure your adult writes it in your diary so you can get a reading bug at half term. After you have read it 3 times, you will get a new book.

Key Vocabulary

Resilience, rainbow, subitise, phonics, compare, similar (similarities), different (differences), like, dislike

Reading meeting presentation - 22.9.21

27th September 2021

This week we are…

  • Learning about our value ‘Trustworthiness’
  • Carrying on our Read Write Inc lessons and learning the sounds that the letters i, n, p, g, o make
  • Practising our oral blending
  • Practising blending using the sounds we know
  • Learning how to subitise 1-3
  • Reading the story of ‘The Rainbow Fish’ and linking it to our values
  • Practising writing our names and forming letters correctly
  • Practising finding a space in our PE lessons and moving in different ways
  • Learning about what makes a good friend.
  • Learning the importance of following instructions
  • Meeting different adults who work in our school


To Do List

  • Make a picture of yourself at home and bring it in to show the class.  You can use sticking or painting to create your picture.
  • What animals live under the sea? Draw a picture of your favourite sea creature and talk to your adult about it.
  • Practise putting your coat on the right way (if it is inside out) and putting it on all by yourself.  Can you do the zip?

Key Vocabulary

Rainbow, fish, sharing, octopus, scale, work, staff, phonics, maths, topic, subitise



20th September 2021

This week we are…

  • Learning about the class rules
  • Learning how to use the different areas in the classroom
  • Learning how to use the different areas outside
  • Thinking about how we can keep our classroom areas clean and tidy
  • Having hot lunches and packed lunches in the hall
  • Having our first PE lesson
  • Having a full week at school


To Do List

  • Create a picture of a hedgehog or ladybird and bring it in to share on your class display.
  • Talk to your adults about what you have been doing in school. What has been your favourite activity? Have you made a new friend?
  • Practise recognising and writing your name. 

Key Vocabulary

Timetable, calendar, behaviour chart, space (find a space in P.E.), routine, cloakroom, tray

Polite Reminder

  • Please label all clothes
  • Reading meeting Wednesday 22nd September at 2:30pm


Topic Newsletter - Autumn 1 2021

EYFS Policy 2020-2021

Summer 2 2021

29th June 2021

This week we are…



  • Practising our seaside themed sports day
  • Continuing our adding by counting on
  • Continuing to apply our phonics skills in Read Write Inc
  • Writing to our new teachers to tell them about us
  • Practising our singing for the end of term assembly
  • Having an art exhibition to show off our George Seurat pointillism artwork
  • Looking at artists and creating a stormy sea picture
  • Continuing our value ‘Understanding’

To Do List

  1. Play ‘Don’t throw 6’- start at 0. Roll a dice and count on the amount until you get to 20. If you roll a 6, you have to start again at 0!
  2. Make up some questions to ask your new teacher. Can you write them down and bring them to school?
  3. Fill up a container with water, find some objects and put them in. Can you say which objects float and which objects sink?

21st June 2021

This week we are…

  • We be adding amounts together and recording our answers
  • Continuing the story ‘Sharing a Shell’, planning and writing our own version
  • We will be practising for sports day
  • Experimenting with different objects in water and finding out which objects float and which objects sink
  • Thinking and discussing our value ‘Tolerance’
  • Practising our independent writing

To Do List

  1. Look at pictures of the seaside, what can you see? Can you find a crab, lighthouse, seaweed, rockpool etc
  2. Practice your counting on skills. Ask your adult for a number, what comes next?
  3. We have been practising for sports day. Have a race with your family. Who came first? Second?


Practising our keywords to help with our fluency

14th June 2021

This week we are…

  • Taking part in Art Week and creating a pointillism canvas
  • Learning about our artist George Seurat
  • Practicing our sharing skills and dividing an amount equally between two people
  • Writing our Father’s Day or ‘Special People’ cards
  • Practising our activities for sports day
  • Learning about the value ‘ Respect’

To Do List

  1. Practise reading and writing your high frequency words. Hide them around your house, how many can you find, recognise and write?
  2. Count out an even amount of fruit, can you share it between 2 people? How many does each person have?
  3. Enjoy the warm weather, how many different ways can you experiment with water outside? What words can you use to describe the water?


8th June 2021

This week we are…


  • Exploring the teen numbers and talking about how to make up the number. g. 16 - the 1 represents 1 lot of 10 and the 6 represents 6 ones
  • Looking at the story ‘Sharing a Shell’
  • Practising our phonics in our new differentiated Read Write Inc groups
  • Starting our new topic ‘Splish, Splash’
  • Investigating which items float and which items sink in water
  • In PE we will be practising the skills we will need for Sports day
  • Continuing our values ‘Quality’ and ‘Responsibility’

To Do List

  1. Make your own number cards 1-20, put them in order. Ask someone to tell you a number, can you work out one more and one less than that number?
  2. If you haven’t already, make your own underwater creature to put on our ‘Splish Splash’ display.
  3. Practise your rhyming skills, ask your adult for a word. How many words can you find that rhyme? E.g. cat, mat, sat, rat, fat, hat

Summer 1 2021

10th May 2021

This week we are…


  • Continuing our subtracting in Maths
  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and using them to write words and sentences
  • Reading the story of ‘Supertato’
  • Continuing our Gingerbread Man dance
  • Continuing to observe out cocoons
  • Making spider webs in our topic lesson
  • Learning about our value ‘co-operation’


To Do List

  1. Make or draw your own superhero vegetable, like Supertato! Bring it in to show us.
  2. Make a diary of what you do on each day of the week. Draw and write about it.
  3. Make up your own subtraction number problem and work out the answer. G. I have 5 sweets, I eat 2, how many do I have left?


4th May 2021


This week we are …

  • Learning about our value ‘Perseverance’
  • Learning how to subtract by counting back
  • Continuing our story ‘Superworm’
  • Learning to use wow words in our writing
  • Continuing our Gingerbread Man dance
  • Continuing to observe our cocoons and waiting for them to transform into butterflies
  • Decorating odd socks for anti-bullying week
  • Taking part in Maths Day to raise money for NSPCC

To Do List

  1. Make a diary of what you do on each day of the week. Draw and write about it.
  2. Hide some high frequency words around the house, can you find them and recognise them?
  3. Make your own butterfly and bring it in to share with the class.

Week beginning 26th April 2021


This week we are…

  • Learning how to add two amounts by counting on
  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and using them to write words and sentences
  • Learning our new story ‘Superworm’
  • Extending our sentence writing by using words like ‘because’
  • Starting to learn the Gingerbread Man dance
  • Making snails based on the artist Henri Matisse
  • In History, we will be looking at how clothes have changed over the years

To Do List

  1. Practise reading and spelling the key words. Have a go at using them in a sentence
  2. Practise your counting on skills. g. 5 + 3 =…put 5 in your head and count on 3 on your fingers…6, 7, 8
  3. Create a bumblebee and bring it in to share with the class


Week beginning 19th April 2021

 This week we are…

  • Learning to add two amounts together to find the total
  • Making up our own version of ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’
  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and using them to write words and sentences
  • Writing facts about minibeasts
  • Learning about cooperation by thinking about how ants work together
  • Looking at and talking about similarities and differences with regards to minibeasts
  • Using a variety of gym equipment to go over and under and moving in a variety of different ways including jumping in P.E.

To Do List

  1. Practise reading and spelling the key words. Have a go at using them in a sentence.
  2. Go on a minibeast hunt at home, draw a picture and write about what you find.
  3. Write a simple addition number sentence. Can you think of a story to go with it?

For example:


“There were 5 birds on the tree. 2 more came. There are now 7 birds altogether.”


Week beginning 12th April 2021

To Do List

  1. Make your own number cards for 1-20, write all the numbers yourself, mix them up, put them in order and say which number is one more and ones less than a given number.
  2. If you haven’t already, please complete your minibeast and return to school as soon as you can.
  3. Make sure you are reading 3 times a week so you get the reading bug at half term (you will need to do a minimum of 21 reads this half term).


This week we are…

  • Finding one more and one less than a given number
  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and using them to write words and sentences
  • Reading the story ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’ and writing about it
  • Practising jumping in P.E.
  • Carrying on our learning about feelings
  • Starting out new topic ‘Marvellous Minibeasts’
  • Watching the development of our new pet caterpillars

Spring 2 2021

Week beginning: 22.3.21

To Do List


  1. Practise recognising, naming and describing 3D shapes. Which ones are you confident with?  Write a list to tell your teacher.


  1. Write a letter to tell us what you have enjoyed doing whilst you have been back at school.


  1. Create and decorate your own minibeast and bring it in to put on our display for our new topic ‘ Marvellous Minibeasts’. Use the template provided or create your own (please bring to school by 26th March).


22nd March 2021

This week we are…

  • making and writing Easter cards
  • learning about why we celebrate Easter
  • doubling amounts to 20
  • making up our own story based on ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’
  • writing our own stories based on ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’
  • Learning about different emotions and how to talk about and manage our feelings
  • moving in a variety of different ways in P.E.

W/C 8th March 2021

This week we are…

  • Halving equal amounts and writing the corresponding number sentence.
  • Making and writing Mother’s Day cards.
  • Going over the rules on how to be COVID safe.
  • Playing socialising games and having fun with our friends.
  • Learning and talking about our feelings.
  • Continuing to practise our sounds and blending in our differentiated RWI groups.
  • Using our Fred Fingers to write simple sentences.

To Do List


  1. Write about what you are looking forward to / enjoying about your first week back.
  2. Organise a tea party for you and your teddy, share out an equal amount of objects (halving).  After you have shared the objects, can you write the number sentence? E.G. 2 (for teddy) + 2 (for me) = 4.
  3. Use junk modelling to create your own farm animal. Can you bring it to school to show your friends?


Autumn 2 2020


WC 5th January 2021

 This week we are…


  • Creating our own magic wands and using them to make our own special wishes.
  • Reading the story ‘The Gingerbread Man’.
  • In PE Children will begin to move in response to music. They will begin to create a dance linked to the story ‘The Gingerbread Man’.
  • Learning the meaning of subtraction and solving subtraction problems.
  • Continuing to practise our sounds and blending in our differentiated RWI groups
  • Using our Fred Fingers to spell simple words


To Do List

  1. Transform your person template into a fairy tale character.
  2. Practise adding numbers up to 5. E.g 2+3 = 4+ 1=

     When you are confident with that, try numbers up to 10. E.g 7+2= 5+4=

3.Practise ‘fredding’ words with special friends (ch, sh, ng, nk, and qu). Once your confident with that, have a go at writing the words with these special friends in (chip, shop). Remember to use your Fred Fingers and use the rhymes to help you form your letters correctly.


WC 14th December

This week we are…


  • Learning how to add two amounts together
  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and using them to write words and sentences
  • Writing letters to Father Christmas
  • Making Christingles
  • Watching ours and the other year groups Christmas performances on DVD
  • Watching a pantomime
  • Having our treat to celebrate an amazing first term in school

To Do List

  1. Practise your blending, can you blend four sounds together to read the word? For example – hand
  2. Practise adding two amounts together, can you put one amount in your head and count on the second amount to find the answer?
  3. Have an amazing Christmas break!

WC 7th December

This week we are…

  • Continuing to learn about the story of Christmas
  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and using them to write words and sentences
  • Performing our Christmas play
  • Recognising ad describing 3d shapes
  • Making and writing Christmas cards
  • Creating a Christmas decoration

To Do List

  1. Think about the festivals you celebrate with your family. Bring a photograph in to share with the class.
  2. Christmas is a time for giving and thinking about others. Can you make a card or gift for someone else?
  3. You’ve nearly finished your first term at school. Think about everything you have enjoyed learning about this term. Draw a picture and label it.


WC 30th November

This week we are…

  • Finding one less than a given number to 10
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and practising blending to read words
  • Reading the story ‘Whatever Next’
  • Writing simple sentences about the story ‘Whatever Next’
  • Practising our Christmas songs and learning our parts
  • Thinking of our value of Honesty and how we can show this value in school

To Do List

  1. Have a look at what numerals you can see in the environment around you, can you write them down correctly?
  2. On your way to school look out for signs of winter. Draw a picture of what you find and label it.
  3. Practise your lines and songs for the school play, make sure you speak/sing nice and loud.


WC 23rd November

This week we are…

  • Practising recognising and forming numerals 1-10
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and practising blending to read words in our differentiated groups
  • Reading the story ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’
  • Writing simple sentences about the story ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’
  • Practising our Christmas songs and learning our parts
  • Thinking of our value and how we can show this value in school.

To Do List

  1. We have finished learning our set one sounds now, have a look in your green sounds book and see how many you can recognise. Can you remember them all?
  2. Practise recognising and ordering numerals 1-10, when you can do this, can you do this to 20?
  3. Practise your lines for the school play. Can you sing the songs too?

WC 16th November

This week we are…

  • Thinking about our value of Self Control.
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons in our new differentiated groups. We will be practising saying the sounds out loud and putting them together to read a word
  • Learning how to make simple repeating patterns.
  • Talking about our Christmas play and what our part will be.
  • Learning to move in different ways.
  • Thinking up happy thoughts to help us fall asleep.

To Do List

  1. Can you help write a shopping list of simple items, use your Fred fingers to sound out the words e.g. milk, ham, eggs, buns, plums
  2. Practise recognising and ordering numerals 1-10, when you can do this, can you do this to 20?
  3. We are learning about people who work at night, can you remember the jobs we have talked about and talk about these with your family?

WC 9th November

Weekly Bulletin

This week we are…

  • Recognising numerals 6-10 and counting objects to match the amount
  • Continuing to read the story ‘Aliens Love Underpants’ and looking at rhyming words
  • Continuing to practise our sounds and blending in our RWI
  • Using our Fred Fingers to spell simple words
  • Talking about our bedtime routine and identifying similarities and differences between our routine and our peers routines
  • Moving in a variety of different ways in PE

To Do List

  1. We are talking about our bedtime routine. What is your bedtime routine? Can you draw pictures to show this and bring it in to share with us?
  2. We are learning numbers 1-10. Can you recognise these numerals and put them in order?
  3. Keep practising doing up your zips on your coats, the weather is getting cold and we need to wrap up warm!

WC 2nd November

Weekly Bulletin

This week we are…

  • Counting up to 10 objects
  • Counting objects that can’t be moved
  • Continuing to practise our sounds and blending in RWI
  • Reading our new story ‘Aliens Love Underpants’
  • Using our Fred Fingers to spell simple words
  • Having hot chocolate and listening to stories as a Launchpad for our new topic ‘What happens when you go to sleep?’
  • Moving in a variety of different ways in PE


To Do List

  1. We have been reading the story ‘Aliens Love Underpants’. Can you create your own alien and bring it in to show us?
  2. Practise your oral blending. Ask an adult to sound out some simple words for you; can you say the word?  For example r – e – d is red.
  3. Practise counting to 20 and back down to 0.

Autumn 1 2020

WC 19th October

Weekly Bulletin

This week we are…

  • Learning about our new value of kindness
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and learning the sounds that the letters e, l, h, and sh We will be practising saying the sounds out loud and putting them together to read a word
  • Finding one less than a number to 10
  • Making up our own story based on the story ‘The Little Red Hen’
  • Making our friendship hearts and talking about who is special to us
  • Moving in different ways in P.E.


To Do List

  1. Practise your counting, how high can you count? Challenge: Pick a number, can you say one more and one less than that number?
  2. We will be thinking about bedtime after half term. Bring in or email a photo (if you have not already) showing part of your bedtime routine e.g. brushing your teeth, having a bedtime story.
  3. Practise your sounds in your green sound book and don’t forget to practise forming your letters. Count up how many sounds you can recognise!


WC 12th October

Weekly Bulletin

This week we are…


  • Learning to form numbers 1-5
  • Finding one more than a number
  • Learning the sounds c, k, u, b, f
  • Learning the story of The Little Red Hen
  • Learning how to hear initial sounds in words
  • Learning how to make a new friend
  • Learning how to write our names with the correct letter formation
  • Learning the importance of telling the truth
  • learning to move in a space of our own in P.E.


To Do List

  1. Practise recognising the sounds you have been taught. Use the Green Sound book. How many did you know without looking at the picture?
  2. Practise solving ‘one more than…’ problems. Use counters or fingers to help. For example, what is one more than 3?
  3. Practise writing the numerals 1-5, can you remember the songs we have been doing at school?


WC 5th October

Weekly Bulletin

This week we are…

  • Continuing to look at our value ‘Resilience’
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and learning the sounds that the letters i, n, p, g, o make.
  • Practising our oral blending.
  • Practising blending using the sounds we know
  • Recognising numbers to at least 5 and counting out the amount of objects to match
  • Continuing the story of ‘The Rainbow Fish’ and answering questions about the story
  • Practising writing our names and forming letters correctly
  • Practising finding a space in our PE lessons and moving in different ways
  • Talking about who works in school and what their jobs are
  • Learning about what makes a good friend
  • Learning the importance of following instructions

To Do List

  • Practise recognising numbers around you- go on a number hunt, what numbers can you see?
  • Draw a picture of your friends from school, can you remember their names? What do you like about them?
  • Practise telling the story of your picture book and make sure your adult writes it in your diary so you can get a reading bug at half term. After you have read it 3 times, you will get a new book.


WC 28th September

To Do List

  • Make a picture of yourself at home and bring it in to show the class.  You can use sticking or painting to create your picture.
  • What animals live under the sea? Draw a picture of your favourite sea creature and talk to your adult about it.
  • Practise sorting out your jumper and coat if it’s inside out and putting it on.

Weekly Bulletin

This week we are…

  • Learning about our value ‘Trustworthiness’
  • Starting our Read Write Inc lessons and learning the sounds that the letters m, a, s, d, t make.
  • Practising our oral blending.
  • Practising blending using the sounds we know
  • Learning how to count accurately
  • Reading the story of ‘The Rainbow Fish’ and linking it to our values.
  • Practising writing our names and forming letters correctly.
  • Practising finding a space in our PE lessons and moving in different ways.
  • Learning about what makes a good friend.
  • Learning the importance of following instructions.

WC 21st September

To Do List

  1. Encourage your child to put on their own jumper and to zip up their own coats. This will really help us as we go out in all weathers!
  2. Please make sure your child has a blue book bag in school daily as letters and your child’s work will go in them. Please make sure your child walks into school holding their named water bottle (water bottle should not be in their lunch box). Also please ensure water bottles are filled with water and not juice.
  3. Practise recognising your name so you can find your tray and self-registration name.

Weekly Bulletin

This week we are…

  • Learning about the class rules
  • Learning how to use the different areas in the classroom
  • Learning how to use the different areas outside
  • Thinking about how we can keep our classroom areas clean and tidy
  • Having our lunch in the hall
  • Finish at 1pm Monday to Wednesday and 3pm Thursday and Friday

WC 14th September

To Do List

  • Create a picture of a hedgehog or ladybird and bring it in to share with the class.
  • Talk to your adults about what you have been doing in school. What has been your favourite toy that you have played with? Have you made a new friend?
  • Practise recognising and writing your name. 

Polite Reminder

  • Please label all clothes
  • Please bring in your child’s spare clothes bag

Weekly Bulletin

This week we are:

  • learning how to stay COVID safe
  • getting to know each other
  • learning the basic rules in the classroom
  • learning good listening skills and how we use hands up to speak when in a group
  • learning the importance of tidying up and how to do it
  • getting to know the different areas of the classroom and outside
  • eating our packed lunches
  • going home at 12:30pm

Summer 2 2020


Week beginning 22nd June 2020 (For children who have returned to school)


To Do List

  1. Practise finding one less than a number to 20.
  2. Make up a story set under the sea, choose your own character, think of a beginning, middle and end. 
  3. Talk about how to stay safe in the sun. 

Week beginning 15th June 2020 (For children who have returned to school)


To Do List

  1. Practise adding two amounts together and writing the number sentence to show this.
  2. Find out about what lives in rock pools and write a sentence about it.  
  3. Talk about your week at school. What did you enjoy?  What was your favourite part? Who did you play with?


Week beginning 8th June 2020 (For children who have returned to school)


To Do List

  1. Go online to Oxford Owl and read some books. Can you talk about what you have read?
  2. Practise reading and spelling your key words. How many can you recognise and write?
  3. Talk about how you feel about going back to school. Did you enjoy your first week?  What was your favourite part?



16th March 2020


Week beginning: 16.3.20


To Do List

  1. Find out some fun facts about chicks.
  2. Practise counting objects in 2s, how many have you got?
  3. Practise reading and writing your high frequency words.


Weekly Bulletin

This week we are…


  • Carrying on learning about our value of ‘Patience’
  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and using them to write words and sentences
  • Writing about why we love our mum
  • Looking at high frequency words and finding out about chicks
  • Having eggs come to Foundation and watching them hatch (hopefully!)
  • Discussing and creating rules about how to look after the eggs and the chicks
  • Consolidating our skills of estimating
  • Practising counting in 2s

9th March 2020

To Do

  1. Find out some fun facts about chicks.
  2. Practise counting objects in 2s, how many have you got?
  3. Practise reading and writing your high frequency words.


Weekly Bulletin


This week we are…


  • Carrying on learning about our value of ‘Patience’
  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and using them to write words and sentences
  • Writing about why we love our mum
  • Looking at high frequency words and finding out about chicks
  • Having eggs come to Foundation and watching them hatch (hopefully!)
  • Discussing and creating rules about how to look after the eggs and the chicks
  • Consolidating our skills of estimating
  • Practising counting in 2s


9th March 2020

To Do

  1. Put your family or friends in height order. Can you name the tallest person and the shortest person?
  2. Practise reading your high frequency words
  3. Use paint or materials to create a troll picture


Weekly Bulletin

This week we are…

  • Learning about our new value of ‘’Patience’
  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and using them to write words and sentences
  • Carrying on learning the story ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’
  • Ordering items in height order, using language such as tallest and shortest
  • Measuring objects using cubes as a non-standard measure
  • Making seed shakers and listening to the variety of sounds different seeds make
  • Carrying on learning ball skills in P.E.
  • Taking part in ‘Sports Relief’ and being active


2nd March 2020

To Do

  1. Choose a number between 1 and 5, show it on one hand and now double it, what’s your answer?
  2. Share your favourite story at home and bring it in for us all to share in school. Can you tell us all why you like it?
  3. Find a fun fact out about a farm, write it down and bring it in to show the class.

Weekly Bulletin

This week we are…

  • Carrying on learning about our value of ‘Caring’
  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and using them to write words and sentences
  • Using the story Farmer duck to make up our own story
  • Enjoying World Book Day and sharing lots of wonderful stories
  • Matching animals to their young
  • Learning to kick and dribble a ball in P.E.
  • Having a visit from an author
  • Dressing up for World Book Day
  • Taking part in a sponsored read

24th February 2020

To Do List

  1. Get a piece of fruit, cut it in half with an adult, check to see that both parts are equal.
  2. Paint a picture at home using colours that you have mixed. Which colours did you use? Bring it in to share with the class.
  3. Draw a picture and write about something or someone you care for at home. Bring it in to share with the class.

Weekly Bulletin


This week we are…

  • Learning how to share and halve objects.
  • Learning about our value ‘Caring’.
  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and using them to write words and sentences.
  • Learning the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff and retelling it.
  • Learning some ball skills in P.E.
  • Writing about our half term.
  • Having a visit from a farm for the launch of our topic ‘Do Cows Drink Milk’?


10th February 2020

To Do List


  1. Practise turning your jumper the right way when they are inside out.
  2. Practise solving subtraction sums in a practical way. For example - I have 5 apples, I take away 2, how many apples are left?
  3. Draw a picture of your favourite book character and write a simple sentence about it.


Weekly Bulletin


This week we are…

  • Continuing learning about our value of quality
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons
  • Recognising, counting and ordering numerals to 20
  • Continuing our own story ‘Little Red Riding Hood” and creating our own story
  • Working on the apparatus in P.E.
  • Having our story time afternoon with our parents/carers


3rd February 2020

To Do List

  1. Go on a technology hunt around your home. Have a grown up take a photo of you using technology at home. Please bring this into school so we can share it.
  2. Start at 10 and count back to 0, now have a go at counting back from 20.
  3. Retell the story of Little Red Riding Hood. Maybe you could act out all the different parts?


Weekly Bulletin


  • Thinking about what our value of ‘Quality’ means.
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and practising using them to read and write independently.
  • Carrying on with subtraction problems and introducing the sign for subtract.
  • Continuing to learn the story of Little Red Riding Hood.
  • Writing speech bubbles for the woodcutter in Little Red Riding Hood.
  • Continuing to develop our own unique dance to retell the Gingerbread Man story.
  • Learning about how toys change overtime. Remember, if you would like to come in and talk to the children about this, please let a member of staff know!


23rd January 2020

To Do List

  1. Ask your child to learn and retell a story they know well. Can they retell it to us at school?
  2. Practise forming numbers 1-9 correctly.
  3. Ask your child to show you the gingerbread man dance we have been learning. Can they remember all the moves?

Weekly Bulletin

This week we are…

  • we are continuing with our Gingerbread man dance in P.E
  • we are learning how to subtract using objects and drawing pictures to help solve the problem
  • we are going to explore the traditional tale of Little Red Riding Hood and learn to retell it.
  • We are experimenting with different materials to find out what would make a waterproof house for the pigs
  • we are exploring the types of sounds made by musical instruments as we learn a Goldilocks song.


20th January 2020

To Do List

  1. Hide something in a room, now give directions to help your family find it e.g in, on, under, behind etc.
  2. Can you read every day this week? Make sure your adult writes in your reading diary so we can celebrate it at school!
  3. Create your own gingerbread man using your choice of materials.

Weekly Bulletin

This week we are…

  • Thinking about our new value of co-operation.
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and practising using them to read and write independently.
  • Learning about positional language e.g in, on, under, behind.
  • Learning about ordinal language e.g first, second, third.
  • Writing our own version of the Gingerbread man.
  • Exploring different materials and investigating which would make the best mattress for a princess
  • Continuing to tell the story of ‘The Gingerbread man’ through movement to music.

13th January 2020

To Do List

  1. Ask your child if they can retell the story of ‘The Gingerbread Man’ to you. Can they remember any of the actions?
  2. Remember to keep reading and getting an adult to write in your diary, don’t forget about the reading bugs!
  3. Make your own number cards, can you cut them out and put them back in order?

Weekly Bulletin

This week we are…

  • Thinking about our value of gratitude.
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and practising using them to read and write independently.
  • Introducing the mathematical sign for addition and learning how to recognise it and what it means.
  • Retelling and reading parts of The Gingerbread man and then altering the story to write our own version.
  • Experimenting with dunking gingerbread men into water and observing and describing the changes.
  • Telling the story of ‘The Gingerbread man’ through movement to music.

8th January 2020


To Do List

  1. Ask your child if they can retell the story of ‘The Gingerbread Man’ to you. Can they remember any of the actions?
  2. See which numbers you can spot in the environment. How far can you go?
  3. What do you like cooking / baking home? Can you use your Fred fingers to write down the ingredients you use?


Weekly Bulletin

This week we are…

  • Thinking about our new value of gratitude.
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and practising using them to read and write independently.
  • Learning how to find the total of two amounts.
  • Retelling and reading parts of The Gingerbread man and then altering the story to write our own version.
  • Making gingerbread men
  • Telling the story of ‘The Gingerbread man’ through movement to music.



16th December 2019

This week we are…

  • Learning how to add two amounts together
  • Practising our writing by writing about the Christmas story
  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and using them to write words and sentences
  • Watching year two perform their Christmas play
  • Having a Christmas lunch
  • Watching a pantomime
  • Having our treat to celebrate an amazing first term in school

To Do List

  1. Practise your blending, can you blend four sounds together to read the word? For example – hand
  2. Practise adding two amounts together, can you put one amount in your head and count on the second amount to find the answer?
  3. Have an amazing Christmas break!

9th December 2019

This week we are…

  • Continuing to learn about the story of Christmas
  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and using them to write words and sentences
  • Performing our Christmas play
  • Watching nursery and year one perform their Christmas plays
  • Beginning to learn how to add two amounts together
  • Making Christmas cards


To Do List


  1. Think about the festivals you celebrate with your family. Bring a photograph in to share with the class.
  2. Christmas is a time for giving and thinking about others. Can you make a card or gift for someone else?
  3. You’ve nearly finished your first term at school. Think about everything you have enjoyed learning about this term. Draw a picture and label it. 



2nd December 2019

This week we are…

  • Learning to describe and name 3D shapes
  • Learning to recognise and describe simple patterns
  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and using them to write words and sentences
  • Practising our Christmas play
  • Having a talk from Reverend Morris
  • Learning about Christingle and making our own
  • Thinking of our value of Thoughtfulness and how we can show this value in school


To Do List

  1. Help put the shopping away. First get all the shopping that is cylindrical in shape (cans). Next gather all the shopping that is packed in cuboids (cereal and pasta boxes) and lastly can you find any food that is spherical in shape (onions, oranges and apples)?
  2. On your way to school look out for signs of winter. Draw a picture of what you find and label it.
  3. Practise your lines and songs for the school play, make sure you speak/sing nice and loud.

25th November 2019

This week we are…


  • Finding one less than a given number to 10
  • Naming and describing simple 3D shapes
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and practising blending to read words
  • Reading the story ‘We’re Going On a Bear Hunt’
  • Writing simple sentences about the story ‘We’re Going On a Bear Hunt’
  • Practising our Christmas songs and learning our parts
  • Describing and decorating our own star
  • Thinking of our value of Thoughtfulness and how we can show this value in school.

To Do List

  1. Can you remember the Christmas play songs and sing them at home? If you have lines in the Christmas play, practise reading them out loud too.
  2. Practise your number formation using the number formation rhymes.
  3. How many 3 letter cvc words can you sound out and write down? For example bed, cat, dog, red

Number rhymes:

1 = go straight down and that is all, go straight down and that is all, go straight down and that is all to make the number 1

2 = Swing it round and then go right,  swing it round and then go right, swing it round and then go right to make the number 2

3 = Swing it round and then once more, swing it round and then once more, swing it round and then once more to make the number 3

4 = Down, slide, cut in half, down, slide, cut in half, down, slide, cut in half to make the number 4

5 = Down, round, put on a hat, down, round, put on a hat, down, round, put on a hat to make the number 5

6 = Come on down and make a curl, come on down and make a curl, come on down and make a curl to make the number 6

7 = Slide to the right and slant on down, slide to the right and slant on down, slide to the right and slant on down to make the number 7

8 = Make an s and go straight home, make an s and go straight home, make an s and go straight home to make the number 8

9 = Make a loop, go up then down, make a loop, go up then down, make a loop, go up then down to make the number 9

18th November 2019

This week we are…

  • Thinking about our value of Self Control
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons in our groups. We will be practising saying the sounds out loud and putting them together to read a word
  • Learning how to form numerals 6-10
  • Listening to the story ‘Whatever Next’ and writing a list of items the bear might take to the moon
  • Learning to move in different ways
  • Talking about what jobs people do at night

To Do List

  1. Can you help write a shopping list of simple items, use your Fred fingers to sound out the words e.g. milk, ham, eggs, buns, plums
  2. Practise recognising and ordering numerals 1-10, when you can do this, can you do this to 20?
  3. We are learning about people who work at night, can you find out about this at your local library?


11th November 2019

This week we are…

  • Recognising numerals 6-10 and counting objects to match he amount
  • Continuing to read the story ‘Aliens Love Underpants’ and looking at rhyming words
  • Continuing to practise our sounds and blending in our differentiated phonics groups
  • Using our Fred Fingers to spell simple words
  • Talking about our bedtime routine and identifying similarities an differences between our routine and our peers routines
  • Moving in a variety of different ways in PE


To Do List

  1. We are talking about our bedtime routine. What is your bedtime routine? Can you draw pictures to show this?
  2. We are learning numbers 1-10. Can you recognise these numerals and put them in order?
  3. We are reading the story “Aliens Love Underpants.” Design your own alien and make it using a method of your choice. You could use junk modelling, collage or paint. Bring in your alien to show your class.


4th November 2019

This week we are…

  • Counting up to 10 objects
  • Counting objects that can’t be moved
  • Continuing to practise our sounds and blending in our new differentiated RWI groups
  • Reading our new story ‘Aliens Love Underpants’
  • Using our Fred Fingers to spell simple words
  • Having hot chocolate and listening to stories as a Launchpad for our new topic ‘What happens when you go to sleep?’
  • Moving in a variety of different ways in PE

To Do List

  1. Are you going to see some fireworks? Create a picture to show your favourite fireworks.  Can you label the colours?
  2. Practise your oral blending. Ask an adult to sound out some simple words for you; can you say the word?  For example r – e – d is red.
  3. Practise counting objects 1-10, can you say one more and one less than a number?

14th October 2019

This week we are…

  • Thinking about our value of Honesty
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and learning the sounds that the letters j, v, y, w, th make. We will be practising saying the sounds out loud and putting them together to read a word
  • Learning how to find one less of an amount
  • Retelling the story ‘The Little Red Hen’
  • Talking about our special photos and why they are special to us
  • Learning to name and describe simple 2D shapes – e.g circle, rectangle
  • Making friendship hearts to give to someone special
  • Learning to move in different ways


To Do List

  1. Practise forming the letters in your green phonic books up to the letter we have taught.
  2. Practise solving ‘one less than…’ problems. Use counters or fingers to help.
  3. Retell the Little Red Hen to your family.   

7th October 2019

To Do List

1. Practise recognising the sounds you have been taught. Use the Green Sound book. How many did you know without looking at the picture?

2. Practise solving ‘one more than…’ problems. Use counters or fingers to help. For example, what is one more than 3?

3. We are learning about the emergency services in topic. Can you find a story about the emergency services in your local library? Did you enjoy it? Why?



This week we are…

learning to form numbers 1-5

learning the story of The Little Red Hen

we are learning how to write our names with the correct letter formation

we are learning the importance of telling the truth

in P.E we are learning to move in a space of our own



30th September 2019


To Do List

  • Practise recognising numbers around you- go on a number hunt. Take a picture of the numbers you find and bring them in!
  • What animals live under the sea? Draw a picture of your favourite sea creature and talk to your adult about it.
  • Practise sorting out your jumper if its inside out and putting it on.


Weekly Bulletin



This week we are…

  • Continuing to look at our value ‘Trust’
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and learning the sounds that the letters c, k, u, b and f make.
  • Practising our oral blending.
  • Practising blending using the sounds we know
  • Recognising numbers to at least 5 and talking about what the words ‘more’ and ‘fewer’ mean.
  • Continuing the story of ‘The Rainbow Fish’ and answering questions about the story.
  • Practising writing our names and forming letters correctly.
  • Practising finding a space in our PE lessons and moving in different ways.
  • Continuing to learn about what makes a good friend.


Phonics evening information

Reading bug leaflet

Phonics pronunciation 


To Do List

  1. Draw a picture of the friends you have made and practice holding your pencil correctly.
  2. Practise recognising and making the sounds that m,a,s,a,d,t make.
  3. Can you practice counting up to 10 objects accurately? E.g How many red cars can you see on the way to school?

Weekly Bulletin

This week we are…

  • Learning about the value of trust
  • Starting our Read Write Inc lessons and learning the sounds and how to form the letters i, n, p, g, o and practising our oral blending
  • Finding out about people who help us around the school
  • Learning about how our achievements are celebrated in Howe Park – ‘Star of the week’, ‘Star of the day’, ‘People in the jar’
  • Practising our counting skills
  • Listening to the story ‘Rainbow Fish’ and answering simple questions
  • Learning the rules for our classroom
  • Hosting our important early reading evening on Tuesday 24th September at 5:30pm – please come along


 Weekly Bulletin


This week we are…

  • Learning about the value of friendship
  • Starting our Read Write Inc lessons and learning the sounds and how to form the letters m, a, s, d and t
  • Learning about the class rules
  • Learning how to use the different areas in the classroom
  • Learning how to use the different areas outside
  • Thinking about how we can keep our classroom areas clean and tidy


To Do List


This week we are…

  • Learning about the value of friendship
  • Starting our Read Write Inc lessons and learning the sounds and how to form the letters m, a, s, d and t
  • Learning about the class rules
  • Learning how to use the different areas in the classroom
  • Learning how to use the different areas outside
  • Thinking about how we can keep our classroom areas clean and tidy



Weekly Bulletin

This week we are…

  • getting to know each other
  • learning the basic rules in the classroom
  • learning good listening skills and how we use hands up to speak when in a group
  • learning the importance of tidying up and how to do it
  • getting to know the different areas of the classroom and outside
  • eating our packed lunches in the hall

To Do List

  • Create a picture of a hedgehog or ladybird and bring it in to share with the class.
  • Talk to your adults about what you have been doing in school. What has been your favourite toy that you have played with? Have you made a new friend?
  • Practise recognising and writing your name. 


Summer Term 2



Weekly Bulletin

This week we are:

  • Watch Year 2 perform in their Leavers’ Assembly.
  • Playing numeracy and literacy games.
  • Having a whole school picnic.
  • Having a day devoted to art and artists.
  • Watching The Little Mermaid to mark the end of our ‘Who Lives in a Rock Pool?’ topic.
  • Having a ‘toys from home’ treat afternoon.
  • Reciting an under the sea poem in our final assembly.
  • Performing a song in ‘The Big Sing.’

To Do List

  • Write about your favourite memories of Foundation and bring them in to share.
  • Draw three things you would love to do over the Summer holidays.
  • Calculate how many days you have until you start Year 1!

Have a lovely Summer and thank you for all your support this year!



Weekly Bulletin

This week we are:

  • Having an Open Afternoon on Tuesday where parents and carers can take part in craft activities with their children.
  • Writing about ourselves and what we enjoyed in Foundation this year.
  • Learning under the sea poems and songs for celebrations in our final week.
  • Continue to create our under the sea boxes.
  • Continuing to subtract by counting back.
  • Recapping the school values we have looked at this year.
  • Exploring different ways to move in P.E. 

To Do List

  • Draw and label a Summer picture and bring it in to share.
  • Practise your cutting skills, making sure you are holding scissors correctly.
  • How many subtraction sums can you think of where the answer is 5?


Weekly Bulletin

This week we are:

  • Competing in our Foundation Stage Sports Day on Tuesday!
  • Continuing to build our under the sea shoe box scenes.
  • Subtracting by counting back, using different methods to support us.
  • Writing facts about sea creatures to play ‘Who am I?’
  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and using them to write words and sentences.
  • Thinking about our value: Understanding.

To Do List

  • Practise subtracting by counting back – use your fingers, objects or even a number line!
  • Practise forming all your letters correctly, making sure you start in the right place.
  • Take a photo of you doing something fun in the sunshine this weekend – bring it in for ‘Show and Tell.’



Weekly Bulletin

This week we are:

  • Learning about our new value of understanding
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons
  • Looking at non-fiction books relation to under the sea
  • Thinking about our friendships and writing nice things about each other
  • Continuing to develop our understanding of addition by counting on
  • Continuing to create our under the sea boxes
  • Performing or watching Hedgehog class assembly
  • Continuing to practise our races for sports day

To Do List

  • Practise your skipping and hopping skills. Can you do it in time to music?
  • Write about what you have enjoyed whilst you have been in Foundation.
  • Throw two dice, then add the two numbers together. Put the biggest number in your head and count on the smallest number (or draw pictures to help if you need to).  Can you record this in a number sentence or a part, part, whole model?


Weekly Bulletin

This week we are…

  • Adding by counting on.
  • Carry on telling the story of Sharing a Shell and writing our own versions.
  • Using the shoe boxes you have kindly donated to make our own rock pools.
  • Learning about the importance of personal hygiene and how washing our hands stops the spread of germs.
  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and using them to write words and sentences.
  • Continuing to practise for Sports Day in July.
  • Thinking about our value: Tolerance.


To Do List

  • Practise adding two numbers by counting on from the largest one.
  • Choose a sea creature and find facts about it to share with the class.
  • Rehearse a warm up (stretches, balances, jumps, etc) in preparation for Sports Day.



Weekly Bulletin

This week we are…

  • Looking at sharing objects into groups of equal amounts.
  • Writing our own stories set under the sea.
  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and using them to write words and sentences.
  • Making Fathers’ Day cards.
  • Creating our own stories in the rock pool themed Small World area.
  • Continuing to practise for Sports Day in July.
  • Thinking about our value: Tolerance. 


To Do List

  • Write a story set under the sea. What multi-syllabic words can you include and spell correctly?
  • Counting in twos, make an even numbered group of toys. Now share them between two people. Can you count how many each person gets?
  • Can you create a creature from under the sea? Please bring it in to share on our display boards.

Farm Fun - 27th February 2019

Here are a selection of photos from the amazing time we spent learning about farm animals up close and personal!


Summer Term 1



Weekly Bulletin

  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and using them to write words and sentences.
  • Developing our control of apparatus in preparation for Sports Day.
  • Observing the chrysalises as we wait for the butterflies to emerge.
  • Learning how to subtract by counting back.
  • Creating minibeasts by designing and decorating stones.
  • Thinking about our new value: Responsibility.

To Do List

  • Practise subtracting by counting back. Use objects, fingers or anything to help!
  • Can you skip in time to a piece of music?
  • Write a thank you letter to the staff at Tring for our amazing trip.


Weekly Bulletin

This week we are...

  • Going on our Foundation Trip to Tring! We learn that living things need shelter, water, air and food.
  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and using them to write words and sentences.
  • Creating our own versions of Superworm.
  • Developing different skills in preparation for Sports Day.
  • Crossing our fingers that the caterpillars will begin their transformation.
  • Continuing to learn how to add by counting on from the biggest number.
  • Continue to think about our value of perseverance.

To Do List

  •  Practise adding two numbers by counting on from the biggest one.
  • Write about your favourite minibeast and bring it in to share with us. Don’t forget your capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.
  • Design a plate full of healthy food – bring it in to show what you know.


Weekly Bulletin

This week we are...

  • Investigating which colours and which foods attract minibeasts.
  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and using them to write words and sentences.
  • Reading and retelling Superworm before thinking about what super powered minibeasts we would like to be.
  • Developing our skills in order to get ready for Sports Day, particularly how to take part in running races.
  • Practising finding ‘one more than’ and adding by counting on.
  • Thinking about the value of perseverance.


To Do List

  • Share a time with your child where you have had to persevere in order to succeed.
  • Enjoy the lovely weather (fingers crossed) and go on a minibeast hunt. Can you recognise and write about the ones you find?
  • Practise adding numbers where the total can go up to 20. Use fingers, objects, drawings or just your brains!



Weekly Bulletin

This week we are...

  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and using them to write words and sentences.
  • Comparing the weight of objects using the terms ‘light’ and ‘heavy’.
  • Writing a diary entry from the point of view of the very hungry caterpillar. We will also be writing our own version of the story.
  • Closely observing our classroom caterpillars as they grow.
  • Sorting minibeasts based on their features.
  • Creating collages based on The Snail by Henri Matisse.
  • Continuing to think about our value of respect.


To Do List

  • Write a shopping list for the very hungry caterpillar.
  • Compare the weight of objects by holding them in your hands. Which is heavier? Which is lighter?
  • Design your own butterfly and bring it in so we can make a beautiful display!


Weekly Bulletin

This week we are...

  • Going on a minibeast hunt as part of our new topic 'Marvellous Minibeasts.'
  • Thinking about our value of Respect.
  • Reading and discussing The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
  • Subtracting using drawings and objects to help us.
  • Continuing to explore different ways of moving in gymnastics.

Spring Term 2



Weekly Bulletin

This week we are…

  • Learning the Easter story.
  • Practising our cutting skills by making Easter cards.
  • Adding two amounts by counting on.
  • Thinking about our experience with the chicks and writing about it.
  • Having our treat day! Please dress as either a farmer or a farm animal.
  • Continuing to think about our value of Courage.
  • Having our class photo taken on Tuesday.


To Do List

  • Pick two numbers, can you add them together by counting on?
  • Practise using a pair of scissors at home. What shapes can you cut out? Can you use them to make a picture?
  • Can you write your very own story about a farm animal and bring it in to share with the class?



Weekly Bulletin

This week we are…

  • Welcoming our special visitors to the Foundation Stage and carefully observing how they hatch.
  • Thinking about our mothers and special times we have spent together.
  • Continuing to learn the story of The Three Little Pigs.
  • Learning how to find one more and one less than a given number in Maths.
  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and using them to write words and sentences.
  • Talking about the value of courage and how we can show it in school.
  • Learning different ways to jump in our gymnastics lessons along with how to land safely. 


To Do List

  • Please bring in a photo of you and your mummy and write about a special time you have spent together.
  • Find out what else hatches from eggs, apart from chickens.
  • Practise saying one more than a given number up to 20.


Weekly Bulletin

This week we are…

  • Sharing amounts of objects in to groups.
  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and using them to write words and sentences.
  • Baking our own bread.
  • Selling our produce in our very own Farm Shop!
  • Talking about the value of patience and how we can show it in school.
  • Learning the story of ‘The Three Little Pigs’ and writing about it.
  • Writing instructions for how to plant cress.

To Do List

  • Practise reading your key words on sight. How many do you know now?
  • After you have taken your cress home, record what happens to it.
  • Practise counting a small amount of objects in twos.



Weekly Bulletin

This week we are…

  • Learning how to estimate the number of objects and then counting to check.
  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and using them to write words and sentences.
  • Counting objects in groups of 2 up to 10.
  • Retelling and writing our own version of The Three Billy Goat’s Gruff.
  • Talking about the value of patience and how we can show it in school
  • Learning different types of movements in our gymnastics lessons.
  • Making a seed shaker and using it to play in time to music.


To Do List

  •  Estimate how many apples are in a bag. Now count them. How close were they?
  • Draw a picture of your family. Can you see the similarities and differences between you all?
  • Go on a walk and look for signs of spring. What did you see? 


Weekly Bulletin

This week we are…

  • Learning how to estimate, measure and order objects by height.
  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and using them to write words and sentences.
  • Learning the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff and retelling it.
  • Enjoying World Book Day and sharing lots of wonderful stories!
  • We will be matching animals to their young.
  • Learning to move in different ways as we start Gymnastics in PE.


To Do List

  • Have a go at ordering objects or people by height at home. Try estimating who is going to be tallest or shortest first. Were you right?
  • Share your favourite story at home and bring it in for us all to share in school. Can you tell us all why you like it?
  • Find a fun fact out about a farm, write it down and bring it in to show the class.



Weekly Bulletin

This week we are…

  • Learning how to share and halve objects.
  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and using them to write words and sentences.
  • Learning the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff and retelling it.
  • Learning some gymnastic moves in P.E.
  • Writing about our half term.
  • Having a visit from a farm for the launch of our topic ‘Do Cows Drink Milk’?

To do List

  • Practise sharing out a small amount of sweets or raisins with one other person to find half.
  • Paint a picture at home using colours that you have mixed. Which colours did you use?
  • Draw a picture and write about something or someone you care for at home.

Spring Term 1



Chinese New Year food tasting extravaganza!

It's snow fun at Howe Park School!


Weekly Bulletin

This week we are learning about:

  • Learning about coins and how to recognise them – 1p, 2p and 5p.
  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and using them to write words and sentences.
  • Finishing and performing our Gingerbread Man dance in PE.
  • Writing our own fairy tale.
  • Making Chinese lanterns.
  • Learning how to bake bread.
  • Thinking about our new value of ‘Caring.’ 


To Do List

  • Practise counting coins – can you recognise 1p, 2p and 5p?
  • Make up your own fairy tale and write it down. Can you bring it in to share with the class?
  • Draw a picture and write about something or someone you care about.


Weekly Bulletin

This week we are…

  • Continuing to think about what our value of ‘Quality’ means.
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and practising using them to read and write independently.
  • Beginning to look at doubling – using our fingers, Numicon and pictures.
  • Writing speech bubbles for the woodcutter in Little Red Riding Hood.
  • Learning about Chinese New Year and taking part in an exciting Chinese food tasting session. Please send in all permission slips and contributions as soon as possible.
  • Continuing to develop our own unique dance to retell the Gingerbread Man story.

To Do List

  • Go on a technology hunt around your home. Have a grown up take a photo of you using technology at home. Please bring this into school so we can share it.
  • Practise doubling at home. For example, get 3 books, now get 3 more, how many do you have altogether? What else could you try it with?
  • Retell the story of Little Red Riding Hood. Maybe you could act out all the different parts?


Weekly Bulletin

This week we are…

  • we are continuing with our Gingerbread man dance in P.E, creating moves to represent the sly fox.
  • we are learning the names of 3D shapes and how to describe them using the words faces, edges and corners.
  • we are going to explore the traditional tale of Little Red Riding Hood and learn to retell it.
  • using ICT to create our own images of the wolf from Little Red Riding Hood.
  • we are exploring the types of sounds made by musical instruments as we learn a Goldilocks song.
  • we are making swords, goblets and shields using a variety of materials.

To Do List

  • Go on a shape hunt at home. What 3D shapes can you find? Can you describe the shapes’ features?
  • Help make a list of things that you need at the shops. Don’t forget to use your Fred fingers to help you hear all the sounds!
  • Can you make the wolf from Little Red Riding Hood? It could be a model, a drawing, a collage – it’s your choice!
  • Please can you bring in junk modelling materials? Due to allergies within the school, we cannot accept any packaging that has contained nuts.


Weekly Bulletin

This week we are…

  • Thinking about our new value of co-operation.
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and practising using them to read and write independently.
  • Learning how to add.
  • Writing our own version of the Gingerbread man.
  • Making and testing different materials to create comfy beds (‘Princess and the Pea’) and strong houses (‘The Three Little Pigs’).
  • Continuing to tell the story of ‘The Gingerbread man’ through movement to music.

To Do List

  •  Ask your child to learn and retell a story they know well. Can they retell it to us at school? 
  • Could you make a bridge for ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’ and test how strong it is?
  • Play a game involving dice and adding. 



Weekly Bulletin

This week we are…

  • Thinking about our new value of gratitude.
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and practising using them to read and write independently.
  • Learning how to order numerals 1-20.
  • Retelling and reading parts of The Gingerbread man and then altering the story to write our own version.
  • Experimenting with different materials in water and seeing the changes they make.
  • Telling the story of ‘The Gingerbread man’ through movement to music.

To Do List

  • Ask your child if they can retell the story of ‘The Gingerbread Man’ to you. Can they remember any of the actions?
  • Remember to keep reading and getting an adult to write in your diary, don’t forget about the reading bugs!
  • Make your own number cards, can you cut them out and put them back in order?


Weekly Bulletin

This week we are…

  • Thinking about our new value of gratitude.
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and practising using them to read and write independently.
  • Learning how to subtract from an amount up to 10.
  • Retelling and reading parts of The Gingerbread man and then altering the story to write our own version.
  • Working together to create our own delicious gingerbread men.
  • Introducing our new topic ‘Will You Read Me A Story?’

To Do List

  • Ask your child (towards the end of the week) if they can retell the story of ‘The Gingerbread Man’ to you. Can they remember any of the actions?
  • Write about what you did over the holidays and bring it in to share with the class.
  • Get ten objects and then practise taking away from the group.

Autumn Term 2


New Topic: What happens when I go to sleep?

Curriculum map

Curriculum overview

To launch our new Topic in a memorable way, the children wore pyjamas, cuddled their favourite toys, shared stories and drank hot chocolate! Here are some photos to help them tell you about it...


Weekly Bulletin

This week we are…

  • Using our ‘Fred Fingers’ and sounding out words to write letters to Father Christmas
  • Continuing to work hard in our Read Write Inc groups
  • Carrying on looking at the part-part-whole for addition
  • Learning about our new value: Hope
  • Having our Christmas lunch and wearing our Christmas jumpers on Tuesday
  • Watching Year 2 perform their Christmas play
  • Singing in the Christmas Carol Concert at 6pm on Wednesday
  • Watching a pantomime
  • Having our class treat (if we get 50 people in the jar!)

To Do List

  • Look at Christmas decorations and then design your own.
  • Read every day to work on blending and fluency.
  • Have a fantastic two weeks off school and enjoy spending time with your family and friends. Can you write about some of the exciting things you do?



Weekly Bulletin

This week we are…

  • Learning about the Christmas Nativity story.
  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and using them to write words and sentences.
  • Continuing to learn how to add two numbers up to 10.
  • Making and decorating party hats to wear during our Christmas lunch.
  • Making Christmas cards.
  • Making Christmas decorations.
  • Performing our amazing Christmas play!


To Do List

  • Think about the festivals you celebrate with your family. Bring a photograph in to share with the class.
  • Christmas is a time for giving and thinking about others. Can you make a card or gift for someone else?
  • Can you explain how this part-part-whole model works to a grown up? 



Weekly Bulletin

This week we are…

  • Bringing home out ‘kit kits’.
  • Learning to separate amounts into two groups.
  • Learning to use a part, part, whole model.
  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and using them to write words and sentences.
  • Practising our Christmas play.
  • Thinking about ways that we celebrate Christmas.
  • Writing Christmas cards.
  • Thinking of our value of Thoughtfulness and how we can show this value in school.

To Do List

  1. Have a look inside your kip kit, can you tell your adult about each item?
  2. Create your own picture version of ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’ using the zigzag book in your kip kit. Can you bring it in to show us?
  3. This week our value is thoughtfulness. We are coming to the end of your first term at school. Think about what you have achieved and what you hope to achieve next year.


Weekly Bulletin

This week we are…

  • Spotting patterns in the environment and making up our own.
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and practising blending to read words.
  • Reading and retelling the story ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’.
  • Practising our Christmas songs and learning our parts.
  • Using collage to decorate a bear.
  • Thinking of our value of Thoughtfulness and how we can show this value in school.

To Do List

  1. Ask your child if they can sing any of our Christmas songs to you. If your child has a speaking part in the play, practise saying them loudly, clearly and from memory.
  2. Have a look for repeating patterns in the environment, can you take a photo?
  3. Have a look around you, what signs of winter can you see? Draw a picture to show them, now label it.


Weekly Bulletin

This week we are…

  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and practising blending to read words.
  • Naming 3D shapes and spotting them in the environment.
  • Listening to the story ‘Whatever Next’ and writing a list of things we would take to the moon.
  • Practising our Christmas songs and learning about the Christmas story.
  • Practising our throwing and catching skills.
  • Making a sleep time ‘thing’ out of a sock.
  • Decorating a star using a variety of materials.
  • We are thinking about how we look after the resources in school.

To Do List

  • Read a nursery rhyme together. Can you hear any rhyming words?
  • Help put the shopping away. What 3D shapes can you see? E.g. satsuma is a sphere.
  • Practise zipping up jumpers and coats ready for the cold weather.


Weekly Bulletin

This week we are...

  • Continuing to think about our new value of self-control.
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and practising blending to read words.
  • Learning how to find one less than a given number.
  • Using our sounds to write simple CVC words.
  • Exploring rhyming words.
  • Practising our throwing and catching skills.
  • Learning about people who work at night.
  • Discussing nice thought to have for when drift off to sleep.


To Do List

  • Think of a number up to 10. What is 1 less than it? Now challenge yourself and go as high as 20.
  • We are learning about what happens when we go to sleep. Find out about animals that come out at night. Can you draw a picture of one? Can you label it too?
  • We are reading the story Aliens Love Underpants. Design your own alien and make it using a method of your choice. You could use junk modelling, collage or paint. Bring in your alien to show your class.


Weekly Bulletin

This week we are…

  • Learning about our new value of kindness.
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and learning the sounds that the letters ng and nk We will be practising saying the sounds out loud and putting them together to read a word.
  • Going into our new differentiated Read Write Inc. groups to continue learning how to read.
  • Looking at the story Aliens Love Underpants.
  • Using our sounds to write about the aliens and their pants!
  • Using iPads to create firework pictures.
  • Using splatter painting to create a firework display picture.
  • Practising our throwing and catching skills.
  • Learning about how to control our emotions when something doesn’t go to plan.


To Do List

  • Go on a 2d shape hunt. Which shapes can you find around your home? Can you take a photograph of them and bring them in to show us?
  • If you go to a firework display, talk about what you see, what you can smell and what you can hear.
  • We will be thinking about bedtime after half term. Have you got a favourite bedtime story you could share with the class?


Autumn Term 1



Weekly Bulletin

This week we are...

  • Talking about our new value of Kindness.
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and learning the sounds that the letters z, ch, qu and x make. We will be practising saying the sounds out loud and putting them together to read words.
  • Learning to recognise the words ‘I’ and ‘the’.
  • Learning different ways to find one more than.
  • Retelling our new version of The Little Red Hen – The Little Pink Pig.
  • Talking about what makes a good friend before creating ‘Friendship Cookies.’
  • Enjoying our ‘people in the jar’ treat of bringing toys in from home on Thursday.


To Do List 

  • Ask your child if they can retell the story of ‘The Little Pink Pig’ to you.
  • Practise finding ‘one more than.’ How high can you go?
  • Draw a picture of your favourite farmyard animals. Can you label them?



Weekly Bulletin

This week we are...

  • Continuing to learn about our value of Honesty.
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and learning the sounds that the letters j, v, y, w and th make. We will be practising saying the sounds out loud and putting them together to read words. We will also be practising trying to hear the initial sounds in words we are trying to spell.
  • Learning to find one more than a given number.
  • To count out a given number of objects from a larger group.
  • Carrying on retelling the story of The Little Red Hen and making up our own version.
  • Making friendship hearts with salt dough.
  • Bringing in a special person for our ‘Open Afternoon.’

To Do List

  • Ask your child to retell the story of The Little Red Hen to you.
  • Practise writing the numbers 1 – 9 correctly. Can you remember the songs we’ve learned to help us?
  • Practise saying the sounds in your sound book every night. How many sounds can you recognise? 



Weekly Bulletin

This week we are…

  • Thinking about our new value of Honesty.
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and learning the sounds that the letters e, l, h, sh and r make. We will be practising saying the sounds out loud and putting them together to read words.
  • Learning how to form numerals 1 to 10.
  • Learning the story of the Little Red Hen.
  • Looking at the people who help us in the emergency services.
  • Sharing and talking about our special objects from home.
  • We are learning to get ourselves changed for PE and how to find a space to avoid obstacles.

To Do List

  • Practise saying your sounds in your sound book. Have a go at forming them with your perfect pencil grip.
  • Have a go at reading your reading book and get your grown up to write a brief message in your Reading Diary. Read it twice and then you can change it.
  • Practise getting changed by yourself. Can you do your buttons and zips without help?


Weekly Bulletin

This week we are…

  • Continuing to look at our value ‘Trust’
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and learning the sounds that the letters c, k, u, b and f make.
  • Recognising numbers to 10 and talking about what the words ‘more’ and ‘fewer’ mean.
  • Retelling the story of ‘The Rainbow Fish’ and answering questions about the story.
  • Practising writing our names and forming letters correctly.
  • Practising finding a space in our PE lessons and moving in different ways.
  • Continuing to learn about what makes a good friend.
  • Learning the importance of following instructions.

To Do List

  • Practise recognising numbers around you- go on a number hunt. Take a picture of the numbers you find and bring them in!
  • What animals live under the sea? Draw a picture of your favourite sea creature and talk to your adult about it.
  • Go on a walk and see if you can find some conkers. How many can you find? Can you bring them to school for our outside maths area?


Weekly Bulletin

This week we are...

  • Continuing to learn about our new value of Trust and what this means.
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and learning the sounds that the letters i, n, p, g and o make.
  • Practising counting objects carefully and accurately.
  • Listening to the story of ‘The Rainbow Fish’ and thinking about being a good friend.
  • Learning how to use the mud kitchen.
  • Learning to get changed for our first PE lesson!

To Do List

  • Practise writing your name (with the correct letter formation) by yourself and forming the letters in your sound book.
  • Practise counting things you can hear…for example, ask your grown up to drop a small number of coins into a tin. How many did you hear? Check by counting carefully.
  • Read your new reading book with your grown up. Talk about what you can see in the pictures and make up a story.


Weekly Bulletin

This week we are…

  • Learning about the value of friendship
  • Starting our Read Write Inc lessons and learning the sounds and how to form the letters m, a, s, d and t.
  • Finding out about people who help us around the school
  • Learning about how our achievements are celebrated in Howe Park – ‘Star of the week’, ‘Star of the day’, ‘People in the jar’!
  • Making up class rules


To Do List

  • Encourage your child to zip up and button their own coats. This will really help us as we go out in all weathers!
  • Practise forming the letters and saying the sound of the letters we will be learning this week- m, s, a, d, t. Don’t forget to come to our reading evening on Tuesday 18th September to find out more.
  • Practise counting objects carefully- use lego, cars or any other objects in the house!



Weekly Bulletin

This week we are…

  • getting to know each other
  • learning the basic rules in the classroom
  • we are learning good listening skills and how we use hands up to speak when in a group
  • we are learning the importance of tidying up and how to do it
  • we are getting to know the different areas of the classroom and outside
  • we will be eating our packed lunches in the hall

To Do List

  • Draw a picture of a hedgehog or ladybird and practice holding your pencil correctly.
  • Talk to your adults about what you have been doing in school. What has been your favourite toy that you have played with?
  • Can you practice counting up to 10 objects accurately? E.g How many red cars can you see on the way to school? 



Welcome to Howe Park School and the start of an exciting journey in the Foundation stage! We hope that the start of your children's primary education is smooth and most of all fun. If you have any questions about routines, how the day works or anything at all, please speak to a member of our team.


Summer Term 2


Weekly Bulletin:

This week we are…

9th July 2018

  • Reading the story of The Hungry Caterpillar again and retelling it.
  • Continuing to practise counting back to solve subtraction sums.
  • Writing instructions on how to plant a plant.
  • Planting new plants to attract butterflies.
  • Continuing to apply our phonics skills in Read Write Inc.
  • Practising our song for the “Big Sing.”

2nd July 2018

  • Writing about the life cycle of a butterfly.
  • Finding out about plants that attract butterflies
  • Planning and designing our own butterfly garden.
  • Learning how to subtract by counting back using a number track.
  • Taking part in our minibeast themed sports day.
  • Continuing to apply our phonics skills in Read Write Inc.
  • Thinking about our favourite things we have been enjoyed this year.
  • Meeting our new teachers for Year 1
  • We will be using paint to make symmetrical butterflies.

25th June 2018

  • Continuing to observe our caterpillars as they become butterflies. They have now become Chrysalides.
  • We will be reading and retelling the story of the Hungry Caterpillar.
  • th We be adding small amounts and recording our answers.
  • We will be practising for sports day.
  • We will be using paint to make symmetrical butterflies.
  • We will be using what we know about minibeasts to play ‘What bug am I?”

18th June 2018

  • Continuing to observe out caterpillars and snails in our investigation area.
  • We will be enjoying nature on our trip to College Lakes, Tring.
  • We be showing how independent we are in our writing, when we write about our trip to College Lakes.
  • We will enjoy taking part in Sports day.
  • We will look at Spiders and make our own spider webs, using wool.
  • Thinking about how people can affect the environment and how we can care for it.
  • We are naming and describing 2-d and 3-d shapes

11th June 2018

  • Welcoming our class caterpillars to our investigation area.
  • We will be looking at similarities and differences between different types of mini beasts.
  • We will be investigating how snails move and creating collages based on Henri Matisse’s art work “The Snail.”
  • We will revisit the concept of ‘sharing’ in maths.
  • We will continue to look at the story of ‘Superworm’ and create our own superhero mini beasts.
  • In PE we will be practising the skills we will need for Sports day.
  • Thinking about our value of tolerance


To Do List:

9th July 2018

  • The World cup is taking place in Russia this year. Can you find it on a map? Can you find England?
  • We have been thinking about how to take care of plants. Tell your grown up how to care for plants or look after the plants in your garden.
  • Practise counting back from 20.

2nd July 2018

  • Play a subtraction game- start at 10. Roll a dice and count back. Who will get to zero first?
  • Find out about different types of butterflies. What are they called?
  • Write about what you have enjoyed doing in the hot weather.

25th June 2018

  • We are reading the Hungry Caterpillar. Can you bring in another book about minibeasts?
  • We have been practising for sports day. Have a race with your family. Who came first? Second?
  • The Hungry Caterpillar eats different foods each day of the week. Every day practise telling your parents what day it is, what day yesterday was and what tomorrow will be.

18th June 2018

  • Make a mini beast out of junk modelling materials. Can you name all the 3-d shapes you have used?
  • Talk to your adult about our trip to College Lakes. Can you draw a picture and write about your favourite part of the trip?
  • We have loved learning about worms, snails and caterpillars. Find out about a different mini beast and write down some facts about them.

11th June 2018

  • Make up some simple sharing problems with your family using objects. For instance, if you had ten pieces of fruit between two people, how many would you get each?
  • Create your own superhero mini beast using materials of your choice. Don’t forget to give them a name and tell us what their superpowers are!
  • Go on a mini beast hunt in your garden or the park. Keep a record of what you find and show it to us.

Summer 1

Weekly Bulletin:

This week we are…

21st May 2018

  • We will be investigating number bonds -for example finding all the pairs of numbers that add up to 5
  • We will be learning the story of ‘Oliver’s Vegetables’
  • We will be learning to recognise and form capital letters
  • It is well-being week so we will be taking part in a yoga lesson
  • We will be learning to name different parts of the body
  • We will be active everyday

14th May 2018

  • Estimating and measuring length and height and solving problems involving height.
  • Creating our own ‘Super vegetable’ and writing a story about it based on the story of ‘Supertato.’
  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and using them to write words and sentences.
  • Continuing to think about keeping healthy, with a focus on how to wash our hands correctly.
  • Learning about the artist Anthony Gormley and creating our own bread sculpture in a similar style
  • Continuing to develop our skills in sending and receiving balls and bean bags.
  • Thinking about the value of responsibility.

7th May 2018

  • We are thinking about time- learning the days of the week and understanding what you can do in a minute.
  • We will be making patterns with shape.
  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and using them to write words and sentences.
  • Reading the story of ‘Supertato’
  • Continuing to think about keeping healthy and finding out about how we can do this when the school nurse visits us.
  • Continuing to develop our skills in sending and receiving balls and bean bags.
  • Thinking about our value of perseverance

30th April 2018

  • Learning how to use the comparative language of weight, for example heavier, lighter. We will use balance pans to compare weights.
  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and using them to write words and sentences.
  • Showing off our writing skills when we complete our ‘wow writing’ based on our altered story.
  • Designing, making and tasting our own fruit smoothie.
  • Continuing to develop our skills in sending and receiving balls and bean bags.
  • Thinking about our new value of perseverance

16th April 2018

  • Learning how to solve sharing problems.
  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and using them to write words and sentences.
  • Continuing to retell the story of The Little Red Hen.
  • Reading a recipe and making our own bread.
  • Learning how to send and receive a bean bag and ball safely.
  • Looking at baby photographs and talking about how and why we have changed.
  • Thinking about our new value of Respect


To Do List

21st May 2018

  • Practise forming numbers to 20.
  • Try to take part in something active every day next week. Keep a diary and bring it in to show us.
  • Make a list of your favourite vegetables.

14th May 2018

  • Can you think of a way of measuring your feet? For example, you might use lego cubes.
  • 2Design a healthy plate of food.
  • Can you show your parents how to wash your hands correctly and talk about why we need to wash them?

7th May 2018

  • Make or draw your own superhero vegetable, like Supertato! Bring it in to show us.
  • Make a diary of what you do on each day of the week. Draw and write about it.
  • Write a list of questions to ask our school nurse when she comes to visit us to talk about staying healthy.

30th April 2018

  • We are thinking about weighing this week. Make a list of things that we might weigh.
  • Practise forming letters correctly. Can you make the tall letters tall? Short letters short?
  • We are reading a recipe. Can you read some other simple instructions? What are they instructions for?

16th April 2018

  • We will be making bread. Try different types of bread and think about where they come from and what they taste like. Can you make a list of them?
  • We will be learning how to share small amounts in Maths. Practise sharing sets of objects at home- you could use your teddies or Lego or even sweets!
  • Speak to your parents/carers or grandparents about the toys they played with when they were younger. How do they differ to your toys? Be ready to share it with your class

The newest members of Foundation Stage are introducing themselves...


Foundation has some ”eggciting” visitors - our eggs have arrived! Watch this space for news....

Weekly Bulletin:

9th April 2018

This week we are…

  • Adding two amounts by counting on from the first number.
  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and using them to write words and sentences.
  • Enjoying our visiting eggs and watching them hatch into chicks!
  • Learning the story of The Little Red Hen.
  • Talking about the value of courage.
  • Making paper plate chicks.

To Do List

9th April 2018

  • Find out about other animals that lay eggs. Can you write a list of them?
  • Complete the short technology questionnaire with your parents.
  • Practise forming numbers 0-20. Can you say which number is one more and ones less than a given number?

Welcome back! Please enjoy these photos from our successful Chinese food tasting session.

Spring 2

Weekly Bulletin:

19th March 2018

This week we are…

  • Adding two amounts by counting on from the first number.
  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and using them to write words and sentences.
  • Learning about the meaning of Easter.
  • Writing our own Easter cards for our families.
  • Making our Easter cards
  • Talking about the value of patience and how we can show it in school
  • Enjoying our treat afternoon.
  • Learning to balance in our gymnastics lessons.

12th March 2018

  • Learning how to estimate an amount up to 20 and count to check. We will also be learning how to count in twos.
  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and using them to write words and sentences.
  • Writing our own version of the story of ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff.’
  • Our whole school focus next week is anti-bullying. We will be celebrating how we are all different and the same.
  • Learning to balance in our gymnastics lessons.

5th March 2018

  • Learning how to find one more and one less than numbers to 20 and beyond.
  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and using them to write words and sentences.
  • Continuing to retell the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff.
  • Making and writing our Mother’s day cards.
  • Learning to create new gymnastic shapes and balances in P.E

26th February 2018

  • Learning how to estimate, measure and order objects by height.
  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and using them to write words and sentences.
  • Learning the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff and retelling it.
  • Learning about the festival of ‘Holi’ and how to mix colours for a purpose.
  • Meeting a local author and enjoying books and stories about Dragons.
  • Enjoying World Book Day and sharing lots of wonderful stories!

To Do List:

19th March

  • Practise counting with small objects- raisins or cubes. Can you hold the first number in your head and count on?
  • Practise reading your key words on sight. How many do you know now?
  • Think about the best thing you have learned at school this term. Draw or write about it

12th March 2018

  • Estimate how many apples are in a bag. Now count them. How close were they?
  • Draw a picture of your family. Can you see the similarities and differences between you all?
  • Go on a walk and look for signs of spring. What did you see?

5th March 2018

  • Practise ordering numbers to 20. Can you find one more and one less? Can you find two more or two less?
  • Practise retelling the story of ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff.’ Can you remember to use story language?
  • Draw a picture of your mum or a motherly figure in your life. Write about why they are special to you.

26th February 2018

  • Have a go at ordering objects or people by height at home. Try estimating who is going to be tallest or shortest first. Were you right?
  • Share your favourite story at home and bring it in for us all to share in school. Can you tell us all why you like it?
  • Paint a picture at home using colours that you have mixed. Which colours did you use?


Spring 1

Welcome back and Happy New Year to all our children and their families. 

This term we are beginning with a new topic "Great and Ghastly Events." We will begin by focusing on traditional tales with great or ghastly events in them, starting with The Gingerbread Man. 

Weekly Bulletin:

5th February 2018

This week we are…

  • Continuing to think about what our value of ‘Quality’ means.
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and practising using them to read and write independently.
  • Consolidating our knowledge about 3D shapes.
  • Writing speech bubbles for Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf.
  • Learning about the significance of Pancake day and making and tasting our own pancakes.
  • Learning how to move over and under equipment safely in PE.

29th January 2018

  • Thinking about our new value of ‘Quality’ and what this means to us.
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and practising using them to read and write independently.
  • Learning how to double an amount.
  • Reading and retelling the story of Little Red Riding Hood.
  • Exploring instruments and the different sounds they can make.
  • Walking to Howe Park Woods to investigate nature in Winter.
  • Continuing to tell the story of ‘The Gingerbread man’ through movement to music.

22nd January 2018

  • we are thinking about how we can be good learners.
  • we are continuing with our Gingerbread man dance in P.E, creating moves to represent the sly fox.
  • we are learning to recognise small value coins.
  • we are writing about how the fox is feeling in the The Gingerbread Man story.
  • Using ICT to create our own images of the Gingerbread Man.

15th January 2018

  • Thinking about our new value of co-operation.
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and practising using them to read and write independently.
  • Learning how to subtract.
  • Writing our own version of the Gingerbread man.
  • Making our own gingerbread men and talking about how the mixture changes as it is cooked.
  • Walking to Howe Park Woods to investigate nature in Winter.
  • Continuing to tell the story of ‘The Gingerbread man’ through movement to music.

8th January 2018

  • Thinking about our new value of gratitude.
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and practising using them to read and write independently.
  • Learning how to find the total of two amounts.
  • Retelling and reading parts of The Gingerbread man and then altering the story to write our own version.
  • Developing our fine motor skills while cutting and making our own split pin gingerbread men.
  • Sharing our photographs of celebrations at home with our class.
  • Telling the story of ‘The Gingerbread man’ through movement to music.

To Do List:

5th February 2018

  • Take a picture of, or bring in a 3D shape from home. What shape is it and how do you know?
  • Talk about pancake day. Does your child know the significance of it? Have a go at making some pancakes or discuss your favourite filling.
  • Go on a technology hunt around your home. Make a list of what you see or take photographs. Please bring this into school so we can share it.

29th January 2018

  • We are going to talk about hibernating animals on our walk. Find out which animals hibernate and draw a picture of one of them.
  • Practise forming letters 1-9 correctly.
  • Ask your child to show you the gingerbread man dance we have been learning. Can they remember all the moves?

22nd January 2018

  • Ask an adult at home if you can sort some coins. Can you find 1p coins, 2p coins, 5p coins and 10p coins?
  • Help make a list of things that you need at the shops. Don’t forget to use your Fred fingers to help you hear all the sounds!
  • Create your own gingerbread man using your choice of materials.

15th January 2018

  • Ask your child to learn and retell a story they know well. Can they retell it to us at school?
  • We are making biscuits this week. Can you bake something else at home and talk about how the ingredients change?
  • Play a game involving dice and adding and taking away.

8th January 2018

  • Ask your child if they can retell the story of ‘The Gingerbread Man’ to you. Can they remember any of the actions?
  • Talk about festivals that you celebrate in your family. Is there anywhere special you go or something special that you wear or eat?
  • See which numbers you can spot in the environment. How far can you go?


Autumn 2

This week the children have enjoyed searching for patterns in the environment and making their own. They have also been practicing using their sounds to complete their first piece of completely independent writing about fireworks. They have done so well, we are very proud of them. Next week we will begin thinking about Space by looking at the 'Aliens Love Underpants' story. 

Welcome back, we hope you all had a fabulous half term. This week the children have enjoyed exploring pumpkin soup and on Wednesday we made and tasted some! Have a look at the photographs below. 

 Our first topic this year will be 'Amazing Places, Amazing Spaces.' We will begin by looking at life under the sea. Please find our termly newsletter here. 


To see what we are doing each week, please click on this week's 'Weekly Bulletin'.  If you would like some ideas of how to support your child with the learning we are doing in school, please click on this week's 'To Do List'.


Weekly Bulletin:

11th December 2017

  • Reading stories with a Christmas theme.
  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and using them to write words and sentences.
  • Making and decorating party hats to wear during our Christmas lunch.
  • Writing Christmas cards.
  • Going to our first whole school assembly to celebrate Christmas together.
  • Hoping to enjoy a film and popcorn for our reward afternoon.

4th December 2017

  • Learning about the difference between 2D (flat) and 3D (fat) shapes.
  • Learning to describe and name 3D shapes.
  • Consolidating our sounds in our Read Write Inc lessons and using them to write words and sentences.
  • Practising and performing our Christmas play.
  • Making Christmas cards.
  • Learning about Christingle and making our own.
  • Thinking of our value of Hope and how we can show this value in school.

27th November 2017

  • Introducing the language of addition and the mathematical symbols for add and equals.
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and practising blending to read words.
  • Reading and retelling the story of The First Christmas.
  • Practising our Christmas songs and learning our parts.
  • Making simple tree decorations.
  • Thinking of our value of Hope and how we can show this value in school.

20th November 2017

  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and practising blending to read words.
  • Beginning to think about adding two amounts and finding a total.
  • Listening for rhyming words in stories and making a rhyming string.
  • Practising our Christmas songs and learning about the Christmas story.
  • Practising our throwing and catching skills.

13th November 2017

  • Continuing to think about our new value of self-control.
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and practising blending to read words.
  • Learning to recognise 2D shapes and how to describe them.
  • Using our sounds to write a description of an alien.
  • Thinking about our new amazing place- Space. We will be creating star pictures using printing techniques.
  • Practising our throwing and catching skills.

6th November 2017

  • Continuing to think about our new value of self-control.
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and learning the sounds that the letters ng and nk make. We will be practising saying the sounds out loud and putting them together to read a word.
  • Learning to recognise patterns, talk about patterns and make patterns of our own.
  • Using our sounds to write a description of fireworks.
  • Using ipads to create firework pictures.
  • Printing to create our own poppy pictures after we have talked about Remembrance day.
  • Practising our throwing and catching skills.

30th October 2017

  • Continuing to think about our new value of Kindness.
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and learning the sounds that the letters z, ch, qu, x and ng make. We will be practising saying the sounds out loud and putting them together to read a word.
  • Learning about capacity and what the words full, empty and half full mean.
  • Retelling the story of Pumpkin soup using puppets and masks.
  • Exploring and describing pumpkins and making pumpkin soup!
  • Practising our throwing and catching skills.

Previously in Early Years...

Autumn 1

16th October 2017

  • Thinking about our new value of Kindness.
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and learning the sounds that the letters e, l, h, sh and r make. We will be practising saying the sounds out loud and putting them together to read a word.
  • Learning how to find one more and one less of an amount.
  • Retelling the story of The Gruffalo using puppets.
  • Printing our charity Christmas cards
  • Learning and practising ‘The Gruffalo Song’ with the children.
  • Telling the story of ‘The Gruffalo’ through movement to music.

9th October 2017

  • Continuing to about our new value of ‘Honesty.’
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and learning the sounds that the letters e, l, h, sh and r make. We will be practising saying the sounds out loud and putting them together to read a word.
  • Learning how to recognise and form numbers 1-10.
  • Reading the story of ‘The Gruffalo’ and using the sounds to label the characters.
  • Looking for signs of Autumn when we walk to our forest school area and will be investigating wooded areas.
  • Using natural materials to create pictures and printing with leaves.
  • Practising moving in different ways as a ‘Gruffalo.’

2nd October 2017

  • Thinking about our new value of ‘Honesty.’
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and learning the sounds that the letters c, k, u, b and f make.
  • Recognising numbers to 10 and talking about what the words ‘more’ and ‘fewer’ mean.
  • Retelling the story of ‘The Rainbow Fish’ and answering questions about the story.
  • Practising writing our names and forming letters correctly.
  • Learning songs about the sea that teach us about rhythm.
  • Practising finding a space in our PE lessons and moving in different ways.

25th September 2017

  • Continuing to learn about our new value of Trust and what this means.
  • Continuing our Read Write Inc lessons and learning the sounds that the letters i, n, p, g and o make.
  • Practising counting objects carefully and accurately.
  • Listening to the story of ‘The Rainbow Fish’ and thinking about being a good friend.
  • Learning how to use the mud kitchen.
  • Learning to get changed for our first PE lesson!
  • Practising writing our name.


18th September 2017 

To do list: 

11th December 2017

  • Think about the festivals you celebrate with your family. Bring a photograph in to share with the class.
  • Christmas is a time for giving and thinking about others. Can you make a card or gift for someone else?
  • You’ve nearly finished your first term at school. Think about everything you have enjoyed learning about this term. Draw a picture of it.

4th December 2017

  • Help put the shopping away. First get all the shopping that is cylindrical in shape (cans). Next gather all the shopping that is packed in cuboids (cereal and pasta boxes) and lastly can you find any food that is spherical in shape (onions, oranges and apples)?
  • On your way to school look out for signs of winter. Draw a picture of what you find and label it.
  • This week our value is hope. We are coming to the end of your first term at school. Think about what you have achieved and what you hope to achieve next year.

27th November 2017

  • Ask your child if they can sing any of our Christmas songs to you. If your child has a speaking part in the play, practise saying them loudly, clearly and from memory.
  • Ask your child to retell the story of the first Christmas to you.
  • Using lego, fruit or any other objects, ask your child to separate 5 objects in different ways. For example, 2 + 3. How many ways can they find? Can they tell you which part is the ‘whole’ and which are the ‘parts’?

20th November 2017

  • Read a nursery rhyme together. Can you hear any rhyming words?
  • Practise adding two small amounts together. For example, have a look in the fruit bowl. How many apples are there? How many oranges? How many pieces of fruit are there altogether?
  • Practise zipping up jumpers and coats ready for the cold weather.

13th November 2017

  • Go on a shape hunt. Which shapes can you find around your home? Can you take a photograph of them and bring them in to show us?
  • We are learning about Space. Find out an amazing fact and be ready to come and tell us about it.
  • We are going to be reading the story “Aliens Love Underpants.” Design your own alien and make it using a method of your choice. You could use junk modelling, collage or paint. Bring in your alien to show your class.

6th November 2017

  • Go on a pattern hunt. Which patterns can you find around your home? Can you take a photograph of them and bring them in to show us?
  • If you went to a firework display at the weekend, talk about what you saw, what you smelt and what you could hear.
  • We have been reading stories and books about pumpkins, autumn and fireworks. Can you find a book that you would like to share with your class?

30th October 2017

  • Ask your child of they can retell the story of ‘Pumpkin Soup’ to you.
  • Make a pumpkin or vegetable soup. Ask your child to tell you if the contained are full, empty or half empty and how do they know?
  • Please teach your child to get changed by themselves, including how to turn their clothes round if they are inside out!


Previously in Early Years...

Autumn 1

16th October 2017

  • Ask your child of they can retell the story of The Gruffalo to you.
  • Practise making a tower of cubes, duplo or lego and asking your child to add one more. How many do you have now?
  • Practise saying the sounds in your sound book every night.

9th October 2017

  • Go for a walk in your local area. What signs of Autumn can you see? Did you spot any animals?
  • Practise counting out a small amount from a larger group of objects. For example count out 6 conkers from a pile of 10.
  • Practise saying the sounds in your sound book every night.
  • Make sure all items of PE kit are clearly named.

2nd October 2017

  • Practise recognising numbers around you- go on a number hunt. Take a picture of the numbers you find and bring them in!
  • What animals live under the sea? Draw a picture of your favourite sea creature and talk to your adult about it.
  • Go to the library and find a book or use the internet to find out about the amazing space under the sea.

25th September 2017

  • Practise writing your name by yourself and forming the letters in your sound book.
  • Practise counting things you can hear…for example, ask your grown up to drop a small number of coins into a tin. How many did you hear? Check by counting carefully.
  • Read your new reading book with your grown up. Talk about what you can see in the picture and make up a story. 

Week beginning Monday 18th September


Summer Term 2

Weekly Bulletin:

WC: 10/07/17

WC: 03/07/17

WC: 26/06/17

WC: 19/06/17

WC: 12/06/17

To Do List:

WC: 10/07/17

WC: 03/07/17

WC: 26/06/17


WC: 12/06/17

Summer Term 1

Weekly Bulletin:

WC: 05/06/17

WC: 22/05/17

WC: 15/05/17

WC: 08/05/17

WC: 02/05/17

WC: 24/04/17

To Do List:

WC: 05/06/17

WC: 22/05/17

WC: 15/05/17

WC: 08/05/17

WC: 02/05/17

WC: 24/04/17


Our topic this term is 'Heroes and Heroines', to see our Spring 2017 newsletter and curriculum overview, please click here.


To see what we are doing this week, please click on this week's 'Weekly Bulletin'.  If you would like some ideas of how to support your child with the learning we are doing in school, please click on this week's 'To Do List'.

Spring Term 2


Weekly Bulletin:

WC: 18.04.17

WC: 27/03/17

WC: 20/03/17

WC: 13/03/17

WC: 06/03/17

WC: 27/02/17

To Do List:

WC: 18/04/17

WC: 27/03/17

WC: 20/03/17

WC: 13/03/17

WC: 06/03/17

WC: 27/02/17

Spring Term 1

Happy Chinese New Year!

The children in Foundation have had lots of fun celebrating Chinese New Year.  Today we all had a chance to try a variety of Chinese food, we had: spring rolls, prawn crackers, chow mein and rice.

Autumn Term 2

To see what we are doing this week, please click on this week's 'Weekly Bulletin'.  If you would like some ideas of how to support your child with the learning we are doing in school, please click on this week's 'To Do List'.

This half term we have been very busy.

In maths we have been thinking about capacity. We made potions and filled containers up so that they were full, half full and empty. We have also worked on length and height. The children have solved one more and one less problems.

In Literacy, we have been retelling simple stories and writing words using our Fred fingers! The children have enjoyed using their new writing skills in our role play areas!

The specialist P.E teacher has shown us lots of different ways to travel. Ask your child to show you how they can be a 'happy hopper', 'jolly jogger' and a 'super skipper'.

The run up to Christmas has been very exciting. We have been rehearsing our Christmas nativity play,  'Whoops a Daisy Angel' and making some special presents to take home.


Weekly Bulletin

WC: 5/12/16

WC: 12/12/16

To Do List

WC: 5/12/16

WC: 12/12/16



Autumn Term 1 

The new Foundation children are doing a fabulous job of settling in Foundation and you should be very proud of them!

Each child has now been issued a reading book, please try to listen to your child read every day and record this in your child's reading diary.  Listening to your child read frequently, really helps with progression!

We are really enjoying learning about moving in different ways in our Physical Education (P.E.) lessons, please ensure your child's P.E. kit is in school every day so they can join in with every part of the lesson.

Our topic this term is 'All Around the World', to see our Autumn 2016 newsletter and curriculum overview, please click here.



Characteristics of Effective Learning

Foundation have been busy exploring the different activities which help us to learn, please have a look through our photos to see what we have been doing.